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1月18日,国家主席习近平夫人、世界卫生组织结核病和艾滋病防治亲善大使(goodwill ambassador)彭丽媛应世界卫生组织总干事陈冯富珍和联合国艾滋病规划署执行主任西迪贝邀请,在瑞士日内瓦出席为她举行的亲善大使任期续延暨颁奖仪式。



Director-General Margaret Chan, Executive Director Michel Sidibe:


It's a great honor to be back. I am deeply humbled by your kind words.


Dr. Chan and Mr. Sidibe, you are the real champions in the fight to end killer disease and keep our world healthy and safe.


It's been a privilege to work with you and everyone else in this room.


Standing here five and a half years ago, when WHO named me Goodwill Ambassador, I said, I hope to contribute to the great work of WHO in saving lives from TB and HIV/AIDS, and help those most at risk.

五年半前, 同样在这里, 世卫组织任命我为结核病和艾滋病防治亲善大使。在任命仪式上,我表示, 我希望为世卫组织救治结核病和艾滋病患者的伟大工作尽一份力,并帮助那些最高危的人群。

Bore that, I had been China's ambassador for HIV/AIDS for five years and TB for four years.


So, I knew what we were up against and what would happen if we did not work hard or act fast enough.

因此,我十分了解世界在抗击结核与艾滋病方面所面临的挑战, 也知道如果人们不采取行动或行动不够及时,会导致什么样的后果。

Since 2006, I have been to high-risk places, villages, hospitals, patients' homes, community centers, schools and universities and research centers to understand the challenge and call for action.


I have seen pain and fear in children's eyes, medical experts busy at work, volunteers my daughter's age and world leaders coming together on health issues.


What I have seen in the past 11 years tells me that even without cure for AIDS, and easy treatment for MDR-TB, we can save lives and bring viral load to zero, if we take the right action.

过去十一年的经历证明尽管还未找到治愈艾滋的办法, 尽管耐多结核的治疗难度很大,我们能挽救生命,甚至将病毒载量降低为零,只要我们采取正确的措施。

As I said in 2015 at the UN, a caring heart is our best weapon against AIDS. Fighting disease is an ongoing process.


And it must be a joint fort. I'm gratul to WHO and UNAIDS for letting me be part of the great work you do and to my country's government for supporting my work as Goodwill Ambassador.


China has come a long way.


It met the MDG for TB control five years ahead of schedule.


It offers free HIV testing for free counseling and free treatment to cut mother-to-child transmission. And it gives free education to AIDS orphans.


As a result, fewer and fewer people die from the two diseases or suffer discrimination.


China appreciates the help from WHO and UNAIDS and will remain your strong partner.


Through this job, I have witnessed how much the world can do together to make a difference.


In December 2015, we invited 30 African AIDS orphans to a summer camp in Beijing.

2015年12月,中方邀请30名非洲艾滋病孤儿来华参加在北京举行的 爱在阳光下 夏令营活动。

Seven months later, in July 2016, 30 African children and 30 Chinese children got together, and spent a wonderful week together.

七个月后,2016年7月, 30名非洲儿童和30名中国儿童相聚在一起,共同度过了一周美好的时光。

I watched them sing and dance, and made Chinese paper art with them.


When I stood next to them and saw their smiling faces, I kept telling myself, whether these boys and girls can live a happy and healthy life will decide what our planet will look like.


Knowing that these children will not be lt behind gives us hope for an AIDS-and TB-free generation.

只要他们不被遗忘,我们就有希望实现 零艾滋 、 零结核 的目标。

This is my 12th year advocating against TB and HIV/AIDS. It's a job that requires hard work,patience and devotion.


I know my responsibility has increased, but so has my commitment and confidence.


More and more people will join us in this important endeavor. It is not just a battle about the well-being of those affected. It is a battle about the future of humanity.


We must succeed, and we will succeed.


This is what I would like to share with you today.


Thank you.


彭丽媛演讲的过程中, 陈冯富珍一直在点头、在赞许。同时,很多人竖起大拇指称:讲得非常精彩!

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