


刚刚更新 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:1476 移动端

  谢菲尔德大学(University of Shfield)提醒已经申请了城市设计与规划专业研究生课程的同学们,尽早做出决定,尽快给学校回执。具体信息如下:

  1. 如果已经获得conditional offer,请尽快提交学校需要的材料换unconditional offer;

  2. 如果已经获得unconditional offer,请尽快提交学位证书的复印件;

  3. 如果想要放弃或者延期offer,请尽快通知学校。


  Thank you for accepting a place on the MA Urban Design and Planning programme. I hope I am finding you well and enjoying the summer.

  I am writing to you with some advance information which I hope you will find usul and I also need information from you if you have not already provided it.

  If you were made a CONDITIONAL offer, please provide me with the evidence that you have met the conditions of your offer (ie IELTS score, degree certificates, etc) to enable your offer to be amended to unconditional.

  If you were made an UNCONDITIONAL offer, please provide a certified copy of your degree certificate if you have not already done so.

  I have attached a generic reading list in case you feel like doing some preparatory reading bore semester begins. This is by no means an exhaustive list and additional texts will be cited in reading lists provided by course tutors.


  Intro Week commences Monday 22 September and there is an expectation that you will be present in the Department during that week.

  If you have changed your mind since accepting your offer and wish to withdraw or der, please let me know as soon as possible.


  英国留学咨询:010-65229780 转 英国部 

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