


2017/06/15 21:16:40 编辑: 浏览次数:343 移动端



这位网友的发言让大家觉得这条爆料的真实性很高: I apologize if this offends some people, but as someone who has seen the messages that were posted (I don t go to Harvard but I have friends who showed me screenshots that were going around in the other chats), I feel the need to make a clarification. Racist and anti-semitic memes were indeed posted, but were not even close to being one of the most horrific messages.


One post described in detail how one of the users would mutilate the genitals of and torture five-year-olds. Another post depicted an uncensored picture of dead, bloody children from the Syrian bombing, followed with a comment that that was fap material . Another meme joked about hitting the dead body of a Mexican kid that committed suicide by hanging like a piñata. 一条帖文详细描述了某一用户将如何折磨五岁小孩并毁伤其生殖器;另一条帖文转载了一个死于叙利亚轰炸的儿童的血腥照片,不但未经打码,更附上评论:这张照片适合自慰(fab material);还有一条帖文戏谑着说要对一个自杀而死的墨西哥小孩鞭尸。 This isn t even a matter of what s fair or what s just or it s really sad that four years of hard work went down the drain because they posted some memes on a private chat . If you can think of something so sick as that and then have the gall to laugh and make jokes about that, then quite simply in my book you re a psychopath, and you need help.

这远远不是所谓“公平”和“正义”的问题,更不是“四年奋斗光阴付诸流水,仅仅是因为孩子们在内部论坛上说错了话”这般简单。如果一个人去想象一下我描述的这般糟糕的情景,并且还有心思开怀大笑甚至开类似玩笑,那么很显然,在我看来这个人就是一个精神病患者,需要寻求医学救助。 Yes, Harvard wants to preserve its image. Yes, there are some politically-sensitive people and SJWs at Harvard. However I think it does not take much to realize the disgustingly horrific problem with those messages and jokes . Would you feel safe being on the same campus, being in the same classroom, or even rooming with people who plotted out exactly how they would torture and mutilate someone? Harvard has rescinded them not only to preserve the integrity and morality of its campus, but also its students safety. Students can get and have been arrested for joking (privately!) about bomb threats; I think being rescinded is a much smaller price to pay. This is an issue of character; and as one user wrote, I think it s very telling that such thoughts and ideas and moral concepts were revealed only in private and not in public. Again, I will reemphasize: how they said it, where they said it, and why they said it is not the issue, but the fact that they did is the issue. People go to the best schools with a dream to change the world for the better. Those 12 students clearly do not fit that ideal, and Harvard realized that as well. 是的,哈佛想保护其公众形象。诚然,有些哈佛人对于政治比较敏感,甚至可以说是民权斗士。






正如他所说:这远远不是所谓“公平”和“正义”的问题,更不是“四年奋斗光阴付诸流水,仅仅是因为孩子们在内部论坛上说错了话”这般简单。 能够发出这样冷酷无情和可怕的文字的这12名学生,已经远不只是需要被撤销入学这样简单了,这已经上升到了人性的高度。而哈佛撤销了他们的入学资格,不仅保护了学校其他学生的安全,维护了学校,也表明了态度和立场。

I don t think it s something about jokes but the fact that they are indeed racists.

After having gone through two rounds of college admission processes, I do have a full realization that not all the students who get accepted by those prestigious schools have good moral standing or as same as they described themselves in their applications. To be honest, I think these 12 students are just the tip of the iceberg. It is unimaginable in the future those people will become leaders in various fields. The discrimination will only be perpetuated. Here s the question for the admission officers: How come you reject those students who truly have the aspiration to contribute to society while accepting those hypocrites? Now what about your holistic admission? I would say I am totally disillusioned. 我不认为这只不过是个玩笑,他们是彻头彻尾的种族主义分子。经过两轮大学录取过程,我确实了解到并非所有被精英大学录取的学生都是正人君子,他们也不可能如同申请材料所自我描述得那么白璧无瑕。 坦率地说,我认为这12个学生只不过是冰山一角。真的无法想象这些人会成为将来各行各业的领军人物,而这些歧视现象是根深蒂固的。我只想问招生官们一个问题:“为什么你们拒绝那些真正希望为社会做出贡献者而喜欢录取口是心非之人?这就是你们所谓的综合评价体系吗?”我不得不承认自己对此大失所望!

这位网友从另外的角度质疑了哈佛甚至美国的综合评价体系,拒绝了那些真正优秀的人物却录取了这些社会败类,所谓的精英大学录取的就是这样的“精英”吗? 这个问题上也引起了很多网友们的思考。

目前,哈佛大学的招生工作也已经完成。根据哈佛校报报道,大约已有84%获得哈佛2023届本科录取的学生确认到校就读,入学率相较于去年的80%有着显著上升。因此招生和助学金办公室主任威廉·费兹西蒙表示,除非有预料不到的情况发生,今年哈佛已经不可能从后补名单中录取学生了。 录取工作中发生这样的事不是我们任何一个人想看到的。爬藤从来都不是一件易事,也希望我们能够从这样的事情中获得思考。


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