


2017/06/20 19:08:11 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:329 移动端

食品科学是利用生物、化学等学科知识和基本规律来更好的了解食品加工知识,最终达到为大众改善食物产品的目的的一门学科。下面一起来看看食品科学与工程专业 院校申请相关解析吧。


食品化学 Food chemistry;食品微生物 Food microbiology;食品安全 Food safety;食品加工 Food processing;食品工程 Food engineering;乳品学Dairy science;葡萄酒酿造viniculture;感官科学Sensory Science。



申请背景:硬件:托福/雅思 GPA GRE





GPA: 没有最低分数要求 TOEFL: 77 GRE: 没有最低分数要

建议分数: GPA: 3.5 TOEFL: 100 GRE: 320+3.0


GPA: 80 TOEFL: 80 GRE: 没有最低分数要 GPA: 3.5

建议分数:GPA: 3.5 TOEFL: 100 GRE: 315+3.0


GPA: 3.0 TOEFL: 92 GRE: 148+148+3.5

建议分数:GPA: 3.5 TOEFL: 100 GRE: 315+3.0


GPA: 3.0 TOEFL: 80 GRE

建议分数:GPA: 3.0+ TOEFL: 90+ GRE: 315+3.0


Master of Science (M.S.)

The Field of Food Science and Technology offers MS degrees in Food Science with the following concentrations. Click on the concentrations below to learn more.

■General Food Science

■Food Chemistry

■Food Microbiology

■Food Engineering

■Dairy Science

■Food Processing Waste Technology

■International Food Science

■Sensory Evaluation


Students in the M.S. degree program are expected to complete their degree requirements in two years but may be allowed up to four years to complete all requirements. Candidates for the M.S. degree are paired with a committee chair (major advisor) within the field and select one minor advisor. There are no general course requirements for the M.S. degree; instead, students select classes with the help of their special committee based on background and interests.

M.S. candidates must meet the following field and Graduate School requirements:

■Completion of a minimum of 2 registration units

■Maintain a minimum grade point average of 2.7

■Completion of the degree within four years of admission

■Enrollment in at least 12 credits per semester, not including audited classes.

■Enrollment in FDSC 6000, Seminar, each semester

■Enrollment in FDSC 6010, Principles and Applications of Food Science and Technology, during the first fall semester

■Gain experience as a teaching assistant for at least one semester

■Present a public seminar during FDSC 6000 or a special seminar

■Yearly completion of Annual Report

■Understanding of core competencies in food science

■Successful completion of two exams:

1.MS Q exam completed bore the start of the second semester

2.MS exam taken after completing all degree requirements

■Satisfactory completion of a thesis under the supervision of the Special Committee

■Students should consult the Graduate School website for specific information regarding the completion of degree and submission of the thesis




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