


2017/06/21 00:25:13 编辑: 浏览次数:949 移动端

President Xi delivers speech at G20 banquet


Dear Colleagues,

Distinguished Guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Dear Friends,


Good evening!


On this much-anticipated night, we are gathered here by the West Lake on the occasion of the 11th G20 Summit. Let me extend, on behalf of the Government and people of China and my wife, and also in my own name, warmest welcome to all distinguished guests.


Known as Paradise on Earth , Hangzhou boasts[1] enchanting landscape and rich cultural heritage. The Top Ten Scenic Spots of the West Lake each have their own unique charm, whether viewed up close or from a distance. Connecting them are the age-old and elegant bridges. The bridges are the very inspiration for the logo of this Summit.

杭州素有 人间天堂 美誉,湖光山色、人文美景俯拾皆是,西湖十景或近观、或远眺,引人无限遐思,流连忘返。连通这些美景的是一座座历史悠久、造型优美的桥,本届峰会会标的设计灵感就来源于此。

Paradise on Earth


The Top Ten Scenic Spots of the West Lake


The G20 is just like a bridge that brings us together from different parts of the world. It is a bridge of friendship, from here we sow the seeds of friendship across the world to enhance mutual trust and amity, and bring each other ever closer. It is a bridge of cooperation, here, we discuss plans, strengthen coordination and deepen cooperation for win-win outcomes. It is also a bridge leading to the future, from here we will forge ahead like passengers in the same boat, and embrace an even brighter future.


Hangzhou has close ties with many of the countries represented here. Let me give you a couple of examples.


Over 400 years ago, in 1583, the Italian Matteo Ricci came to China, and in 1599, he noted down a Chinese saying, Up in Heaven there s paradise, down on earth there re Suzhou and Hangzhou. It is believed that he was the first Westerner to record the saying and make it known to the outside world.

400多年前,1583年,意大利人利玛窦来到中国,他于1599年记述了 上有天堂,下有苏杭 的说法,据说这是首个记录、传播这句话的西方人。

Again, 400 years ago, the German city of Kreld started silk trade with Hangzhou.


140 years ago, in June, 1876, Mr. John Leighton Stuart, the former US Ambassador to China, was born here in Hangzhou. He went on to live in China for over 50 years, and was buried in Hangzhou.


Over 90 years ago, in April, 1924, the Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore visited the West Lake. He liked the lake so much that he wrote many poems about it. One beautiful poem reads, The hills are shrouded in mist and embraced by the lake at foot, the water is waving gently with the breeze as if asking the hills to move, but the proud hills stand still. Tagore also said he wanted to buy a lakeside cottage and spend some time there.

90多年前,1924年4月,印度诗人泰戈尔先生游览了西湖,特别喜欢并写下了不少诗,其中一首写得很好, 山站在那,高入云中,水在他的脚下,随风飘荡,好像请求他似的,但他高傲地不动 ,他还表示想在西湖边买个小屋,住上几天。

Over 20 years ago, in October, 1992, the late South African President Nelson Mandela visited Hangzhou. After a tour of the West Lake, he said that he could stay here for his entire life.

20多年前,1992年10月,南非前总统曼德拉先生来到杭州,游览了西湖后表示, 愿意在这里住上一辈子 。

As we gather in Hangzhou, we have on our shoulders high expectations from people all over the world. We have come here for a common mission. At this critical juncture for the world economy and international economic cooperation, it is imperative[2] that the G20 take the lead and blaze a new trail in fostering an innovative, invigorated, interconnected and inclusive world economy, and a new round of robust growth.


We have come here for closer partnership. The spirit of partnership and solidarity in times of difficulty is the most-valued asset of the G20. We need to follow a win-win approach and work toward the long-term goals of boosting growth and development. It is crucial that we enhance mutual understanding, expand consensus, and form synergy.


We have come here for the vision of a community of shared future for mankind. The world today is undergoing profound changes never seen bore. The G20 is duty-bound to lead the world forward, drive global development and contribute more to the cause of common prosperity and progress of mankind.


My Dear Colleagues,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Dear Friends,


The G20 members differ in national conditions and development stages, just in the same way as Hangzhou s sceneries vary from one another. The world economy has its ups and downs, just like the changing weather at the West Lake. It is never easy to handle complexities, but as long as we rise above the floating clouds and look far, we will enjoy the beautiful view of hills and waters. As long as we accommodate each other and stick together, come rain or shine, we will make steady progress and reach our destination together.


Hangzhou in the autumn, as we can still feel the lingering heat of summer, we can still see beautiful lotus. An ancient poet once said that we can see a vast swath of lotus on the river. We have started our productive discussions this afternoon, and I m sure that much can be expected from our meeting tomorrow. We have we are here by the side of the Qiantang River, the most charming episode about this river is the rising tides in July and August. We should ride the tide of the world economy, set the pace for world development with our wisdom, and write a new chapter for global economic governance.

秋日的杭州,仍可感受到夏季的热情。看到盛开的荷花,中国宋代诗人曾描写西湖荷花是 接天莲叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红 。今天下午,我们已经开始了富有成效的讨论,明天的交流同样令人期待。钱塘江,我们路过了,最具魅力的是七、八月的潮水。我们二十国集团领导人齐聚钱塘江畔,要做世界经济的弄潮儿,以我们的智慧引领世界发展潮流,为全球经济治理书写新的篇章。

Now, please join me in a toast:


To a better future of the world economy,


To the G20 cooperation,


To the success of the Hangzhou Summit,


and to the health of all the distinguished guests and your families.






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