

81.University of Worcester|伍斯特大学

2017/06/16 11:05:56 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:274 移动端
英国伍斯特大学是英国公立大学,建校于1946年,为现任英国教育部部长Jacqui Smith的母校。英国伍斯特大学是英国近年来发展最快的大学之一,目前拥有六个院系, 在七十多个专业上授予学位,所授予的所有学士,硕士和博士学位都为中国,英国及其他国家政府所共同承认。 伍斯特大学共有约8500名学生,分别来自英国,欧洲,美国,澳大利亚和亚洲等,是真正的国际大学。




伍斯特市位于英格兰的中部,号称 英格兰的心脏 ,毗邻牛津和莎士比亚故乡。其中,乘火车两小时可到达伦敦,距离英国第二大城市伯明翰为45分钟车程。通过伍斯特市内的大巴和火车站,可到达英国的任何城市,交通非常便利。

伍斯特很好地把现代气息与悠久历史结合在了一起, 被称为 最适合生活的城市 。 城市既拥有英格兰四大豪华采购中心之一的皇冠购物中心,又拥有千年历史的大教堂和五百多年历史的市政厅。另外, 塞文河穿越城市带来了美丽的河流风光,每年都可以看到很多天鹅在河畔边聚集,形成天然美景。


The establishment opened in 1947 as part of the University of Birmingham Department of Education, operating as an Emergency Teacher Training College. In the 1970s the Council for National Academic Awards (CNAA) validated the degrees for the Worcester College of Higher Education. The Herordshire and Worcestershire College of Nursing and Midwifery was absorbed into the group in 1995.

In 1997 the Privy Council gave the institution degree-awarding powers and it subsequently became known as the University College Worcester (UCW). In 2005 it became a fully-fledged university.

On Thursday 10th April 2008, HRH Prince Richard, the Duke of Gloucester, was officially Installed as the Founding Chancellor of the University of Worcester in a ceremony at Worcester Cathedral. In this role, the Prince will officiate at degree ceremonies and major events, as well as promote the University overseas.

Ongoing development

In 2005, the institution announced plans for a superlibrary in the heart of Worcester, creating a combined university and public library the first of its kind in the UK. This will be a combined library and history centre run in conjunction with Worcester City Council.

A second campus is also under construction on the site of the old Worcester Royal Infirmary in Castle Street. Work begins in January 2007 and will be completed in 2 phases. First the demolition of unrequired buildings and the construction of Student Halls, and second the construction of new buildings and rurbishment of the Jenny Lind Chapel, and the room where the General Medical Council was founded. The university is home to resident applied theatre company, C T.

Construction has began to build new Halls of Residence, and a new research building on the St Johns Campus.

In 2008 the University of Worcester was awarded best social university as part of the national sports tour in Lloret De Mar despite being one of the country s smallest universities.

Students Union

Worcester Students Union is the on-site union for all students registered at the University of Worcester. It has a shop, offices, a bar (The Dive), a sandwich shop (Berrys), a lounge area, a computer facility, a Student Advice Bureau, and a Student Development and Welfare Office.

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