

41.Keele University|基尔大学

2017/06/16 10:55:46 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:435 移动端
基尔大学始建于1949年,是英国环境最优美的大学校园之一。它提供高质量的理科、社会科学、管理学和人文学科及英语语言培训等学位课程和研究项目。 本大学内有一所设施完善的大型图书馆,馆内藏书50余万册、学术期刊2000多套。学校还提供免费上网服务。 基尔大学坐落在英格兰中部、斯塔福德郡的斯托克城附近。斯托克城的陶瓷制品在国际上享有盛誉。斯塔福德郡内有剧院、博物馆和音乐厅,其文化氛围非常浓厚。基尔大学的周围地区景色宜人,田地和林区比比皆是;不远处还有世界闻名的皮克区,其景色美不胜收。 每年,基尔大学都招收部分中国学生。如在1999-2000学年,就有6名本科生和12名研究生就读于我校。基尔大学的中国学生喜欢其绿色的校园,而且认为这里是一个安全且安静的学习之地。

基尔的交通极其便利,您可以乘飞机直接抵达曼彻斯特、伯明翰或伦敦国际机场。我们将于2000年9月20日星期三安排长途公共汽车到曼彻斯特、希斯罗迎接第一次来基尔的新生。 一到基尔,您便会发现从这里到英国的各地都很方便。乘火车或汽车去曼彻斯特和伯明翰均只需1小时的时间,乘火车到伦敦两个时、到格拉斯哥(苏格兰)3小时。


本科课程的学费可以分两次或三次交清。2000/2001学年的学费如下: 国际预科课程(IFDP) :£6250 社会科学和人文学科的课程组合(包括数学):£6660 包括一门实验课的课程组合:£7780 两门实验课(包括最后一年的单科荣誉课程):£8600 物理疗法课程:£8225 (实验课包括:天体物理学、生物学、生物化学、生物与医药化学、生物医学、化学、计算机科学、地质学、神经系统科学和物理学。) 请注意:在申请注册某一学位课程之前,您必须填写基尔大学的经济担保表。 2.研究生教授课程与研究项目 基尔大学开设门类齐全的全日制教授硕士课程。此类课程为期一年,内容包括9个月的教授课程和3个月的调查研究及写论文。 此外,我校还提供研究博士课程。结业后,学生将获得硕士学位(MPhil)或哲学博士(PhD)。 您可以在任何时候直接向基尔大学申请研究生课程。不过,您最好挑选适当的时间,这样有利于学校处理您的申请,也有助于您申请英国留学签证


1年制教授硕士或文凭课程和研究学位项目: TOEFL:550分(机考成绩:213分)或IELTS:6分 MBA:TOEFL:575分(机考成绩:232分)或IELTS:6.5分 学费: 研究生课程和研究项目的学费可以分两次或三次交清。2000/2001年学费详情如下: 非实验性课程:£6660 实验课程:£8600 工商管理MBA课程:£9950 发展中国家的卫生、人口与营养MBA课程:£9950 卫生管理人力资源MA课程:£9950 发展中国家的卫生、人口与营养文凭课程:£8500 卫生管理人力资源文凭课程:£8500 (实验课包括:生物学、生物化学、通讯与神经系统科学、计算机科学、地球科学、物理学和研究生医学。) 请注意:在申请注册某一学位课程之前,您必须填写基尔大学的经济担保表。


The university is located on a 617 acre (2.5 km2) estate. The campus is home to an increasing number of academic and residential buildings.

Campus facilities include an astronomical observatory, an art gallery, an arboretum, a chapel, an Islamic centre, and shops, cafes and places to eat and drink. Just outside the entrance to the University is Keele Golf Course and practice range.

The university has also built award-winning science and business parks and conference centres on the campus.

Recently, the university received planning permission to begin a building programme on a 70 acre portion of the campus. This will include a mixture of academic and residential buildings to accommodate the planned increase in student numbers.

Halls of residence

There are four halls of residence. Barnes, Lindsay (including The Oaks and Holly Cross) and Horwood are located on the main campus, while The Hawthorns is just outside the university gates in Keele village itself.Together, these halls provide accommodation for approximately 70% of the full-time students.

Barnes Hall has no M block (it has A-L and N-X), this coupled with the large clear area adjacent to L block helped an urban legend about Barnes Hall to develop. The myth is that M block sank into the ground due to an abandoned mine tunnel, this is only partially true - the block became unsafe due to subsidence and was demolished.

Students Union

Keele University Students Union is active in organising social activities throughout the year. The Student Union holds student social nights most nights, with the busiest being Rewind on a Wednesday (with a monthly Flirt! night) and Reloaded on a Friday. The Union has several bars - The Lounge, Sam s Bar, Barista and K2. Restaurants are Harveys Coffee Shop and The Kiln. The union formerly owned the Golfer s Arms, adjacent to the campus but this was finally sold to the local council at the end of 2005.

Concourse is the name of the student newspaper. It is issued twice a month.

In the early 1990s the Keele Students Union RAG committee was instrumental in the formation of the National Association of RAGs . This wider scope of activity lead to good natured rivalry with other RAG committees, especially Warwick and Cardiff.

Student Activity

The Keele University team won the 1968 series of University Challenge. The same team also made runner up to Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge (1979) in the 2002 special; University Challenge: Reunited.

In the early 1980s Keele attracted the attention of the national press and television news when some students founded a cuddling society and a mass cuddle was filmed in the car park outside the students union.

The postmodern sculpture situated outside Keele s Library was stolen by a visiting sports team only to be later retrieved and securely fitted. In 2005 the same statue was damaged in protest of the University s policy of fining regulations against its undergraduate students.

In 2007, Keele University students were responsible for getting Keele featured as a location on the UK Here and Now version of the traditional board game Monopoly. People in the UK had an opportunity to vote for which places should make the board, and Keele was the highest wild-card location which made it on. It even finished higher on the board than London, and takes the place of Fleet Street in the game.

In 2007, Keele students won a competition hosted by O2 via facebook called The battle for the UK s favourite university , scoring over 172,000 points by uploading photos, videos and making wall posts on the group. The prize for winning the competition was a party at their students union, hosted by O2.

Kube Radio

Main article: Kube Radio

There is also a very popular student radio station called Kube Radio, broadcast over the Internet. This station is currently the most internationally acclaimed student radio station with awards from both the New York Festivals and the European Radio Awards both for Best Online Only Radio Station.

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