

99.University of Cumbria|坎伯里亚大学

2017/06/16 11:04:55 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:273 移动端
学生会是坎伯里亚大学的学生生活的中心,保证你对学校的运作方式有发言权。 如果你需要建议或帮助,想参加体育活动,加入社团,甚至就想开心一下,那么学生会就是你该来的地方。 学生会的体育运动如火如荼,拥有各类大学运动队。 学校里的社团和俱乐部非常多,你可以参加它们,也可以自己组成一个。 在学生会你还可以了解当地的一切活动的最新信息。 如果你对学校生活有任何不满,那么这里的工作人员将给予你帮助,指导你该怎样做。 一旦你遇到任何问题,学生会的工作人员都将乐于帮助。 何不加入学生会,对学生生活的方方面面发挥影响,作出决策。


学术实力该校的文学学士(荣誉)多媒体和数字动画专业的作品连续四年获得皇家电视学会西北部和边境地区一等奖。 文学学士(荣誉)媒体制作专业一次囊括了去年比赛中的20个奖项,其中包括最高奖,并由此成为英国获奖最多的院校。. 从2002年起,该校荣获了 国际排版设计师学会 (ISTD)的11项大奖。去年32个国家的学生参加了D AD的比赛,该校的平面造型设计专业的学生获得了包括 最佳展览 在内的5项大奖。2006年圣马丁学院的毕业生就业率在《星期日泰晤士报优秀大学指南》的排行榜上名列西北地区第一;在最近的高等教育质量保障局(QAA)的评估中获得20.6分的高分(总分为24)。







The University of Cumbria was formed by the merger of St Martin s College, the Cumbria Institute of the Arts (CIA)and the Cumbrian campuses of the University of Central Lancashire.These institution formerly ran degree programmes accredited by Lancaster University and the University of Central Lancashire. In order to facilitate the change, St Martin s College applied for independent degree-awarding powers in March 2005 and was successful in July 2006 after nine months of scrutiny by the Quality Assurance Agency. In January 2007 official university status was granted by the Privy Council.

Structure and location

The University is based upon the findings of a report by Sir Martin Harris.This plan envisaged a university based upon a distributed learning network .This network is based upon the idea that teaching will take place both at the University s main campuses, and at colleges of further education around the county. This will solve problems of access for remote areas that did not previously have direct access to higher education.

The main campus of the University is in Carlisle.Its other campuses are at Penrith (formerly University of Central Lancashire in Cumbria), Ambleside, Barrow, Lancaster (formerly St Martin s College) and London.

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