

太平洋大学|University of the Pacific

2017/06/15 20:59:53 编辑: 浏览次数:824 移动端
太平洋大学是一所四年制私立大学,隶属循道会,成立于1851年,获《美国新闻与世界报道》评为三级国家级大学,学术声誉全美排名第168名。《纽约时报大学指南》在介绍这所三颗星大学时指出,最好的学科是化学、计算机科学、美术、音乐、药剂、商科、教育及工程。大学69%新生及64%旧生获得某种形式的资助,金额由200 20000美元不等。最多学生选修的学科,依次是:健康科学(22%)、商科管理(19%)、工程(14%)、社会科学(11%)、大众传播(10%)。太平洋大学的课程安排是将理论与实践相结合的典范。通过实习,实践和研究课程等形式,大学生的文化艺术课程教学将课堂授课与就业前培训完美地融合了起来。太平洋大学的校园社区崇尚互助互爱,在那里,友谊第一,教师们乐于帮助学生追求成功。学校虽小,但正因为如此,给了学生们更多的机会。另外,太平洋大学的教学水平一流。独立机构分析其教学质量和收费水平后,认为它是你在美国最值得入读的院校之一。




The Stockton campus, featuring an imposing tower, countless rose gardens, architectural columns, brick-faced buildings, and numerous trees, has been used in several Hollywood films, due to its aesthetic likeness to East Coast Ivy League universities. Its most notable appearances were in Raiders of the Lost Ark, The Sure Thing and Dead Man on Campus.

University of the PacificThe Stockton campus is home to three main residential halls: Grace Covell Hall, Southwest Hall and the Quad Buildings. The Quads are composed of many separate smaller residence halls in close proximity to each other. Grace Covell is the largest residence hall on campus holding more than 350 students while Southwest and the Quads hold a significantly lower number of students. Upperclassmen can find housing in the University Townhouses on the northeast side of campus or in the two brand new apartment buildings known as Monagan and Brookside Hall.

In 2008, the university will open a brand new state-of-the-art $30 million University Center to centralize all campus student-centered activities. This University Center will house a new central dining hall, mailroom, student cafe, pub, bookstore and conference centers, replacing the old McCaffrey Center. It is also concurrently building a new $20 million Biological Sciences Center that will provide advanced classroom and laboratory facilities for students studying the natural science and the health sciences.

The campus is also home to Morris Chapel, a non-denominational church and lovely wedding spot popular because of its simple architecture, excellent acoustics and photogenic backdrops.

2.Greek life

Greek life plays an important role at University of the Pacific, where there are four on-campus social fraternity houses, four on-campus social sorority houses, and five multicultural fraternities that are overseen by the University s Department of Housing and Greek Life.

Approximately 20% of Pacific students are involved in Greek life at Pacific.


Theta Chi - Iota Eta Chapter

Omega Phi Alpha - The Only Chapter

Pi Kappa Alpha - Kappa Nu Chapter

Sigma Chi - Kappa Sigma Chapter


Alpha Phi

Delta Delta Delta

Delta Gamma

Kappa Alpha Theta

Multicultural organizations

Delta Sigma Theta

Gamma Alpha Omega

Omega Delta Phi

Xi Chi Sigma

Rho Delta Chi

Professional fraternities

Alpha Chi Sigma Chemistry

Delta Sigma Pi Business

Kappa Psi Pharmacy

Mu Phi Epsilon Music

Rho Pi Phi Pharmacy

Phi Alpha Delta

Phi Delta Chi Pharmacy

Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Music

Sigma Alpha Iota Music

Theta Alpha Phi

Lambda Kappa Sigma Pharmacy

Delta Phi Epsilon (professional) Foreign Service

Service fraternities

Alpha Phi Omega

Honors societies

Phi Beta Kappa

Omicron Delta Epsilon

Tau Beta Pi

Sigma Delta Pi

Rho Chi

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