

107.University of Wolverhampton|沃尔夫汉普顿大学

2017/06/16 11:04:10 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:499 移动端
伍尔弗汉普顿大学(也译作 沃尔夫汉普顿大学 ,University of Wolverhampton)是英国规模最大的大学之一。该大学在西米德兰兹拥有五座美丽的校园,其中包括一座位于斯罗普郡特尔福德的新校园。伍尔弗汉普顿大学座落于米德兰兹地区中部 与伦敦相距两个小时的路程,距离英国的第二大城市伯明翰仅有20分钟的路程。乘坐汽车、火车从英国其他地方前往伍尔弗汉普顿大学均十分便捷,当地的交通系统十分发达。


In 1992 Wolverhampton Polytechnic was granted university status and thus became the University of Wolverhampton. The following year the first stage of construction was completed on the Priorslee Hall site at the Telford campus; this became home to both business and computer aided design students.

1994 saw Wolverhampton become the first UK university to be awarded the Charter Mark for excellence in customer service. In 1995 two local nursing colleges (The United Midlands College for Nursing Midwifery and the Sister Dora School of Nursing) amalgamated to form the School of Nursing and Midwifery at the Walsall campus.. Wolverhampton Science Park - a collaboration between the university and the local council - opened in 1996. Its aim was to forge a link between local businesses and the university s research departments.

The final years of the 20th century saw a huge amount of development and expansion for the university. Two new state-of-the-art learning centres were opened at the Telford and City campuses in 1998. These learning centres were a fusion of traditional libraries with high-tech facilities, aimed at providing a greater range of accessible materials for students. The following year the university opened the Arena Theatre on the City campus along with the new SC building in Telford.


In 2000, the University announced plans to spend ??60m on a seven-year plan to rebuild and revitalise its campuses. This included the building of a new School of Health at Wolverhampton City Campus, which included the research-focused, Centre for Health and Social Care Improvement. The School s Mary Seacole Building has mock ward settings where life-sized models are used for clinical skills practice. There s a general practitioner room, lecture theatres, PC suites and a social learning space, as well as Skills Centres whose staff work in practice as well as at the University.

The Millennium City Building provides over 10,000 square metres of teaching space, audio-visual equipment in all rooms, 300-seat lecture theatre, exhibition gallery, campus restaurant, an informal Social Learning Space, and is home to the University s psychology department.

The Harrison Learning Centre has traditional and electronic-based library facilities over four floors. It provides electronic auto-service and online cataloguing facilities, and academic librarians manage, monitor and update the available information.

The University is one of the first in the UK to offer students direct online help from Learning Centre staff through its use of ASSIST software.

The MI Building (Technology Centre) on City Campus is an open plan workspace with over 400 PCs, as well as prototyping equipment and industry-standard software packages for 3D modelling and product design. The Centre includes two TV studios with remote-controlled cameras and a full lighting rig, plus a radio studio with digital editing suites.

The new Student Village at Walsall Campus is a courtyard accommodation development with CCTV and 24-hour security. It has 340 single-study bedrooms, each with its own shower room, and access to one of the largest wireless networks in UK higher education, with no charges for internet use.

The new Teaching and Administration (MX) building was opened by Sarah Brown, charity campaigner and wife of the Prime Minister Gordon Brown, in 2007.

Telford Campus E-Innovation Centre provides start-up companies with business accommodation in an architecturally striking building. It has hi-tech meeting rooms, social meeting areas, hot-desking provision, fully-furnished offices, incubation units, and grow-on space for businesses who need to expand.

The Lifestyle and Performance Centre features two physiology laboratories accredited by the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES), with staff including physiologists, psychologists, a biomechanist, nutritionist, physiotherapist, physician and masseur.

Designed for students with particular learning and disability-related requirements, the University has introduced Adaptive Technology Areas, which include Dragon Naturally Speaking voice input software; specially adapted keyboards and CCTV enlargers; and voice readout of computer screen text.

Developed by the University, WOLF (Wolverhampton Online Learning Framework) is a virtual learning environment system used by students and staff that supports learning in most subject areas. It provides online space for tutors to make available rerence materials, notes, videos and documents related to a subject. WOLF is built with Microsoft technologies and, as it can be used on multiple operating system platforms, it s available both on and off campus.

Walsall Campus is home to a brand new music recording studio, pioneered by the Major Key Studio Production company, one of the University s industry partners.

Wolverhampton operates a free student bus service between each of its campuses and campus towns. The buses run regularly throughout the day between Wolverhampton city centre, Compton Park, Walsall and Telford.

The University is one of the few universities to offer a direct metal laser sintering machine to run using titanium.

Hosted by the University s School of Engineering and the Built Environment, the ??5.8 million Centre of Excellence for Construction aims to help improve productivity, reduce costs and raise skills in the local construction industry.

One of the most distinctive degree courses offered at Wolverhampton is the BSc (Hons) in Complementary Therapies, studying human physiology, rlexology, aromatherapy and clinical practice (ie, setting-up a complementary therapy business). Several graduates have gone onto work for the National Health Service, using complementary techniques in conjunction with standard medical practices.

The University, along with the University of Birmingham, is among the first four universities to offer the Postgraduate Diploma in Physician Assistant studies in the United Kingdom.


In 2002, the university paid out ??30,000 in an out-of-court settlement to Mike Austen [1], a dissatisfied law student, who sued on the grounds of multiple misrepresentations and multiple breaches of the student contract. The news gathered worldwide attention and set a precedent in the UK for students consumer rights. The settlement was reached after a string of allegations about very serious coursework and examination errors, prejudiced marking, severe overcrowding, and very poor teaching standards.

In July 2006 in a swimming pool at the university s Walsall campus, a disabled rugby player drowned whilst not being supervised properly by lifeguards and managers, an inquest jury ruled.

In a Times column dated 29 February 1988, the writer Bernard Levin cited the then Wolverhampton Polytechnic as an example of how student unions were allegedly dominated by the political hard lt.

Holders of Honorary Degrees

Dr APJ Abdul Kalam (former Indian President)

Cornelia Parker (sculptor and installation artist)

Jenny Jones (Labour politician) (former Labour MP)

Sarah Brown, President and Founder of PiggyBankKids, and the wife of Gordon Brown, the current Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

Beverley Knight Pop singer

Noddy Holder and the rest of Dudley-based glam rock band Slade

Soul singer Beverley Knight

Frank Bowling, internationally-renowned artist

Wayne Hemingway, founder of the Red or Dead label

Civil rights campaigner Shami Chakrabarti

Actress and comedienne Josie Lawrence

Estelle Morris, MP, former Secretary of State

Mervyn King, Governor of the Bank of England

Gordon Brown received an Honorary Doctorate in Social Science from the University of Wolverhampton in 2003 for his commitment to social justice and his achievements in social policy

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