

7.University College London|伦敦大学学院

2017/06/16 10:52:36 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:1171 移动端
校训: Cuncti adsint meritaeque expectent praemia palmae( 让所有因其价值而应得奖赏的人都来吧 )

建校时间: 1826年

现任校长:Prof Malcolm Grant


学生人数: 18,000人 其中研究生7,273人

教职员人数: 3,800

参加组织:伦敦大学, 罗素大学集团,LERU


伦敦大学学院(University College London,简称UCL)是一所创建于1826年的综合性大学,也是伦敦大学联盟的创校学院。UCL通常被认为是继牛津、剑桥之后英格兰第三古老的大学。UCL是第一个在招生上不论种族,宗教和政治信仰的英国大学,被认为是英国教育平权的先锋。UCL一直以来与牛津大学剑桥大学、帝国学院和伦敦政经学院一起并称为 G5超级精英大学 ,它也是罗素大学集团的一员。UCL的全球综合排名位列世界前10强。

UCL学生人数大约有18,000人,其中研究生占7,273。教职员人数约3,800人,其中35名为皇家学会会员(Fellow of Royal Society),13名为皇家工程学院院士(Fellows of the Royal Academy of Engineering),27名不列颠学会会员(Fellows of British Academy),75名医学学会会员(Fellows of the Academy of Medical Sciences)。同时UCL过去的成员中,有20位诺贝尔奖得主,其中有11名是诺贝尔生理学或医学奖得主。


UCL was founded in 1826 under the name London University, as a secular alternative to the religious universities of Oxford and Cambridge. As such, it is often described as the third oldest English university, although other institutions also claim this title.

While the philosopher Jeremy Bentham is seen as the moving spirit behind the establishment of this new university for London, he personally took no part in the university s creation. Crucially, however, it was Bentham s powerful, radical ideas on education and society that had inspired the institution s founders, particularly the Scotsmen James Mill (1773-1836) and Henry Brougham (1778-1868), and shaped its creation. .

In 1836 the so-called London University became known as University College, Londonwhen, under a Royal charter, it worked with the recently established King s College London to create the federal University of London.

In 1907, the University of London was formally reconstituted with a new Royal charter, and new institutions joined the federation. Under this re-organisation it was necessary for each of the various institutions that now formed the University of London to lose their separate legal existences, and all offered degrees of the University of London. This situation continued until 1977 when a new charter restored UCL s independence, although - at that time - not the power to award its own degrees.

Eventually, in 2005 UCL was once again granted its own taught and research Degree Awarding Powers (DAP), and all new UCL students registered from 2007-08 qualify with UCL degrees rather than degrees of the University of London. The majority of continuing students who were enrolled on taught-degree programmes bore the academic year 2007-08 had the choice of whether to receive a UCL degree or a University of London degree. These changes did not apply to students registered on the MBBS programme, or federal degrees, who continued to be awarded University of London degrees. Despite these DAP changes, UCL retains its strong links with the University of London.

In May 2008, UCL became the first UK university with a campus in Australia, establishing the UCL School of Energy Resources, Australia (SERAus) in Adelaide.

UCL Library

The UCL library is divided across several sites within the UCL campus and across Bloomsbury. Access to each library is gained by the use of an electronic swipe card through electronic security barriers. The libraries are linked together by a networking catalogue and request system called eUCLid . The largest collection of material is held in the Main Library which is in the UCL Main Building. The Main library contains UCL s collections relating to arts and humanities, history, economics, public policy and law.The Flaxman Gallery, a collection of sculptures and paintings by artist John Flaxman is located inside the main library in the Octagon building under UCL s central dome.

The second largest library - the UCL Science library occupies a building known as the DMS Watson building on Malet Place. It contains UCL s books and journals related to Engineering, Mathematics, anthropology, geography and Science. It is adjacent to the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, access of which is currently made through the library. Other libraries within UCL include the Cruciform library (medical science), the Environmental Studies library (architecture and planning) and the School of Slavonic and East European Studies library on Taviton Street.

UCL s Special Collections contain UCL s collection of historical or culturally significant works. It is one of the foremost university collections of manuscripts, archives and rare books in the UK.It includes collections of medieval manuscripts and early printed books, as well as significant holdings of 18th century works, and highly important 19th and 20th century collections of personal papers, archival material, and literature, covering a vast range of subject areas. Archives include the Latin American archives, the Jewish collections and the George Orwell Archive.[45] Collections are often displayed in a series of glass cabinets in the Cloisters of the UCL Main Building.

The most significant works are housed in the Strong Rooms . The special collection includes first editions of Newton s Principia, Charles Darwin s Origin of Species and James Joyce s Ulysses . The earliest book in the collection is The crafte to lyve well and to dye well , printed in 1505.

Since 2004, UCL Library Services has been collecting the scholarly work of its researchers to make it freely available over the web via an open access repository known as UCL Eprints. Material that is curated by UCL Eprints will still be accessible to researchers in 100 years time.

Student Accommodation

Many UCL students are accommodated in the college s own halls of residence or other accommodation, such as those below:

Arthur Tattersall House (115-131 Gower Street)

Astor College (99 Charlotte St)

Campbell House East and West (Taviton Street)

Ifor Evans Max Rayne Student Residences (109 Camden Road)

Frances Gardner House and Langton Close (Gray s Inn Road)

John Tovell House (89 93-7 Gower Street)

John Dodgson House (Bidborough Street)

Ramsay Hall Student Residence (Maple Street)

Schafer House Student Residence (Drummond Street)

James Lighthill House (Pentonville Road)

Goldsmid House will reopen in brand new buildings for the 2008-2009 session, relocated from Oxford Street to Westminster. (The building is named after Sir F.H. Goldsmid, a treasurer of the University in the 19th century.)

Most students in college or university accommodation are first-year undergraduates. The majority of second and third-year students and postgraduates find their own accommodation in the private sector. There is also limited UCL accommodation available for married students and those with children at Bernard Johnson House, Hawkridge, Neil Sharp House and the University of London s Lilian Penson Hall.

King s College London rivalry

UCL has a long-running, mostly friendly rivalry with King s College London. UCL is often rerred to by students from the latter using nicknames such as the Godless Scum of Gower Street , in rerence to a comment made at the founding of KCL, which was based on Christian principles. UCL students and staff also rer to King s as Strand Polytechnic in a similar attitude. Historically the university rivalry was known as Rags .

KCL s mascot, Reggie , was lost for many years in the 1990s. It was recovered after being found dumped in a field, restored at the cost of around £15,000 and placed on display in the students union.It is in a glass case and filled with concrete to prevent tht, particularly by UCL students who once castrated it. (KCL, to be fair, had also stolen one UCL mascot, Phineas).It is often claimed that KCL students played football with the embalmed head of Jeremy Bentham. Although the head was indeed stolen, the football story is a myth which is denied by official UCL documentation about Bentham found next to his display case (his Auto Icon) in the college cloisters. The head is now kept in the college vaults.

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