

佩珀代因大学|Pepperdine University

2017/06/15 20:59:59 编辑: 浏览次数:558 移动端
1937年由乔治. 佩珀代因成立出资在洛衫矶购地34英亩,乔治. 佩珀代是一个基督教商人,他建立了西方汽车代理公司。在该大学成立后的前30年里,它是一所小型的主要招收本科生的学院。创建佩波戴恩学院,有学生167人。是基督教会。在1970年由于增加了研究生学院和职业学院,它被提升为大学。1972年,它在马利布开办了新校区。佩珀代因大学附属于基督教会,而佩珀代因先生就是终生会员。全体教员、行政人员以及董事会成员均代表了许多宗教背景,欢迎所有种族所有信仰的学生。这就是佩珀代因大学追求最高学术标准的意图。学校由5所学院组成。 它拥有300多名教授和学者,8000多名学生,其中国际学生占8 %。

佩珀代因大学拥有精良的学习设施,包括现代化的教学演讲厅和实验室,一个藏书超过 75 万册的图书馆和一个大型的计算机网络系统。校内还有50 多个非常活跃的运动和文化俱乐部,包括一个留学生俱乐部,学生可享用室内娱乐中心、The New Place 剧场、游艺室、休息厅和由学生会提供的自助餐厅,还有全基督教女士同仁会、运动场和游泳池。


Pepperdine University is a private University of higher learning affiliated with the Churches of Christ. The university s location overlooks the Pacific Ocean and is adjacent to the city limits of Malibu in unincorporated Los Angeles County, California, United States.


The main campus is nestled among several ridges that overlook the Pacific Ocean and the Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu, California. The main campus entrance road ascends a steep, well-groomed grassy slope past a huge stylized cross, known as the Phillips Theme Tower, symbolizing the university s dedication to its original Christian mission. Most buildings were constructed in a typical 1980s-style reinterpretation of classic Californian and Mediterranean architecture (red tile roofs, white stuccoed walls, large tinted windows). There are views of the Pacific Ocean, Catalina Island, Palos Verdes Peninsula, Long Beach and the westside of Los Angeles from numerous points. Graduations take place at Alumni Park, a broad expanse of lawn overlooking Pacific Coast Highway and the Pacific Ocean. The main academic plaza for undergraduate programs of Seaver College lies just above Alumni Park and includes Stauffer Chapel, Tyler Campus Center, Payson Library, and the Ahmanson Fine Arts Center. Undergraduate housing and athletic facilities sit to the north/northwest of the academic complex. The Law School exists even higher above these areas. The central campus is surrounded by a loop road consisting of Seaver Drive, Huntsinger Circle, and John Tyler Drive. Banowsky Boulevard separates Alumni Park from the main academic complex and is named in honor of William S. Banowsky, the 4th president of Pepperdine.

Spur roads to the east of the central part of campus lead to faculty housing. To the northwest, Via Pacifica winds uphill to the Drescher Graduate Campus, completed in 2003 and home to the School of Public Policy, the Villa Graziadio conference center, as well as the fulltime programs of the Graziadio School of Business and Management and the Graduate School of Education and Psychology. Housing for graduate students, undergraduate honors students, and faculty are also located here.

Seaver College is led by Dean Rick Marrs, who took over the Deanship upon the retirement of David Baird at the end of the 2008 Spring semester.

Graduate Campuses

The Graziadio School of Business and Management and the Graduate School of Education and Psychology are headquartered in West Los Angeles at the Howard Hughes Center next to Interstate 405. These two schools also offer programs at graduate campuses in Encino, Irvine, Long Beach, Pasadena, Santa Clara, and Westlake Village. International programs of the University s various schools take place in London, Heidelberg, Florence, Buenos Aires, Paris, Madrid, Lausanne, Johannesburg, Tegucigalpa, Brisbane, Chiang Mai, Hong Kong, and Tokyo.


1、Seaver College of Letters, Arts and Sciences

Seaver College (named for Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Seaver, the largest single benactors of Pepperdine) educates undergraduates in a liberal-arts environment. Seaver College comprises 8 divisions and 40 majors:

Business Division: Accounting, Business Administration, International Business

Communication Division: Advertising, Communication, Integrated Marketing Communication, Journalism, Public Relations, Speech Communication, Telecommunications

Fine Arts Division: Art, Art History, Music, Theatre Arts, Theatre and Television

Humanities and Teacher Education Division: Creative Writing, English, Film Studies, History, Humanities, Liberal Arts, Philosophy

International Studies and Languages Division: French, German, International Studies, Spanish

Natural Science Division: Biology, Chemistry, 3/2 Engineering, Computer Science/Mathematics, Mathematics, Mathematics Education, Natural Science, Nutritional Science, Physics, Sports Medicine

Religion Division: Religion

Social Science Division: Economics, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology

The college also offers master s degrees in History, Communications, American Studies, and Religion, in addition to teaching credentials. David Baird is the current dean.

2、Graziadio School of Business and Management

Pepperdine University s George L. Graziadio School of Business and Management enrolls approximately 2,000 students in its full-time and part-time degree programs. The school was founded in 1969, and has since graduated over 30,000 alumni. Dr. Linda Livingstone has served as Dean since 2002.

3、School of Law

The Pepperdine University School of Law is located adjacent to the Seaver College Campus, and enrolls about 670 students who come from all parts of the country. It is fully approved by the American Bar Association and is a member of the Association of American Law Schools. The School of Law recently has attained membership in the prestigious Order of the Coif.[5] [6] Pepperdine s Straus Institute of Dispute Resolution is consistently ranked as the number one dispute resolution program in the country, offering LL.M., master s and certificate programs. Some of its other newer degree offerings include the juris doctor/master of divinity in conjunction with Pepperdine s Seaver College. Other joint degree programs include the JD/MBA, JD/MPP, and JD/MDR. The school offers both a summer session and a fall semester in London, England. Kenneth Starr is the current dean.

4、Graduate School of Education and Psychology

With a focus on collaborative learning, leadership and academic excellence, the Pepperdine University Graduate School of Education and Psychology (GSEP) offers both masters and doctorate programs in education, educational technology, education administration, leadership, organizational change, organizational leadership, school counseling, psychology, and clinical psychology. Margaret Weber is the current dean.

5、School of Public Policy

Approximately 120 graduate students are enrolled in the Pepperdine School of Public Policy, which offers a two-year masters of public policy degree. Not simply the study of government, public policy is the study of how governments, non-profits, and even individuals and businesses address problems of public concern. Students specialize in economics, international relations, American politics, or local/regional policy in addition to their core studies and are required to complete a policy-related internship. James Wilburn is the current dean.

The School of Public Policy was recently given a generous grant by former Congressman Jack F. Kemp to establish an institute of political economy. Notable figures scheduled to lecture and join an advisory committee are: James A. Baker III (former Secretary of State), William J. Bennett, Edwin Fuelner (President, Heritage Foundation), Steve Forbes (CEO and Chairman, Forbes, Inc.), Larry Kudlow, Edwin Meese III (75th Attorney General of the United States), and Michael Novak.

Notable faculty at the School of Public Policy are: Ted McAllister, James Q. Wilson, James Prieger (Chi Economist, FCC), Gordon Lloyd and Robert Kaufman.

Notable graduates include at least two current members of the Bush Administration: Eryn Witcher, Director of Television, and Troy Senik, Speechwriter for the President.

The current dean of the Public Policy School is James R. Wilburn.


The Princeton Review ranked Pepperdine on the list of colleges with Dorms Like Palaces in 2004 and 2007 and #1 under Most Beautiful Campus in 2006 and 2007. Pepperdine also appeared on other lists including Students Pray on a Regular Basis, and High Quality of Life. Because of its Christian affiliation, many contend that the student body breeds a religious and politically conservative atmosphere.[21] Princeton Review also ranked Pepperdine University #13 in its list Alternative Lifestyles not an Alternative .

In 2007 Pepperdine was named as One of the Top Producing Colleges and Universities by the Peace Corps of America. The 2005 edition of the Fiske Guide to Colleges has also noted Pepperdine as being one of the nation s largest conservative colleges. U.S. News World Report (see Pepperdine at Glance in the external links section) has ranked Pepperdine as the 54th best national university for undergraduate education, its law school is rated as 59th among the top 100 law schools in the country by U.S. News and World Reports, and the Straus Institute of Dispute Resolution is currently ranked number 1 in the nation.The Graziadio School of Business Management has been consistently ranked by BusinessWeek as having one of the world s Top 25 Executive MBA programs, and US News World Report has ranked the Graziadio School s Fully-Employed MBA program in the world s Top 30 and its Full-Time MBA program in the world s Top 100.[citation needed] Financial Times magazine has ranked the Graziadio School s EMBA in the world s Top 50.[citation needed] Pepperdine also participates in the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities (NAICU) s University and College Accountability Network (U-CAN).


Pepperdine University participates in the West Coast Conference, a conference made up exclusively of religiously affiliated schools in which it is the only member that is not Catholic. Appropriate for its location adjacent to the Pacific Ocean, Pepperdine s teams are known as the Waves.

Pepperdine University was recently ranked by the Sears Cup as having the most successful athletic program for non-football Division I schools. (UCLA was ranked the most successful Division I athletic program with football.) Pepperdine University sponsors fourteen NCAA Division I intercollegiate athletics teams: baseball, basketball, cross country, golf, tennis, volleyball and water polo teams for men; and basketball, cross country, golf, soccer, swimming, tennis and volleyball for women. There are also a number of intercollegiate sports clubs such as men s soccer, men s and women s lacrosse, Ultimate Frisbee and ice hockey.

NCAA Division I Team Championships:

Baseball (1992)

Men s Golf (1997)

Men s Tennis (2006)

Men s Volleyball (1978, 1985, 1986, 1992, 2005)

Water Polo (1997)

NCAA Division I Individual Titles:

Robbie Weiss (1988 Tennis - Singles)

Carlos DiLaura Kelly Jones (1985 Tennis - Doubles)

Jerome Jones Kelly Jones (1984 Tennis - Doubles)


Batsell Baxter (1937 1939)

Hugh M. Tiner (1939 1957)

M. Norvel Young (1957 1971)

William S. Banowsky (1971 1978)

Howard A. White (1978 1985)

David Davenport (1985 2000)

Andrew K. Benton (2000-Present)

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