

克拉克大学|Clark University

2017/06/15 20:58:12 编辑: 浏览次数:788 移动端
克拉克大学Clark University是一所四年制私立大学,成立于1887年,获《美国新闻与世界报道》评为二级国家级大学,全美学术排名(Academic Reputation Ranking)第84,而《纽约时报大学指南》则给予它四颗星很高学术评价。

正如不少小型贵族大学一样,克拉克大学Clark University崇尚 小班教学 ,平均每班上课人数仅为25人,99%以澳际师拥有博士或以上学位。大学有两科是举国知名的,便是心理学和地理。海因兹.沃纳学院是全美数一数二的心理学学院。说到地理,克拉克大学Clark University颁发的地理学博士,是全美各大学之冠。

挑战常规,改变世界 不仅仅是克拉克大学Clark University的校训,它更是一个悠久的传统,被克拉克大学Clark University师生在课堂内外的学习与工作中铭记并传承。克拉克大学Clark University鼓励学生和教师使用自己的智慧和求知欲,摆脱传统常规知识的束缚,去寻找适用于当今时代的创新的技术和思想,通过实践对世界做出积极的贡献。


1.Clark Firsts

Clark University was the second institution in the U.S. with Ph.D. programs. Clark s geography program is the only one in North America to have a mountain range named for it. The Clark Mountains, Antarctica, were named by one of program s graduates, Paul Siple, famed meteorologist, explorer and inventor of the wind chill factor. Siple named the peaks of the Clark Mountains after his faculty instructors: Jones, Atwood, Burnham, Ekblaw, and Van Valkenburg. George Blakeslee was history professor from 1903 1943 founded the first journal about international relations, which was later absorbed by Foreign Affairs.

2.Research Centers and Institutes

Clark has eight research institutes and centers.

The William and Jane Mosakowski Institute for Public Enterprise seeks to improve through the successful mobilization of use-inspired research the fectiveness of government and other institutions in addressing social concerns. The institute focuses on important social issues, including focal areas such as education rorm, environmental sustainability, access to healthcare, human development, well-being and global change.

The George Perkins Marsh Institute was founded specifically to conduct collaborative, interdisciplinary research on human-environment relationships and the human dimensions of global environmental change.

The Strassler Family Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies faculty draw on a wide range of disciplines from history, to psychology, sociology and literature, to name a few to understand the causes of the Holocaust and genocide in the hope of preventing future atrocities.

The Jacob Hiatt Center for Urban Education is becoming a national leader in education rorm. Its core mission is to develop exemplary models of urban schooling, teaching and teacher education through local partnership, in order to learn from these models and expand the knowledge-base of fective practice through research. This work serves as a catalyst for positive change both locally and nationally.

The Center for Risk and Security (CRS) at the George Perkins Marsh Institute conducts in-depth studies of homeland security issues using a risk-analysis perspective. The Center s broad range of security issues includes: terrorism; disaster management; law and human rights; resource availability; and public health.

The Center for Technology, Environment and Development (CENTED) , founded in 1987, is internationally recognized as one of the oldest and most prominent centers for the study of natural and technological hazards in the United States. Current projects include theoretical work on hazard analysis, hazard taxonomies, vulnerability, environmental equity, corporate risk management, emergency planning and hazardous waste transportation.

The Center for Community-Based Development (CCBD) is the research arm of the IDCE Program. CCBD works with host country colleagues and institutions to help local communities increase productivity and conserve natural resources. CCBD disseminates its approach and research through publications and training courses, both at Clark and overseas. Clark Labs for Cartographic Technologies and Geographic Analysis is an international leader in the development of computer software and analytical techniques for monitoring and modeling environmental change. Clark Labs continues to develop and distribute IDRISI, a Geographic Information System (GIS) software package that is in use at more than 10,000 sites in over 100 countries worldwide.

Clark Labs for Cartographic Technologies and Geographic Analysis is an international leader in the development of computer software and analytical techniques for monitoring and modeling environmental change. Clark Labs continues to develop and distribute IDRISI, a Geographic Information System (GIS) software package that is in use at more than 10,000 sites in over 100 countries worldwide.


Students entering Clark must live on campus for the first two years unless their primary address is within 25 miles of campus. The residence halls at Clark are organized by those who live there; the First Year Experience halls: (Bullock, Sanford and Wright), Mixed Class halls (Johnson, Dana and Hughes)

Single Sex hall (Dodd) Suite-style and Apartment-style halls (Maywood and Blackstone) .Clark also owns apartments which, while outside of the main campus area, exclusively house Clark students.The first Clark residence halls (Wright and Bullock) opened in 1959. Blackstone, the newest of the halls, opened in 2007. It should also be noted that, as of Fall 2007, gender blind/neutral housing is an option at Clark, meaning that students of different genders can room together, if requested.

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