


2017/06/21 05:19:13 编辑: 澳洲 浏览次数:649 移动端




商学、经济与法律学专业(Faculty of Business, Economics Law):

工商管理学士(Bachelor of Business Management)

商学学士(Bachelor of Commerce)

经济学学士(Bachelor of Economics)

国际酒店与旅游管理学士(Bachelor of International Hotel Tourism Management)

工程、建筑与信息技术专业(Faculty of Engineering, Architecture Information Technology):

建筑设计学士(Bachelor of Architectural Design)

工程学学士(Bachelor of Engineering)

信息技术学士(Bachelor of Information Technology)

多媒体设计学士(Bachelor of Multimedia Design)

健康与行为科学专业(Faculty of Health Behavioural Sciences):

人类服务学士(Bachelor of Human Services)

药学学士(Bachelor of Pharmacy)

心理学学士(Bachelor of Psychological Science)

社工学士(Bachelor of Social Work)

人文与社会科学专业(Faculty of Humanities Social Sciences):

艺术学学士(St Lucia校区)(Bachelor of Arts (St Lucia))

传播学学士(Bachelor of Communication)

教育学学士(Bachelor of Education (Middle Years of Schooling))

国际研究学士(Bachelor of International Studies)

新闻学学士(Bachelor of Journalism)

社会科学学士(Bachelor of Social Science)

医学与生物科学专业(Faculty of Medical Biomedical Sciences):

健康科学学士(Bachelor of Health Sciences)

理科专业(Faculty of Science):

综合农业学士(Gatton校区)(Bachelor of Agribusiness (Gatton))

农业科学荣誉学士(Gatton校区)(Bachelor of Agricultural Science (Honours) (Gatton))

应用科学学士(Bachelor of Applied Science)

生物医疗科学学士(Bachelor of Biomedical Science)

生物技术学士(Bachelor of Biotechnology)

环境科学荣誉学士(Bachelor of Environmental Science (Honours))

食品技术学士(Bachelor of Food Technology)

职业健康与安全荣誉学士(Bachelor of Occupational Health Safety (Honours))

城市规划学士(Bachelor of Regional Town Planning)

理学学士(Bachelor of Science)


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