

丹佛大学|University of Denver

2017/06/15 20:59:27 编辑: 浏览次数:379 移动端
丹佛大学University of Denver是洛基山区 (Rocky Mountain) 最老也最大的四年制私立大学,成立于1864年。丹佛大学位于美国科罗拉多州 Denver 大学公园的中心 ,那里是丹佛市历史上非常有名的地区, 同时也是一个安全的居住区。 作为美国科洛多拉州的首府 , Denver 也是该州最大的城市 , 有人口二百三十多万。 而且 Denver 是整个洛基山地区企业 , 文化, 金融和娱乐活动的聚集地。 Denver 市全年有三百天阳光明媚的日子 , 天气宜人,适合旅游。

丹佛大学是美国中西部重要的大学代表之一,它作为二级国家级大学,入选《纽约时报大学指南》的 二百大 ,并获得三颗星的学术评分。 丹佛大学的学生来自全美和将近 100 个国家。因此它担负了许多区域性发展的使命, 例如: 丹佛大学的工程学系是被Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology (ABET) 所认可并积极辅导发展, 丹佛大学的丹尼尔商业学院是美国8个最老的大学商业学院之一 , 近来更被选为世界最佳商学院之一, 与华顿, 哈佛, 耶鲁, Dartmouth等学院齐名。丹佛大学提供65种学科供学生研读, 采用小班制, 大学每班的人数不超过20人, 研究所的班级人数更少, 原因是为了让教授能更好的了解、协助、激发与挑战学生的潜能。还有该校的体育设施相当完备 , 你可在先进的健身中心健身, 在奥林匹克级别的游泳池游泳, 并享受滑冰与冰上竞技。



The University was founded in 1864 as Colorado Seminary by John Evans, the former Governor of Colorado Territory, who had been appointed by President Abraham Lincoln. Evans, who also founded Northwestern University prior to founding DU, is the namesake of the town in Illinois named Evanston (the site of the Northwestern campus) as well as Mount Evans, a 14,000+ foot mountain visible from the DU campus.

The reverse initials DU are used as the University s shorthand moniker (rather than the more intuitive UD ) as part of a Rocky Mountain and midwestern tradition of initial reversal, similar to the University of Colorado s CU , the University of Tulsa s TU , the University of Oklahoma s OU and the University of Kansas KU .

The Colorado Seminary was founded as a Methodist institution, and struggled in the very early years of its existence. By 1880, the Colorado Seminary had been renamed the University of Denver. The first buildings of the University were located in downtown Denver in the 1860s and 1870s, but concerns that Denver s rough-and-tumble frontier town (the city was founded in 1858) atmosphere was not conducive to education prompted a new campus (today s campus) to be built on the donated land of potato farmer Rufus Clark, some seven miles (11 km) south of the downtown core. The University grew and prospered alongside the city s growth, appealing primarily to a regional student body prior to World War II. After the war, the large surge in GI bill students pushed DU s enrollment to over 15,000 students, the largest the university has ever been, and helped to spread the university s reputation to a national audience. In 2005, Denver selected former provost Robert Coombe as its new Chancellor, succeeding Chancellor Daniel L.Ritchie.



The University of Denver had 10,791 students in 2007. Of the 10,791 students, 5,122 are undergraduates. The ratio of undergraduate women to men is 55:45. Of the 5,122 undergraduate students, 79.1% are White, 2.8% are Black, 7.1% are Hispanic, 6.7% are Asian or Pacific Islander, 1.2% are American Indian, and 3% are international. Around 60 percent of the student body is from outside the state of Colorado. For 2007 the average accepted high school student obtained a 3.63 GPA, SAT combined of 1204 and, an ACT of 26.59.


The University of Denver is currently ranked 85th among all public and private National Universities by U.S. News World Report in a 2008 ranking. The school is currently ranked the 48th best private university by the same publication.

The undergraduate business program, The Daniels College of Business, was ranked 67th best in 2008 by BusinessWeek, and it was ranked the 71st best program by U.S. News in a 2008 ranking.

The Sturm College of Law is currently ranked the 88th best Graduate Law School by U.S News in a 2009 ranking.

DU also participates in the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities (NAICU) s University and College Accountability Network (U-CAN).


The heart of the campus has a number of historic buildings. The longest-standing building is University Hall, which has served DU since 1890. Evans Chapel, an 1870s vintage small church which was once located in downtown Denver, was relocated to the DU campus in the 1960s, and Buchtel Tower (1913), which is all that remains of the former Buchtel Chapel, which burned in 1983. The administrative offices are located in the Mary Reed Building, a former library built in 1932 in the collegiate gothic style.

Under the leadership of former Chancellor Daniel Ritchie (now Chairman of the Denver Center for Performing Arts), about $500 million in capital improvements have taken place in the last decade and the learning inside these new buildings has improved in the same period, as admissions selectivity and rankings have improved dramatically.

University Hall and Iliff School of TheologyIn autumn 2003, DU opened a new 63.5 million USD facility for its College of Law, what was later named the Sturm College of Law. The building includes a three-story library with personal computers accessible to students. Donald and Susan Sturm, owners of Denver-based American National Bank, had given $20 million to the University of Denver College of Law. The gift is the largest single donation in the 112-year history of the law school and among the largest gifts ever to the University.

The Daniels College of Business was completed in September 1999 at the cost of $25 million dollars[citation needed]. The business school has been nationally recognized by organizations such as Forbes magazine, Business Week, and the Wall Street Journal where it is ranked 7th in the nation for producing students with high ethical standards.

Additionally, the University also recently opened the $75 million Newman Center for the Performing Arts, which houses the acclaimed Lamont School of Music. The center includes a 1,000 seat, four-level opera house with the finest acoustics in the region, a 250-seat recital hall with the largest (3,000 pipes) natural organ in the region, and a 300-seat flexible theatre space. The Newman Center serves as home to many professional performing arts groups as well as University performing arts events.

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