

66.Winchester, The University of |温彻斯特大学

2017/06/16 10:52:15 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:295 移动端
The University of Winchester is a university in Winchester, Hampshire, England. It was given university status by the Privy Council in June 2005, having previously been known as University College Winchester and earlier as King Alfred s College, Winchester.


Formed in 1840 as a College for training teachers, King Alfred s moved to its main campus in West Hill, Winchester in 1862.

King Alfred s College trained thousands of teachers, at first men only, but women as well from 1960. With the sudden change in Government policy in the early 1970s, the College first looked for partners to merge with and also sought to diversify its provision. Its educational partner, the University of Southampton, was lukewarm about offering other forms of degrees, so the College sought approval for its own BEd and then BA degrees from the Council for National Academic Awards (CNAA). Interdisciplinary degrees in History and English with Drama, Archaeology and American Studies were first offered. Further programmes followed in the 1980s, but it was only when the College expanded in the early 1990s that CNAA approved a modular course that allowed a large number of new fields of study to grow at undergraduate level within a common regulatory framework. At the same time masters programmes were approved alongside the MEd programme. With the CNAA s demise in 1992, the College became accredited by the University of Southampton resuming a partnership broken off 18 years earlier.

When in 1995 the UK government published criteria by which Colleges could become Universities, King Alfred s under its Principal, Professor John Dickinson, set itself the target of becoming a university, by first acquiring Taught and later Research Degree Awarding Powers. Professor Paul Light, Principal from 2000, led the institution through the successful application for Taught Degree Awarding Powers in 2003 and a change of name to University College Winchester in 2004. His leadership culminated in the award of university title in 2005, achieving the target set 10 years earlier and entitling him to be the first Vice Chancellor of the University of Winchester. In August 2008 the University was granted Research Degree Awarding Powers.

Faculties and departments

Faculty of Arts

Media and Film School

Performing Arts

Theology and Religious Studies

English, Creative Writing and American Studies

Faculty of Education

Education Studies

Postgraduate Initial Training

Undergraduate Primary Education

Post Experience, Training and Professional Development

Faculty of Social Sciences


Health and Social Care



Faculty of Business, Law and Sport

Winchester Business School

Department of Sports Studies

Department of Law

English Language Teaching and Support Unit

Campus life


The main King Alfred campus is located close to the city centre of Winchester. Some of the buildings on the main campus are named after former staff. The Tom Atkinson Building and The Herbert Jarman Building are two examples of this (the Kenneth Kettle building is named after a long-standing Governor). The university also operates a small campus, Chute House, in the larger town of Basingstoke, several miles to the north.

Student union

Winchester Student Union is an organisation run for and by the student population of The University of Winchester. It runs many student societies, a bar and shop and helps support and represent students. The student union venue is based in the new University Centre and has a cinema screen, a bar and a venue space (the Vault) large enough for 1200 people.

Halls of residence

University accommodation is available on campus and in the West Downs Student Village nearby.

The halls of residence are:

West Downs Student Village

Alwyn Hall

St Elizabeth Hall

Beech Glade

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