


刚刚更新 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:256 移动端







事件发生后,学生们都很紧张。但是学区的发言人Heidi Anderson表示学校将会在周三(10月19日)重开,并且加强安保。

教育委员会的副主席Shamann Walton表示,任何一起枪击案发生后,整个校园社区都处于威胁之中。事件后,他们会确保有心理咨询师与学生和教职员沟通。此外:“主动学习枪击是一种应对方式,但是暴力防治条例和法律的监管执行更重要。



A bloody shooting took place in San Bernadino, just 30 miles away from my school. Just a few minutes later, every student in campus received a text message of warning from the school. I was a little shocked at first since I thought my school was located in a safe region in California. Sometimes our lives are so fragile that we never know when it disappears. Although we have learned something about what to do in emergency situations, how many of this will work when there is a gun pointing to your head? However, I don’t understand why some evil organizations like ISIS could take away others’ lives so easily simply because they have different religious belis. Gun control is always a hot topic for debating and hopully, anything like this won’t happen again.

In the evening, we were not allowed to walk out of our dorms at night, and the library was also closed early. My mom immediately comforted me on wechat after reading my school’s letter to parents. I have never paid much attention to my school’s security system bore, but it shows its fective power for protecting everyone in campus this time. The emails and texts to students and parents show not only our school’s prompt reaction to an emergency but also its responsibility to students and parents.

We were sad to know that a parent of one of our students was killed at the shooting the next day. So the faculty hosted a quick meeting in our theater for a memorial. Health center offered a chance of psychological counseling for everyone as well. They have also talked to comfort me when my grandmother was very sick.

I begin to appreciate studying here since all of this will never happen in schools in China. Just as our headmaster said, “We are a community.” Our bonds tie everyone and we share our happiness and hard times together.


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