


刚刚更新 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:583 移动端
许多同学都有名校情结。排名高、声望好的学校自然是许多留学生的首选。位列英国前五的Imperial College London, 一直以来都是成绩优异的学生们心向往之的高等学府。 IC严格的录取要求同时也让很多学生望而却步,尤其是IC的business school对学生的学术条件,专业背景都会仔细考量。不论IC录取要求有多变态,申请前做好充足的准备才是王道。 如何准备文书? 申请商学院不仅需要递交个人陈述,推荐信,CV,成绩单等,还需要在网申的时候回答一些career planning questions,所以一定要再网申前做好充足的准备。下面就是需要回到的一些问题: 1. Please describe your short term career goals as specifically as possible (what you hope to do immediately after the MSc and for the next 3 years). 2. How do your short term career goals (over the next 3 years) fit in with your longer term career plan. 3. Please tell us how your extra-curricular activities (clubs, societies, voluntary work, participation in sport etc) have contributed to your personal development. 4. What has been your proudest achievement in the last 4 years? (Please do not exceed 300 words per answer.) 此外,申请商学院的某些专业,如MSc Risk Management Financial Engineering时,在网申的时候,学校会考量你的专业水平(其他学校的网申都没有出现过呢)。网申中会有专门的一块,问你是否有Quantitative skills,具体问题看下面的截图。


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