


2017/06/16 18:49:25 编辑: 加拿大 浏览次数:133 移动端


UBC始建于1908年,前身为麦吉尔大学不列颠哥伦比亚分校(McGill University College of British Columbia),并于1915获批独立。UBC包含温哥华校区(主校区)和奥肯纳根校区,与麦吉尔大学、多伦多大学长期以来都是加拿大医博类前三名校。

英属哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia,简称UBC,又名“卑诗大学”)是加拿大的医博类排名第三的大学,坐落于风光如画的温哥华市,是加拿大西海岸最著名的大学,没有之一。


UBC的金融硕士项目是MSc in Business Administration下面的一个分支项目,而MSc in Business Administration是加拿大的研究型硕士,官网明确写道Aimed at students interested in research, the UBC MSc in Business Administration is a challenging and rigorous program designed to prepare you for a PhD program and a subsequent career in academia.也就是说该硕士项目是针对于有志于将来攻读博士学位而设定的。所以,如果学生如果想要读博士,这是很好的选择。

MSc in Business Administration的另外两个分支分别是:Management Information Systems、Transportation and Logistics,如果学生对这两个分支感兴趣,后期也可以在进入项目后了解。



第二、GPA则要求学生必须是四年学制的大学成绩在B+的水平,大陆的学生要求85分及以上。People s Republic of China: A four year Bachelor s degree with an overall B+ average (85% or better). Applicants must arrange for the submission of official trans cripts in Chinese and certified (literal) translations to be sent directly from the home university to UBC. Official proof of degree conferral is required in the form of Chinese and certified English degree certificates.


第四、至少三封推荐信最后也是最重要的信息。Our next admission session will start on September 1, 2017. The on-line application form for September 1, 2017 session will be available starting in September 1, 2016. We will only be admitting a small number of students who are qualified for and interested in a research oriented master s degree program in each of the specialized areas. Our application deadline for September 2017 applicants is December 31, 2016 for international applicants, Canadian Citizens and Permanent Residents of Canada.


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