

东北大学|Northeastern University

2017/06/15 20:58:14 编辑: 浏览次数:1755 移动端
美国东北大学Northeastern University成立于1898年,是美国最大的私立大学之一。主校园占地67英亩,位于波士顿市,紧邻著名的哈佛大学麻省理工学院。学校以合作课程(co-op Program)最为突出,除了文理科之外,其它学士课程都要修读五年。因为学生要有一年时间是在工商机构实习和工作。在《计算机世界》的调查中,东北大学的技术MBA课程排名第一,东北大学自豪地称自己的高科技MBA课程是 新英格兰地区高科技行业的企业管理者的首选MBA课程 ,其主要特点是将市场营销、金融、团队协作与机构重组设计紧密结合在一起。为紧密联系实际,东北大学与当地系统集成与软件、金融服务、医疗卫生和生物技术等领域的企业密切合作。它们当中既有世界500强企业,也有新创业的公司。此外,东北大学还是 技术企业家中心 的所在地,该机构每年都要组织奖金额为6万美元的 商业规划竞赛 和其它比赛,邀请著名企业界人士演讲,举办企业家与学生的座谈。丰富的学术活动不仅大大开拓了学生们的视野,而且东北大学也因所培养的高科技企业家数量仅次于麻省理工学院而享誉整个波士顿地区。

大学位于马萨诸塞州波士顿市。波士顿是新英格兰地区的中心,又是马萨诸塞州的首府。在美国人的心目中,是个年轻而又古老的城市。它的发展起始于脱离英国殖民统治的时候。在城内林立的高楼间,不时能散见几座有关 独立 的建筑。崭新和古老,在波士顿得到了微妙而又完美的统一。就历史来讲,这里是美国少有的几个历史悠久到可以与欧洲相提并论的地区之一。今天的美利坚和众国就诞生在这里,不仅如此,这里还是美国独立革命思想的发源地。



In the 2008 US News and World Report college ranking, Northeastern ranked 96th on the list of Top National Universities , a list of hundreds of universities across the nation.It also ranked 65th on the list of Best Engineering Graduate Schools and 61st on the list of Best Computer Science Graduate Schools. Northeastern is also ranked 13th in the Programming Language Concentration in Computer science. Northeastern is one of the fastest rising schools in the U.S. News rankings. Since 2001, Northeastern has moved up 54 spots in the rankings. In 2003, Northeastern ranked #1 for Best Co-ops/Internships the only time that US News ranked schools on this characteristic. Also in 2003, Northeastern s career services department was awarded top honors by Kaplan Newsweek s Unofficial Insiders Guide to the 320 Most Interesting Colleges and Universities. In 2008, Northeastern was ranked #1 by the Princeton Review for Best Internships/Career Services.

In 2007, the undergraduate business school ranked 26th in the nation and No. 1 in internships according to Business Week and 15th for international business by US News.Northeastern s High Technology MBA program ranked #1 in a Top Techno MBA Survey released by ComputerWorld Magazine.Northeastern also ranked No. 4 in Forbes Magazine as one of America s Most Entrepreneurial Campuses. In 2007, the Business School ranked 24th in the U.S. by Entrepreneur magazine and The Princeton Review in entrepreneurship. Northeastern is also listed among 25 Cutting-Edge Schools in the 2008 edition of You Are Here, a college guide by Kaplan Publishing. The graduate school engineering ranked in the top 50 according to US News 2007. The EMBA program is ranked in the top 50 in the U.S. by the Financial Times and No. 21 in the nation by US News. In addition, Northeastern undergrad B-school students have dominated case competitions against other Boston area business schools winning ten of the last 12 Business School Beanpot competitions.

Northeastern is ranked No. 26 in the nation by the National Research Council in Oceanography. The Criminology program is ranked in the top 14 by US News. In 2007, the architecture program ranked No. 12 in the country in terms of research by Archsoc.com. The Law School ranked No.1 in public interest law by the ABA.The Physician s Assistant program is ranked No. 17 by US News. In 2008, Northeastern University was ranked by US News as No. 13 in the Best Graduate Schools 2009 ranking for Computer Science, Programming Languages specialty. In 2008, Northeastern s College of Computer and Information Science (CCIS) was named as one of the top 10 innovative IT Schools to Watch by Computerworld magazine.

Northeastern participates in the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities (NAICU) s University and College Accountability Network (U-CAN).

2.Student life and activities


Northeastern has over 19 varsity teams in the NCAA, over 30 club sport teams, and over 200 student organizations. Several prominent student-run organizations, including the Student Government Association (SGA), Council for University Programs (CUP), and the Resident Student Association (RSA) organize activities for Northeastern students as well as the surrounding community.

Greek life


Alpha Delta Phi ( )

Alpha Epsilon Pi ( Ε )

Alpha Kappa Sigma ( )

Beta Gamma Epsilon ( Ε)

Kappa Sigma ( )

Pi Delta Psi ( )

Pi Kappa Alpha ( )

Sigma Alpha Mu ( )

Sigma Phi Epsilon ( Ε)


Alpha Epsilon Phi ( Ε )

Alpha Kappa Alpha ( )

Delta Phi Epsilon ( Ε)

Delta Phi Omega ( )

Delta Zeta ( )

Kappa Delta ( )

Kappa Phi Lambda ( )

Sigma Delta Tau ( )

Sigma Sigma Sigma ( )

Student publications

Publications include the Huntington News (formerly the Northeastern News), the humor magazine Times NU Roman, the university literary magazine Spectrum, the African-American cultural magazine Onyx, the faculty newspaper Northeastern Voice, the Northeastern Patriot, and the music magazine, Tastemakers.

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