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商业分析专业的兴起和互联网时代乃至移动互联网时代的到来不无关系,随着互联网的发展,越来越多的数据产生,而能够有效分析这些数据并将他们应用于商业的人才却极其短缺,在这种趋势下,有不少学校开始开设商业分析专业(Business Analysis,简称BA)。
商业分析旨在培养商业分析的高级人才,商业分析是商科与数据科学技术的交叉学科,商业分析能使数据分析工作更具有预测潜力,从而提高公司财务业绩、战略管理能力、和提高运营效率。像Amazon、Google和Capital One这些企业围绕商业分析及数据分析手段建立了一整套的商业模型。
商业模型是一个理论工具,它包含大量的商业元素及它们之间的关系,并且能够描述特定公司的商业模式。它能显示一个公司在以下一个或多个方面的价值所在: 客户,公司结构,以及,以营利和可持续性盈利为目的,用以生产,销售,传递价值及关系资本的客户网。
Big data analysis and evidence based decision making are critical skills for rising business managers. Do you want to learn advanced data analytics skills to tame and transform big data into smart insights for executive decision making?
If yes, take a look at Weatherhead School of Management's newest program, the Master of Science in Management - Business Analytics (MSM-Business Analytics). The MSM-Business Analytics is a full-time, 33-credit-hour, STEM-eligible program that can be completed in 11 months (see program curriculum and course sequence).
Use state-of-the-art open source and commercial statistical and visualization software (e.g., CPLEX, ARENA, R, SPSS, SAS, Stata) to build business analytics skills
The MSM-Business Analytics is an 11-month, 33-credit-hour, lock-step program that includes three interlocking modules:
1) business core (12 credit hours),
2) analytics core (9 credit hours) and
3) applied business analytics (12 credit hours).
The Business Core provides students with a holistic understanding of the underlying business context necessary for succeeding in any industry.
The Analytics Core equips students with the general data handling, data presentation and analysis skills, and the courses in Applied Business Analytics build off of these general skills to improve the students' ability to make decisions in the two most common application areas: marketing and operations.
The three overlapping circles emphasize our program's goals:
building applied analytical skills
for intelligent business decision making
using a wide range of tools appropriate for today's business data.
The program is delivered through a range of open source and commercial statistical software (e.g., R, SPSS, SAS, Stata), preparing students with the necessary user expertise to excel in analyst positions across industries.
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Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲