


2014/08/25 14:14:37 编辑: 阿根廷 浏览次数:95 移动端



  Describe a good law in your country。

  You should say:

  What the law is

  How you first learned about this law

  Who benits from this law (who is affected by this law )

  And explain why you think this is a good law。


  1. 介绍这条法律,名称:


  The law for drunk driving was amended (took fect) on April, 2011, which provide harsher punishment for driving after drinking alcohol。

  Anyone caught over the legal alcohol limit when driving will be banned from driving for …months and fined up to ……

  The drunk drivers will face a revocation of their drunk driving

  2. 制定这条法律的原因:

  Every …… minutes, someone is killed/ injured in a drunk driving crash。

  Driving after drinking is not only harmful to yourself, it also put others’ life in danger。

  3. 这条法律产生的影响:

  The number of drunk driving cases fall dramatically

  China's roads are getting busier. The new drunk driving law is designed to make them a little less dangerous。


  I want to describe a law that was amended in 2011 and came into fect immediately. It said drunk driving is a criminal behavior, if people were found driving after drink; they would get a serious penalty which included several months detention , revoking of their driving licenses and fine for thousands RMB。

  The law is much harsher compared with the previous law on drink driving. A recent government report said over 3 thousand people were killed and 9 thousand were injured during the last 5 years. Drink driving is not only harmful to yourself, it also puts others in danger。

  After the law came into fect, the number of drunk driving cases fall dramatically. China's roads are getting busier. The new drunk driving law is designed to make them a little less dangerous。

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