

俄克拉荷马大学|The University of Oklahoma

2017/06/15 21:03:08 编辑: 浏览次数:485 移动端


俄克拉荷马大学每年花在每名学生身上的费用高达11,000美元,被《普林斯顿评论》喻为 超值大学 。大学下设20个学院,主要是:建筑学院、文理学院、商学院、教育学院、工程学院、美术学院、大气与地理科学学院、地球与能源学院,新闻与大众传媒学院,人文学院、联合健康学院、护理学院、牙科学院、药学院、公共健康学院、法学院。可提供152个本科专业,160个硕士专业和80个博士专业。俄克拉荷马大学的健康科学中心位于俄克拉荷马城,下设七个学院,是全美仅有的四所综合性学术健康中心之一。

俄克拉荷马大学的法律、建筑、商科、气象学、教育、医科也很有名,商学院的本科教育居前50,其中国际贸易专业居前15。教育学排名第46,教育学硕士居全美前10%。环境卫生工程专业排名第47。人际传播学博士课程排全美前十。新生攻读最多的学科是:商科管理(24%)、大众传播学(13%)、工程 (11%)、社会科学(10%)、教育(8%)。


俄克拉荷马大学在《美国新闻与世界报道》的2007年全美大学综合排名中居第112位,其中最著名的是石油工程专业,排第6位。新建成的能源中心(Energy Center)耗资数百万元,使得石油工程、石油土地专业管理及地质学向前迈进一步。不少中东国家,都特地遣送学生来学习一切与石油有关的科学。

俄克拉荷马大学在全美公立大学中拥有最多的国家优秀学术奖学金获得者;在过去两年里,该校有7人获得了 金水奖学金 (Goldwater Scholars),在全美大学中排前十,标志着它在理科和数学方面优秀的科研水平。俄克拉荷马大学获得的捐赠在过去13年里翻了四倍,是全美获得捐赠最多的25所公立大学之一,充分证明其优秀的教学科研水平。

山姆?诺贝尔?俄克拉荷马自然历史博物馆是全世界最大的两所建于大学内的自然历史博物馆之一,该馆珍藏丰富,藏品包括北美发现的最大的恐龙和最早的一件艺术品 刻在已经灭绝的北俄克拉荷马骨上的闪电。

俄克拉荷马大学是一所教学质量优秀而且容澳际请的大学。近年来校方为了录取更多优秀学生,一方面逐渐收紧录取尺度;另一方面,又锐意发展 荣誉课程(honors program) ,除了颁发奖金给成绩优异的学生外,还特辟 荣誉学生楼 ,供他们住宿。


俄克拉荷马州的名称来自印地安语,意义为 红种人 。州府是俄克拉荷马城, 位于本州中部加拿丁河 (Canatian River)以北, 约有100万人口, 为本州第一大城市,其中白人占75%,黑人占16%,其它人种占9%。俄克拉荷马大学主校区所在地诺曼在俄克拉荷马城附近。





The school s sports teams are called the Sooners, a nickname given to early settlers during the land run who sneaked into the offered territory and staked claims bore they were officially allowed to. They participate in the NCAA s Division I-Bowl Subdivision and in the South Division of the Big 12 Conference. The school sponsors nine sports for both men and women. The University has won 18 team NCAA National Championships and seven national championships in football (football championships are not awarded by the NCAA). By far, OU s most famous and storied athletic program is the football program, which has produced four Heisman Trophy winners: Billy Vessels in 1952, Steve Owens in 1969, Billy Sims in 1978, and Jason White in 2003.Many Pro Football Hall of Famers, including Lee Roy Selmon and Troy Aikman, also attended the University of Oklahoma. Oklahoma also currently holds the record for the longest winning streak in NCAA Division I history when they won 47 consecutive games between 1953 to 1957.In rerence to the team s success and popularity as a symbol of state pride, George Lynn Cross, OU s president from 1943 to 1968, once told the Oklahoma State Senate, I want a university the football team can be proud of.

2.Residential life

Oklahoma requires, with few exceptions, that all freshmen live in one of the four residence halls.Three of these building are towers (12 stories each): Adams Center, Walker Center, and Couch Center; the other is quads Cate Center.The Academic Arts Community, more commonly rerred to as Cate 5 or Honors, is located directly above the honors college, David L. Boren Hall. Although it is commonly believed that this dorm caters only to honors students, a large proportion of non-honors students comprise the community. The three towers are all located around each other with the Couch Cafeteria completing the residence community. Couch Cafeteria is composed of several different themed restaurants that serves a wide variety of food each day.Located in between Adams and Walker Centers is the Adams/Walker Mall, a field roughly the size of a football field. This area includes a basketball court and an open grass area that hosts musical events and other student-related activities. As of Fall 2007, over 3,900 students lived in one of these residence halls. Each residence hall has its own RSA (Resident Student Association) office, as well as its own computer lab and laundry facilities. By 2010, all residential halls, with the exception of Cate, will be completely renovated and upgraded. As of the Spring 2008 semester, the north-west wing of Walker Center is under renovation.

The university owns several apartment complexes around the campus. Some of these apartments were old and dilapidated, and the university has taken the strides to resolve this issue. Two brand new complexes owned by the university opened in recent years; OU Traditions Square East in 2005 and OU Traditions Square West in 2006.

Due to a low cost of living in Oklahoma, many students find it financially viable to live off campus in either apartments or houses. Over the last several years, Norman has seen a boom in apartment development. Since 2002, four new apartment or condominium complexes (not including the OU-owned properties) have been builtin addition to a booming housing market that is resulting in Norman spreading further east. Many students commute from nearby Moore and Oklahoma City.

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