


2017/06/20 18:02:30 编辑: 澳洲 浏览次数:206 移动端

为了给学生提供更加优质的学习环境,和文凭课程(Monash College Diploma)打包的MEB课程将永久搬到墨尔本市中心校区(City Campus)。

MUFY Standard 语言要求将做调整

Monash College has advised of the change to the English requirement for MUFY Standard for students starting in January 2018 onwards. This change has been updated on the intranet and will be applied for new applications received from the 1st of March 2017. Conditional offfers already in the pipeline will be honoured with the old English requirement. Monash College currently outlines the IELTS requirements for MUFY Standard as: Overall 5.5 with a minimum of 5.5 in writing.

New Requirements:

Academic IELTS: Overall 5.5, Writing 5.5 with no band less than 5.0

TOEFL internet Based iBT): Total score of 52 with 19 in Writing , 5 in Listening, 5 in Reading and 14 in Speaking.

蒙纳士大学商学院课程Master of International Business的入学成绩要求有所提高,从目前的73%提高到75%。


1. All new applications received up to 2nd of March 2017 (2 weeks from now)。 2017年3月2日(含)之前的新申请。

2. Any applications in the pipeline where an offer have not been made pending on further major assessment from Faculty. 已经在申请,还未有审理结果的。

3. Any offers that are valid (lapse date not passed). 录取通知书在有效期内的。

4. Any offers that have been accepted . 已经接受录取的。

5. Any offers that have been accepted and had to be derred(up to 12 months) .



1. All new applications received from the 3rd of March 2017 onwards. 自2017年3月3日(含)之后收到的新申请。

2. All offer with the old requirement that has lapsed will need to be reassessed under the new requirement. 录取通知书已经过期的。



1. Specialised Extended intakes will be discontinued from August 2017.

2017年8月开始,Specialised Extended intakes取消。

2. IELTS requirements for Comprehensive Extended intakes will be raised slightly in August 2017.

Comprehensive Extended intakes的雅思要求从IELTS 5.5 (no bandscore requirement) 提高为IELTS 5.5 (no band scorebelow 5.0)。2017年8月intake开始生效。

3. TOEFL requirements will be raised for all intakes commencing in 2018.


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