

加州大学河滨分校|University of California Riverside

2017/06/15 20:59:56 编辑: 浏览次数:478 移动端
创校于1954年,加州大学河滨分校 University of California, Riverside 是加州大学系统的分校之一,位于洛杉矶地区,学生约为16000人左右,是加州大学系统分校中在洛杉矶地区,学生人数最少的, 占地1200英亩的美丽校园,绿树林立、阳光普照,充满人文色彩的学府,以教学质量、学术研究成果享誉于国际 。

加州大学河滨分校 University of California, Riverside在教学上十分严谨、专业,拥有全世界顶级的农学系,吸引了来自全世界的学生前来就读,加州大学河滨分校 University of California, Riverside 的各系所也均拥有良好的口碑,常不定期会举办各类的演讲。

加州大学河滨分校 University of California, Riverside从事的各项推广教育课程也已有25年的历史了,是全美最具有规模的文教机构之一。加州大学河滨分校 University of California, Riverside的国际教育课程University of California, Riverside, International Education Programs,IEP,开发了各式各样的专业课程,以供来自四面八方的学子前来,以最先进的教学设备及教学方式设计课程,一般来讲在时间上均以一年为基准,在教学上,教授的老师们也均有相当的经验及资历、水平,师生间互动良好,提供学生在学习上的协助,顺利融入美国生活。

加州大学河滨分校 University of California, Riverside位于之地点十分优异,距离海滩、滑雪胜地、迪斯尼乐园、好莱坞等其它娱乐中心只需1小时左右车程,在交通上相当便捷 ,学费是加州大学系统中较为便宜 。校园之美丽,享有加州大学系统中最优美的校园之美誉。设备新颖:美术馆、摄影博物馆、视听资源中心、柑橘植物研究中心、实验果农场、空气污染研究中心 共有五所图书馆,馆藏丰富,另有120多万份缩影片、视听资料及多种定期刊物。体育设施有:游泳池、健身房、网球场、排球场、棒球场等。



Sunset over UCR residence hallsUCR s residence halls consist of three structures Aberdeen-Inverness, Lothian, and Pentland Hills which as of 2002 housed 2,930 students in triple, double and single rooms. In addition, UCR features several on-campus apartment complexes such as Stonehaven, Bannockburn Village, University Plaza, Glen Mor and International Village, which together house 959 students. UCR also offers student family housing at Canyon Crest, a low-density residential community that serves 268 and is slated for demolition to make room for higher-density residence halls.Glen Mor, an apartment housing complex adjacent to Pentland Hills, was opened in 2007, and the university also purchased a nearby apartment complex for student housing in 2007.About half of the student population lives in off-campus apartments, one-fourth commute, and one-fourth live on campus.Thirty percent of students remain on campus for the weekend.

Rlecting UCR s diversity, a number of residence halls have been established for specific social, cultural and academic needs. Ethnic and gender-oriented theme halls include Unete a Mundo, for students seeking to support Latino or Chicano students in acclimating to life at UCR; a Pan African Theme Hall for students interested in developing consciousness of African culture in relation to other cultures of the world; and Stonewall Hall, dedicated to students of all gender identities and sexual orientations who wish to live in a gender-neutral community. UCR s three academic colleges in the humanities, sciences and engineering fields are represented by respective theme halls, and halls exist for honor students and transfer students.

2.Student organizations and activities

UCR hosts 281 registered student organizations, including the Associated Students of the University of California, Riverside (ASUCR), which represents undergraduates on administrative and policy issues.ASUCR is guided by a Senate composed of 20 elected officers, who represent the three undergraduate colleges in proportion to their enrollment. Membership is composed of all UCR students who pay mandatory activity fees.ASUCR assesses these fees and distributes funds to registered student groups on campus, including student lobbying groups, a right that ASUCR won in a federal court case against the Regents in 1999.

In August 1955, students constructed a 132 ft (40 m) by 70 ft (21 m) concrete C on the eastern slope of the Box Springs Mountain.Of the registered student groups, 40 are fraternities and sororities. Ten men s fraternities belong to the North-American Interfraternity Conference; six women s sororities belong to the National Panhellenic Conference; seven men s fraternities and ten women s sororities represent the National Multicultural Greek Council, and two others fall under the campus Raza Assembly and are unique to UCR.Thirteen percent of the undergraduate student body participates in Greek life, although chapter houses are not permitted.Including the Greek letter organizations, more than 60 student volunteer service organizations at UCR contribute to more than 100,000 hours of collective and individual service done in the community each year.

Student media organizations include The Highlander student newspaper, currently published bi-weekly, Tuesdays and Fridays, during the academic year. First published in 1954, it was a completely independent student news publication until 2001, when ASUCR passed a funding rerendum for it.Since then, several representatives of student government, along with the larger UCR community, have criticized The Highlander for publishing racially-insensitive content, including a cartoon that depicted a stereotypical Asian American graduate teaching assistant with poor English skills.Other student news publications on campus include the Asian Community Times, Indian Time, Nuestra Cosa, Queeriosity, and the X-Factor Student Newspaper.Campus literary magazines include Mosaic, published at UCR since 1959, and Crate, published by graduate students in UCR s master s level creative writing program since 2005.UCR broadcasts over radio as KUCR at 88.3 FM. The station programs a variety of independent music, news and commentary.

On-campus entertainment events are planned by a 14-member Associated Students Program Board (ASPB), comprising six student-run divisions that include concerts, films and lectures, cultural events and special events, as well as a marketing and leadership division. ASPB s major events include the Block Party Concert, Student Film Festival, International Film Festival, World Fest, Welcome Week, Homecoming and Spring Splash.

The Graduate Student Association of the University of California, Riverside (GSAUCR) is ASUCR s counterpart on the graduate level. It is guided by a Graduate Student Council consisting of representatives from every department on campus. GSAUCR assesses fees required of all graduate students and uses them to fund research awards and colloquiums, conference travel grants, and speaker funds.

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