


2017/06/16 13:51:57 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:65 移动端




对于这一面向中国学生的签证新政的颁布,英国签证及移民局亚太区总监表示:“英国继续欢迎希望在英国世界一流学府留学的最优秀的中国学生。将‘超级优先服务’ 推广至第四层级申请人是我们一系列变更中最新的一个。这些变更是为了为我们的客户提供更快速,更简单以及更便利的申请流程。”





When you apply, we recommend you have the following at hand.申请时准备好下列材料:

1、Your passport 护照

2、Basic personal details and travel plans 个人基本信息和旅行计划

3、Your payment card details 银行卡

4Rerence numbers for your Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (Tier 4) provided by your UK institution


You will also need an email and password for your online application form. Our visa application service on Visa4UK provides some translated Chinese text, but you must fill the form in ENGLISH ONLY.填写在线申请表时还需要电子邮箱和密码。Visa4UK申请系统提供一些中文翻译,但是你必须用英文填写申请表。

You will be asked to either apply for yourself or, for example if the applicant is a child, for someone else.你需要选择是填写本人的申请表还是帮助他人填写,比如,申请人是儿童。

There are five basic steps in the process, although if you are coming to the UK for longer than six months you will also have to confirm where you will collect your Biometric Residence Permit from and pay the health surcharge.流程包括5个基本步骤,但是如果你申请前往英国超过6个月,则还需要确认生物信息卡领取地点并支付医疗附加费。

Follow each step and input all the details which are requested depending on the type of visa you are applying for. You will first be asked to choose your nearest visa application centre. Choose from the first three options.根据你申请的签证类别,按步骤填写所有要求的信息。首先你需要选择离你最近的签证申请中心。如果你不是持中国公务护照申请,请选择前3个选项。

Then choose your visa type. We strongly recommend those applying for a visitor visa to apply via gov.uk: https://visas-immigration.service.gov.uk/product/uk-visit-visa然后选择签证类别。

If you would like to take a break from filling in your application, you can save it at any point and return later. You can also go back to your previous answers if you would like to make any changes. 如果希望稍后填写表格,你可以随时保存并且之后返回。你也可以修改之前提供的信息。

When you have completed all the questions in a section, it will turn green. Once you have completed the form, you will be asked to sign a declaration which confirms, for example, that the information in your application is correct.完成每个部分的所有问题后,该部分将变成绿色。你完成填写申请表后,需要签署声明确认一些信息,比如,你的申请表和支持材料中的信息正确无误。

Then book your visa application centre appointment, pay for your application and print it out in readiness for your appointment接下来你需要预约签证申请中心,支付签证费,并在前往签证申请中心前打印申请表。

You should only pay for your application if you are ready to submit. You cannot edit or make any changes of your application once you reach this stage. You will not get an invoice but will receive a confirmation e-mail which confirms the payment and the application rerence number.只有在你准备好提交申请的情况下,才应该支付签证费。进入支付环节后将无法编辑或修改申请表。你不会收到**,但是会收到邮件确认付费成功和申请代码。


Once you have applied online, you will be given an appointment to attend a visa application centre to submit your application and biometric data (fingerprints, photograph and signature). There are now 15 UK visa application centres in Beijing, Changsha, Chengdu, Chongqing, Fuzhou, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Jinan, Kunming, Nanjing, Shanghai, Shenyang, Shenzhen, Wuhan and Xian. Check here for details about your nearest visa application centre:vfsglobal.co.uk/china/applicationcentre.htm完成在线申请后你将会获得前往签证申请中心递交申请和生物信息(指纹、照片和签名)的预约。目前有15家英国签证申请中心,位于北京、长沙、成都、重庆、福州、广州、杭州、济南、昆明、南京、上海、沈阳、深圳、武汉和西安。


When you arrive at reception, please have your appointment e-mail, travel documents and supporting documents ready. This will help you to save time. You should also check that you have photocopies and translations of documents where necessary. Please wait for your turn to submit your application. You will receive a ticket with a number which will be called when a counter is available.为了节省你的时间,抵达签证申请中心前台时,请准备好你的预约确认邮件,旅行证件和支持材料。你还应该检查你是否按要求准备好材料的翻译或复印件。请排队提交签证申请。你将获得一张带有号码的小票,轮到你办理时会叫你的号码。

After you have submitted your application, we will capture your biometric data. Please wait until you are called to the biometric station. Here are a few tips for submitting your biometric data:递交签证申请后,将采集你的生物信息。请等待叫你的名字前往生物信息采集窗口。以下为采集生物信息时需要注意的事项:

1、Fingerprint capture. Remember to hold your fingers together and keep them straight. 采集指纹,手指并拢并放平

2、Photograph capture. Remember to sit straight and look directly into the camera. 拍照,请坐直并直视照相机

3、Signature capture. Remember to sign your name within the square. Please sign your full name as it appears on your passport and visa application. 签名,请在方框内签名,请签和你护照中一致的全名

A small number of students may also be interviewed by a UK visa officer. You will be informed on arrival if this required. The purpose of this interview is to find out some more information about you and your studies in the UK.一小部分学生可能需要接受英国签证官的面试。如果你需要接受面试,将在抵达签证申请中心时被告知。面试的目的是了解更多关于你和你赴英留学相关的信息。

Following your appointment at the visa application centre, your application is sent to one of our decision*centres where it will be assessed by one of our visa officers. They will assess each application on its own individual merits based on the information provided by the applicant.完成在签证申请中心的流程后,你的申请将被送至签证处由签证官进行审理。签证官会根据申请人提交的材料审理每一份申请。

Once your passport is ready for collection, you will receive an automated message, although you will not be informed of the outcome of the decision. You can either collect your passport at the visa application centre or, for a small fee, via courier.护照可以领取时,你将收到通知,但是不会告知签证结果。你可以亲自前往签证申请中心领取护照或支付少量费用快递领取护照。

A range of other services are available at our visa application centres to make the process even more convenient. 签证申请中心还提供一系列其他服务使签证申请流程更便利。

1、A passport pass back service, for applicants who want to retain their passport, either to travel or to apply for a visa to another country, while their UK visa is being processed. 护照返还服务,适用于希望在英国签证申请审理期间保留护照用于旅行或申请其他国家签证的申请人。

2、A prime time service, for those who require an appointment outside of usual business hours. 黄金时间服务,向有需要的申请人提供非正常工作时间的预约。


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