


2017/06/21 02:11:42 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:355 移动端


Pop one s clogs 被誉为是最英国的一句俚语,有超过50多年的历史,意思是死亡或去世。 例子:By all means enjoy a partnership with a popular celebrity but if said famous person s clogs decide to pop, you may want to consider cancelling that scheduled post. That went down a treat 一般很少用于美国的俚语,多用来形容食物值得一试,而且treat一般只用单数。 例子:We are gratul that she has forked out for the baby s blanket/gonk needs, and so won t bother to question why she has failed to give me the boxset of classic episodes of The Banana Splits, which I had specifically hinted would go down a treat. Take the mickey out of someone 也是一个在美国很少见到的俚语,意思是开某人的玩笑或者取笑某人。 例子:That phrase has come back to haunt me on many mickey-taking occasions since. Itchy feet 这句俚语多用来形容一个人想要尝试新鲜的事情。 例子:I tend to get itchy feet after 18 months so there must be something special about Football Focus we re here today and I ve still got butterflies in my stomach. At a loose end 这句话可以形容你很闷或者没有任何事情可以做。 例子:He s been at a loose end ever since he retired. Another string to your bow 用于形容你有另一样求生或者生存技能,特指可以帮到你求职方面的技能。 例子:I m learning French so I ll have another string to my bow. As the actress said to the bishop 等同于英语中另一个短语 That s what she said 的意思,多使用于英国,用来做强调之用。 例子:Heavens, that s a big one as the actress said to the bishop. Cheap as chips 字面意思就容易理解,用来形容遇到再便宜不过的东西时候的激动,多半用在感叹某样东西已经便宜到家了。 例子:Only a fiver for a ticket cheap as chips mate! Look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves 与其说是俚语,不如说这句话是老一辈经常教育年轻人所用的一句经典,字面意思其实已经很明确,就是不要浪费一分一毫,因为这些钱省下来都会是很可观的一笔费用。其实也有点像中国的一句老话:积水成渊,积土成山。 Nosy parker 这个词是形容那些喜欢管人家闲事的人,如果你实在受不了有些人嘻嘻歪歪喜欢嚼舌头,那么你就可以说他们是nosy parker。 例子:Stop being such a nosy parker! They re having a private conversation!
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