您所在的位置: 首页> 新闻列表> 加拿大的名校各省分布及top10名校本科申请要求
1. UBC大学/本科申请成功率50%
UBC大学,全球TOP30大学,加拿大最美大学,加拿大 常青藤 大学,每年申请UBC大学的国内同学最多,但录取率并不低,相比较多伦多大学、皇后大学、麦吉尔大学这些顶尖大学,UBC大学的录取率最高,根据经验,如学生仅能符合学校最低录取条件,并在专业机构的指导下专业申请,录取率可达到50%以上,这个数字远远超过了美国常青藤大学的录取率,因此也是加拿大最好申请的常青藤大学,不过也因此,UBC大学也是加拿大淘汰率较高的大学。专家总结,2012-2013年度,UBC大学本科常见申请专业如下:
Bachelor of Commerce
Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting(Sauder School of Business)
Bachelor of Science-Geography
Bachelor of Applied Science, Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Science in Food Nutrition and Health/ Bachelor of Commerce
Bachelor of Commerce in Finance
Bachelor of Commerce in Finance
Bachelor of Business Computer Science (Bachelor of Commerce),Bachelor of Computer Science(Bachelor of Science)
Bachelor of Commerce
Bachelor of Science , Major Computer Science
Bachelor of Science/ Bachelor of Commerce
Bachelor of Commerce
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science (Economics)
Bachelor of Economics
BA of Commerce
Bachelor of Computer Science/Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Bachelor of Engineering
Bachelor of Finance
Bachelor of Commerce-Accounting(第一选择);Bachelor of Electronical Engineering(Vancouver)
Bachelor of Commerce(general);Bachelor of Science(general)
Bachelor of Science in Food, Nutrition and Health
Bachelor of Mathematics(Vancouver-BSc)
Bachelor of Applied Science in Material Engineering/Civil Engineering
Bachelor of Commerce in Marketing
Bachelor of Commerce in Finance
Bachelor of Commerce
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering(Vancuver)
Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting
Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Commerce in Finance
Bachelor of Applied Scince
Bachelor of Mathematical Economics(CAP)
Bachelor of Commerce-B. Com.
Bachelor of Management -B. Mgt.
Bachelor of Science-Computer Science/Bachelor of Arts-Mathematics
Bachelor of Food and Nutritional Sciences(Vancuver)
Bachelor of Arts in Economics(Vancuver)
2. SFU大学/本科申请成功率40%
Bachlelor of Science in computer Science
BBA in Management Information Systems
BA,in Communication
BSC-Computer Science
BSC Acturial Science
BSc in Computer Science
BA in Sociology
Bachelor of Arts
3. 维多利亚大学/本科直录申请成功率80%
加拿大维多利亚大学(University of Victoria)是加拿大省会大学,地处BC省省会维多利亚,校园环境优美,三面环海,校园东行十五分钟是辽阔的海滩公园,是加拿大数一数二注重本科和硕士大学,和UBC、SFU并称加拿大BC省最优秀的三所大学。
VICTORIA要求提高会考,建议提供高考,直接录取要求是6.5(6),托福 90(20),对于未达到语言要求的学生,提供了本科直通车和语言双录取两种方式。专家介绍,维多利亚大学本科录取率高,往年经验,如果达到学校录取标准,录取率80%左右,维多利亚大学本科常申请的本科专业如下:
Bachelor of History in Art
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor of Business
Bachelor of Social Science in Economics
BSc in Computer Science
Bachelor of Social Science in Environmental Studies
BCom in Accounting
BSc in Statistics
Bachelor of Biology
BCom in Hospitality Management
Bachelor of Social Science in Economics
BSc in Statistics
BA in Sociology
BEng in Mechanical Engineering
BEng in Biomedical Engineering
Bachelor of Enterprese Management Program
Bcom with Sepcialization in Hospitality Services Management
BSc in Health Information Science
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲