

迈阿密大学|University of Miami

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迈阿密大学(University of Miami)是一所始建于1925年的私立高等学府,也是美国东南地区提供最广泛科研与教学的大学之一。迈阿密大学University of Miami目前共拥有本科及研究生15,000多人,包括近1500名来自世界110多个国家的国际学生。该校拥有约2,000名全职教学人员,学生与教员的比例约为13:1,在全美名列前茅。迈阿密大学University of Miami共有12个学院和一个继续教育及国际教育部,提供150个本科专业,130个研究生专业和60个本科专业。

迈阿密大学在南佛州共有4个校区,分别为:医学院位于迈阿密市市区、海洋及环境科学院位于Virginia Key、John J. Koubek中心位于小哈瓦那、James L. Knight中心位于迈阿密市区、另外还有一个南校区和Richmond校区。



迈阿密市建于1896年。迈阿密地处美国东南端,面积34.3平方公里,是全美第11大都市。属热带气候,温暖湿润,海岸风景秀丽,是美国著名的旅游胜地。本世纪二十年代,随着大批富有观光者蜂拥而至,迈阿密市城市规模迅速扩大。在过去十年中,迈阿密市进出口贸易额每年增长20%。目前,迈市已不仅是 通往美洲的门户 ,而且是一个国际性的贸易、商业中心。迈阿密也是除了纽约之外的全美国际金融业务中心,素有 中南美贸易金融之都 之称,拥有100多家外国银行。迈阿密市联邦储备机构每年处理的金额达1.5万亿美元。



法学院全美排名第70位, 其中税法专业排名全美第5位(US NEWS 2007);

医学院全美排名第56位(US NEWS 2007);


Bascom Palmer眼科学院的眼科学专业连续四年在 美国最佳医院 的评选中排名榜首,医学院的三位教授被评为全国最佳医生。迈阿密大学的医学院在多项医学领域获得了不凡的成绩。

事实上,迈阿密大学的本科教育更为出色,2007年,本科生的2000个位置接到了1.9万份申请,这在美国历史上从未有过,被录取者所组成的班级的平均分数全美最高。44%的学生的高中平均成绩是毕业学校的前5%,2/3的学生平均成绩为本校前10%。对于这些优秀的学生, 迈阿密大学采取小班教学,50%以上的班级人数小于15人,75%的班级小于25人。


跨系研读学院(The School of Inter-disciplinary Studies)设计了一项颇为突出的课程,名叫 Western Program ,学生需修读社会学、人文学科和自然科学。所有学生都住在一起,自成一个小天地。还有一项特色是,在欧洲卢森堡竟设有一所分校,修读外文的同学,都有机会赴卢森堡念一个学期甚或一年外文。


The University of Miami has routinely ranked in the top academic tier of most national rankings of colleges and universities. In the 2008 issue of U.S. News World Report s America s Best Colleges, the University of Miami is ranked 52nd among 254 National Universities. U.S. News World Report s 2008 ranking of U.S. medical schools ranked the University of Miami s Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine 52nd in the nation. U.S. News World Report s 2008 ranking of U.S. law schools ranked the University of Miami School of Law 82nd.UM is also one of 146 colleges named a Best Southeastern College by the The Princeton Review in its 2006 edition,[11] and the fourth-most diverse student body among all U.S. colleges and universities in its 2007 edition.

In 2006, BusinessWeek included UM s School of Business Administration in its Top 50 U.S. collegiate business programs, ranking UM the 44th best U.S. undergraduate business program in the nation. The Wall Street Journal, also in 2006, ranked the UM School of Business Administration 14th in its regional ranking category.[13] For the third year in a row, the University of Miami s Bascom Palmer Eye Institute was ranked the best hospital in the country for ophthalmology in U.S. News and World Report s 2006 survey of America s Best Hospitals.

The University of Miami also participates in the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities (NAICU) s University and College Accountability Network (U-CAN).


The University of Miami Libraries rank among the top research libraries in North America. The Otto G. Richter Library, the University of Miami s main library, houses collections that serve the arts, architecture, humanities, social sciences, and the sciences. It is a depository for federal and state government publications. Rare books, maps, manuscript collections, and the University of Miami Archives are housed in the Special Collections Division and in the Cuban Heritage Collection

In addition to the Richter Library, the Libraries include facilities that support programs in architecture, business, marine science, and music:

Judi Prokop Newman Information Resources Center (Business)

Marta and Austin Weeks Music Library

Paul Buisson Rerence Library (Architecture)

Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science Library

The University also has specialized libraries for medicine and law:

Louis Calder Memorial Library (Medicine)

University of Miami Law Library

Within the Miller School of Medicine, there are two specialized departmental libraries for ophthalmology and psychiatry that are open to the public:

Mary and Edward Norton Library (Ophthalmology)

Pomerance Library (Psychiatry)

Combined holdings of the libraries include over 3.1 million volumes, 15,375 print serial subscriptions, 4 million microforms, and access to more than 42,800 e-journals and 479,000 e-books and databases.


The university s sports teams are nicknamed the Hurricanes and compete in the Atlantic Coast Conference. The university is particularly well known for having the most successful Division I collegiate football program of the past three decades, winning more national championships during this period than any other Division I team. Despite this extraordinary success, however, the program has deteriorated substantially since 2002, with the team failing to make a BCS bowl for four consecutive years and, in 2007, failing to qualify for any bowl game at all.

Their traditional athletic rivals include the Florida State University Seminoles and the University of Florida Gators. Since 1987, however, the Hurricanes have only played the Florida Gators four times (twice during the regular season and once for bowl games in the 2004 Peach Bowl). The Hurricanes and the Gators have not played since UM began ACC play in the 2004 season, but the rivalry will be renewed in 2008 when UM is scheduled to meet the Gators in Gainesville.

In order to comply with Title IX equality requirements, the university only fields 15 athletic teams. Men s teams compete in football, baseball, basketball, cross-country, diving, tennis, and track and field. Women s teams compete in basketball, cross-country, diving, golf, rowing, soccer, swimming, tennis, track and field, and volleyball. Notably, unlike most Division I universities, UM does not field a men s golf, soccer, or wrestling team and had to dismantle both its men s rowing and men s swimming and diving teams (which had produced a number of Olympic medalists, including Greg Louganis), in order to comply with Title IX.

Team colors are green, orange, and white, representing the three colors of the orange tree. The school mascot is Sebastian the Ibis. The ibis was selected as the school s mascot because, according to university legend, it is the last animal to flee an approaching hurricane and the first to reappear after the storm, making it a symbol of leadership and courage.

The school s athletics logo is a simple green and orange letter U. Nike is the official supplier of uniforms, apparel, and various athletic equipment to all University of Miami sports teams.

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