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紧张的申请季告一段落,学生录取收到各种录取offer,在申请期间经常有学生问我,美国的教授喜欢什么样的学生啊?会对我们有什么要求?针对这一问题,我特别调阅之前的申请页面,总结了几个名校教授对学生的要求:想要去的小伙伴们快围观起来吧! 制定专属计方案

1、马里兰大学(University of Maryland College Park)教授

A few(quite a few)words to new applicants: Like many other faculty members here, I receive many emails expressing interests in the graduate program in our department and our research group. I am trying to answer such emails, but may not be able to so promptly. For most cases, I may simply direct you to this page for the following reasons. (给新申请人的几句话:就想这里的很多其他教授一样,我收到很多电子邮件表达对我们系研究生项目和我们的研究组感兴趣。我想回复这些邮件,但不可能很迅速。对于大多数情况,我会直接把你引导到此页,原因如下:)

There is a formal and very fective admission system here in the ECE department, and there is nothing I myself can do to help you in getting admission and/or financial support.

Even in the case that you are an ideal match for our research group, I cannot give you the admission by myself, and I cannot help you in getting any support ( mostlikely RAship) unless you first get the admission. (在电子与计算机工程系,有正式和非常有效的申请系统,对于录取和资助,我个人对你什么也帮不了。即使你与我们研究组非常匹配的情况下,我自己也不能给你录取,除非你首先被录取,否则,我不能帮你弄到任何资助(多数是研究助理)) 制定专属计方案

How to make your application package impressive? This is a hard problem and becomes harder and harder. Standard test scores (such as GRE and TOEFL) used to a very good indicator, but not any longer. (Undergraduate) school ranking and GPA are important, but are not everything. Good and unique recommendation letters help, but almost everyone gets good letters. New there are even templates for personal statements, which by the way should not be more than 2 pages unless you have good reasons. What may differentiate you from the rest thousands of applicants is a track record of research activities. These include for example awards at national-and international-level, and research publications.(怎样才能使你的申请引人注目。这可是个难题,而且变得越来越难。标准考试的分数,如GRE和TOEFL,曾经是很好的标准,但已过时。本科学校的排名和GPA很重要,但也不能代表一切。积极的和独特的推荐信有帮助,但几乎每一个人都能得到这样的推荐信。现在甚至有个人陈述的模板,要说也不应该超过2页,除非你有足够的理由。能把你与其它(她)几千个申请人区分开的就是你研究活动的内容记录,这些包括国家和国际水平的获奖和研究发表。)

The final word is that once you decide to contact any faculty personally, make sure that you do your homework first. It will really turn people off if you miss-spell their names, do not have a single clue of their research interests, or broadcast the same letter to hundreds of professors in different areas.(最后要说的就是你一旦决定亲自联系某个教授,你一定要首先做足功课。如果你把他(她)们的名字拼错了,教授真的就不高兴了。对他(她)们的研究兴趣要全面了解,但也不要把同一封信件发给不同领域的几百个教授。)



Master the basics.You MUST be excited about what you are doing.Become an expert in your area, Ultimately know more than your advisor.Identify a good research area ,Good = achievable + novel。Focus, Focus ,Focus, You need not solve the world s problems.Work hard !


所以通过一个教授对学生的就要求,我们大体就能知道其它的学院对学生的要求。尤其是想冲刺名校的学生,多跟自己的 顾问老师聊聊,多了解学校对自己的要求!希望各位同学的之路可以一帆风顺!







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