

贝勒大学|Baylor University

2017/06/15 21:02:15 编辑: 浏览次数:636 移动端
贝勒大学(Baylor University)创于1845年,是德州历史最悠久的高等学院,提供164个学士学位和涵盖74个科系、1个专项教育的23个硕士学位和19个博士学位。包括法律博士和神学硕士、音乐硕士等。校园位于人口20万的德州韦科的Brazos河岸边,占地735英亩,现有学生14,000名。

贝勒大学被评为德州最优学校及CPA全国会考第八名。最近参加州制工程基础考试的Baylor高年级学生都通过了。贝勒大学Baylor University 名列德州15所公立大学及7所私立大学前茅,考试录取率98.4(Rice大学以98.1名列第二)。贝勒大学Baylor University 工程系受工程科技承认董事会认可。

USA News 连续将贝勒大学大学列入美国前100大,让其挤入全美大学暨学院的前3%内。Baylor的学费和住宿费比美国主要私立大学的还要便宜,连续被 钱 杂志列为 最佳的学院选择 。


Baylor University is a private, Baptist-affiliated research university located in Waco, Texas. It is the largest Baptist university in the world by enrollment. Founded in 1845, Baylor is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools and is a member of the Association of Southern Baptist Colleges and Schools. The Baylor University campus is located just southeast of downtown Waco, roughly bounded by IH-35, La Salle Avenue, Eighth Street and the Brazos River. The university is known for its programs in business, law, music, theology and science.Bachelor s, master s, doctorate and professional degrees are offered through eleven degree-granting academic units.

一、Academic profile

According to annual rankings published by U.S. News World Report, the university is currently tied for 75th place out of 248 national universities. Highly ranked academic programs include the undergraduate engineering program at 20th place, the undergraduate business program at 38th place, and the entrepreneurship program at 14th place.The University ranks in the top 15% of colleges and universities participating in the National Merit Scholarship program.

Baylor University first received school accreditation in 1914 when it became an accredited member of the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. The Baylor College of Medicine received accreditation from Southern Association of Colleges and Schools in 1970.

The university employs 804 full-time faculty members, of which just over 50% are tenured.

Institutional organization

Baylor University is divided into eleven degree-granting academic units. Two of the units are designated as colleges while eight others are designated as schools. They are:

College of Arts and Sciences

Hankamer School of Business

Honors College

School of Education

School of Engineering and Computer Science

Graduate School

Law School

Louise Herrington School of Nursing

School of Music

School of Social Work

Additionally, the George W. Truett Theological Seminary is a unit of Baylor University. While they share the Baylor name, Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Baylor College of Dentistry and the Baylor Health Care System in Dallas are no longer affiliated with Baylor University.

二、Research and endowment

Although the University was founded as a teaching institution, research has long been an important part of its academic life. The University is also working to strengthen the current research environment as part of Baylor 2012. To that end, the University recently completed construction of a 500,000 square foot science complex that will facilitate research on a variety of subjects.

In 2005, the University was invited to join the Collider Detector at Fermilab (CDF) collaboration at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, Illinois.The project is one of the world s largest experimental physics collaborations.

In 2006, the Carnegie Foundation upgraded the University s classification to Research University status with High Research Activity, opening the door to many new research opportunities.

The university s endowment passed $1 billion in 2007 and reached $1,055,478,000 on December 31, 2007. As of June 2008, the endowment was at $1.1 billion.

三、Student life

For the fall 2006 semester, Baylor University had 11,831 undergraduate and 2,209 graduate and professional students in 145 baccalaureate programs, 76 masters, and 22 doctoral programs. Baylor enrollment typically includes students from all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and approximately 90 foreign countries. Baylor is among the 11% of US colleges and universities to have a Phi Beta Kappa chapter.


Baylor currently offers several choices for on-campus living. As part of Vision 2012, Baylor strives to have a large percentage of students living on campus. Due to the rapid growth of the university, Baylor cannot keep up with the construction projects needed to accommodate the entire student body.

Currently, Baylor offers seven dormitories for incoming freshmen, and eleven dormitories in all - all of which are single-sex. In addition to the dormitories, Baylor currently owns and operates four co-ed apartment complexes in the rear part of campus that are available for upperclassmen.

The first residence community to be built in over forty years was completed in 2004 as part of the Vision 2012. North Village, which currently houses 600 students of the Engineering School as well as upperclassmen, offers a more apartment style option for students in three adjacent buildings. The community features a courtyard area with a garden area and community center/study area and cafe.

In 2006, Brooks Hall, the oldest dormitory on campus, was demolished to make room for the new Brooks Village which houses 716 students, more than three times as many as the former hall. The new facility features a new dining hall, a chapel, and a new field for student activity use. The new development consists of Brooks Flats - on-campus apartment accommodations similar to North Village - and Brooks College - Baylor s first co-ed residential dormitory, modeled after the residential college systems found at Cambridge University and other elite schools.In addition, a new 800 car parking garage has been built across the street from the facility to accommodate students living on the southern part of campus.

Due to the rapid growth in the university s student population, the current percentage of those living on campus is only 35 percent, with all residence facilities at capacity.

Current traditional dorm-style residences are as follows:

Alexander (male - Honors)

Allen (male - LEADERSHIP Living Learning Center)

Collins (female)

Dawson (female - LEADERSHIP Living Learning Center)

Kokernot (female)

Martin (male)

Memorial (female - Honors)

North Russell (female)

Penland (male)

South Russell (female)

Brooks College (Co-Ed, divided into east and west)

Apartment-style living options on campus are:

The Arbors

Baylor Plaza

Brooks Flats

North Village


2、Greek organizations

There are 24 fraternities and 20 sororities at Baylor. Many of the current Greek organizations were local clubs until 1977 when Baylor allowed national affiliations. Pi Beta Phi known as (Alpha Omega) and Phi Delta Theta known as the (Tryon Coterie), are the two oldest continuously on-campus Greek organizations at Baylor University.

Today, Baylor has many chapters of national Greeks and is home to several local Greek groups as well. Baylor has a high rate of male participation in Texas, with roughly 25% of males participating in fraternities. However, unlike most universities which allow Greek systems , Baylor does not permit such student organizations to have their own residences, or Fraternity houses.


Baylor s men s sports teams are nicknamed the Bears, and the women s teams are nicknamed the Lady Bears. Student athletes participate in the NCAA s Division I. Baylor is the only private school in the Big 12 Conference. Prior to joining the Big 12, Baylor was a member of the Southwest Conference from the conference s charter in 1914 until its dissolution in 1996. Baylor has carried over its rivalries from the now-dunct Southwest Conference, the most important of which are with Texas, Texas A M, and Texas Tech.

Baylor has won two NCAA titles. In 2004, the men s tennis team deated UCLA in the championship game. In 2005, the Baylor Lady Bears basketball team beat Michigan State in the championship game.


1、All University Sing

All University Sing is an annual spring semester variety show featuring clubs and organizations on campus. The first All University Sing was held by the Tryon Coterie club (now Baylor Phi Delta Theta) in 1953 with eight clubs singing three songs each. In 1958, Pigskin Revue was added as a Homecoming event that featured the best acts from the previous spring s competition. Up until 1963 the event was primarily groups singing in the style of a choir on a riser. Since then the event has grown to the include high energy Broadway style song and dance numbers. In 2003, Baylor celebrated 50 Years of Sing with commemorative books, DVDs and reunions.

2、Alma mater

Baylor University s alma mater is That Good Old Baylor Line. In 1906 a student penned humorous words to the tune of In the Good Old Summer Time and they became generally accepted among the student body as the school fight song. However, in 1931, Mrs. Enid Eastland Markham, wife of music professor Robert Markham, feeling the words were not dignified enough nor representative of the total University, wrote new lyrics which were presented in chapel in November and soon sanctioned as the official school song. The Good Old Summer Time tune was later arranged to fit Mrs. Markham s Baylor Line through the work of Jack Goode, Donald I. Moore and Charles F. Brown.


Every spring since 1934, Baylor takes a day off from classes for a spring holiday which since 1967 has been known as Diadeloso (Spanish for day of the bear). The Baylor University Chamber of Commerce organizes the event which consists of entertainment of all types - tug o war contests, 3-on-3 basketball, ping pong, indoor soccer, board game tournaments, comedians, an all-University dance, multi-player console games, gospel choirs, etc. This tradition often baffles new professors because class is not in session.

4、Golden Wave Marching Band

The Baylor University Golden Wave Marching Band (BUGWB) is the current halftime entertainment for Baylor football. The band attends every home football game at Floyd Casey Stadium. They also travel with the team to provide support at rival schools. The band attends all pep rallies in the fall. They march in the annual Homecoming Parade and other Homecoming events. With a current membership of 275 members, the Golden Wave Marching Band is the largest student organization on campus, and is dedicated to enhancing the Baylor Spirit.


Baylor celebrated its first Homecoming in 1909 and it has become an annual event since then. Traditional activities include Pigskin Revue, a song and dance featuring the top acts from the previous spring s All University Sing; Freshman Mass Meeting, where freshmen hear the story of the Immortal Ten and are charged with guarding the Eternal Flame until the building of the bonfire; and a pep rally and bonfire on Friday evening. Baylor is also home to the oldest and longest collegiate homecoming parade in the United States.Since the mid 1930s, the Baylor Chamber has been responsible for funding, coordinating and executing the majority of the aspects of Baylor s Homecoming activities.

6、Immortal Ten

In January 1927 a bus carrying the Baylor basketball team collided with a speeding train in Round Rock, Texas. Ten members of the traveling party were killed and many others were injured in the accident. Each year at Homecoming the story of the Immortal Ten is told again to the new freshman class at the Freshman Mass Meeting. The names of the ten are called out. In 1996, the senior class provided initial funding to create and place an Immortal Ten statue on campus. Fund raising and discussions about where to place the statues continued off and on over the ensuing years. Finally, on June 22, 2007, sculpture artist Bruce Greene s statues were unveiled. The Immortal Ten memorial was officially dedicated during the 2007 Baylor Homecoming on November 2 in Traditions Square.


The school mascot is the American black bear. There are currently two live bears, nicknamed Joy and Lady , and both of them live in a habitat on campus.

The first live bear was donated by local businessman Herbert E. Mayr in 1917 after winning the bear in a poker game with members of the 107th Engineer Battalion.[citation needed] Mayr had kept a bear cub as a pet and was often seen walking the cub near The Circle in Waco bore he donated the animal to Baylor University. The Baylor University Chamber of Commerce is responsible for all aspects of the program including care, facility upkeep, and training. Currently there are two American black bears on campus named Judge Joy Reynolds and Judge Sue Sloan; students affectionately rer to them as Joy and Lady.

The university recently finished renovation of the Bill and Eva Williams Bear Habitat, a $1 million facility which includes a 13-foot (4-meter) waterfall, 3 pools, 2 dens, grass, and eye-level viewing. The facility is a USDA licensed Class C Zoo and is held to the same standards as any other zoological exhibit. Visitors can see the bears up close and learn more about North American black bears. The bear habitat is a favorite spot for visitors and students of all ages.

8、The NoZe Brotherhood

The NoZe Brotherhood, an unofficial fraternal organization founded in 1924, provides the university with unusual public pranks and satirical writings in its newspaper The Rope. When in public as a NoZe brother, members wear traditional Groucho Marx-style mask disguises and outlandish costumes to keep their student identities secret. Faculty and students outside of the organization are typically split on their opinion of the group s humor. In some cases, the NoZe Brotherhood s actions and publications have been considered highly offensive and controversial by the Baylor community. Traditionally during commencement, NoZe Brothers will wear their glasses or have them around their necks as they receive their diploma to signify that they partook in the society.

9、University Mace

During the War of 1812, Cyrus Baylor, brother of R. E. B. Baylor, was cited for his bravery with the presentation of a gold sword by President Jackson. In 1957 it was given to Baylor University. In 1974, Baylor president Abner V. McCall suggested that the sword be used to form the focal point of a ceremonial symbol of authority. A timber from one of Old Main s towers was used to construct a base and center pole. Walking canes of former Baylor President Rufus C. Burleson and General Sam Houston, who had been baptized by Burleson and had been a supporter of the University, were linked to the sword to form the Mace. It is used at all University commencement exercises and at other special ceremonies

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