


2017/06/16 01:30:39 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:249 移动端
My music is more than my after-school activity. Music is my work. And music is my life. Although I also work in film and media, it is music that dines my edge and voice. When I make a film-short I scour my CD s for a clip that will heighten the audience s attention. When I beat-match a series of visuals to a thick hip-hop rhythm, the elements on screen appear to dance. I feel at home in this visual and audible mirage that propels the popularity of music videos and sells everything from Gap khakis to Britney Spears.

But music is more than a medium of commercialism. The increasing free trade of music on the Internet allows people to choose what sounds good, not what magazines say they should like. As the WNMH music director, my job is to find music that will suit the musical tastes of over one thousand students. And when I am on-air, I play music that sounds good. I manage a playlist of six-hundred-seventy-two MP3 s (compressed music files) on the WNMH computer, and broadcast whenever students do not have shows. If I were to turn on the radio right now, I might hear Lynard Skynard, Wagner, or the newest track from DJ Shadow. I introduce my audience to new types of music, but I always do it in a fun fresh way. During my radio show Electro-Abstract-Talk-Music, the music flows smooth and for two hours every week, I concentrate solely on entertaining listeners through mixing records with pitch- adjustable CD s. Sometimes I will throw in music that I make, whether it is from my band KLO, or a solo project I mixed on a professional sampler.

I hope to continue performing and studying music after high school. One of my band members met Sean Lennon last week while in the Village and said that Sean was very interested in hearing the demo we are wrapping up sometime in late November. Just the opportunity to present my music to a larger audience makes me realize how deeply I want to share the positive experience music has been in my life. Every time I make a new film, DJ a radio show, or record music with my band, I hope to promulgate music that will inspire other people to listen closely to the music that surrounds and impacts their lives.







文章的成功之处在于作者明白作为一名在校高中生,学的都是相同的科目,没有具体专业可言,无法在专业一致性上 下手 ,所以只能着重的强调作者的兴趣,以此来吸引招生办的眼球,让他们看到作者身上的特质是否符合他们所需要的人。虽然在简历中招生办也能够看到你过去几年参加活动的清单,但是他们还是想更深一步的了解你的某些活动的情况,以及这些活动能够为你说明什么,这也就是PS的作用。


音乐不仅仅是我的课外活动,它是我的工作,更是我的生命。虽然我在电影和媒体方面工作,但是音乐决定了我的工作领域和我要表达的东西。每当我做一个短片,我都要从cd中精心的挑选哪些歌将会提高观众对短片关注。Hip-hop节奏更加浓郁,这时银幕上的元素也好像跳跃起来。而听Gap khakis和 Britney Spears的唱片或者其他音乐作品时,那种缠绵奇幻的流行音乐会让我有回家的感觉。

但是音乐不仅仅是一种商业媒介。越来越多网上音乐的自由贸易给人们更多对音乐的选择,什么样的是好的音乐,不再是仅仅听从杂志的推荐。作为WNMH音乐导演,我的工作是找到适合一千个学生品位的好音乐。当我在广播里的时候,我播放好听的音乐。672MPS在WNMH电脑,和广播。如果要我现在打开收音机,我可能会听到Lynard Skynard, Wagner, 或是刚出道的由DJ推荐新人。我给我的听众介绍最新型的音乐,但是我经常用一种新鲜好玩的方式。在我的音乐谈话广播节目期间,音乐平缓的流动并且每周两个小时,我独自全神贯注的愉快的听众,通过混合唱片可调整的CD。我有时候会把我制作的音乐扔掉,无论它是KLO乐队还是我自己做的专业的小样独奏音乐。

我希望高中毕业后能够继续演奏和学习音乐。我乐队的其中一个成员上周在乡村见到了Sean Lennon并且据说Sean对我们在去年11月制作好的一个样本唱片非常感兴趣。有机会把我的音乐引见给明星级的听众使我认识到我有多么想和他们音乐在握生命中的地位。每次我制作新电影的时候,做一当音乐节目,或是播放我乐队的音乐录音带,我希望可以激励其他人去近距离聆听的音乐,那些围绕在他们周围、影响着他们一生的音乐。

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