密苏里大学理工学院|Missouri University of Science and Technology
2017/06/15 20:57:54
Missouri University of Science and Technology (commonly Missouri S T), is an institution of higher learning located in Rolla, Missouri and part of the University of Missouri System. Its 6,150 students primarily study engineering, computing, mathematics, and the sciences. On January 1, 2008, the university changed its name to Missouri University of Science and Technology from the University of Missouri Rolla.
Missouri S T was originally a University of Missouri offspring called the University of Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy (MSM), founded in 1870 as the first technological learning institution west of the Mississippi River. Early in its beginnings, the School of Mines was focused primarily on mining and metallurgy, but by the 1920s, had expanded into civil, electrical, mechanical, and chemical engineering as well as chemistry, physics, mathematics and geology.
A greater emphasis was placed on research and graduate education during the 1950s. In 1964, the School of Mines, although always a part of the University of Missouri system, changed its name to University of Missouri at Rolla. The curriculum was expanded to include most of the science and engineering disciplines, as well as social sciences and liberal arts such as psychology and history. In 1968, the campus name was slightly altered to the University of Missouri Rolla, thus conforming to the naming scheme of the other three campuses. Business and management programs were gradually added in the following years. On January 1, 2008 UMR became known as Missouri University of Science and Technology or Missouri S T for short. Although known primarily as an engineering school, Missouri S T has a wide variety of majors in humanities, social sciences, arts, sciences, and business.
Missouri S T ranks as one of the twenty-five largest universities in the United States in number of engineering bachelor s degrees awarded. The average ACT score for first-time freshmen was 27.4 in 2007, significantly above both the state (21.5) and national (20.9) averages.
Missouri S T has been voted a top 100 value in education and also named one of the nation s most connected campuses. Its residence hall system is widely recognized; Missouri S T was voted Large School of the Year 2005 by the Midwest Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls, or MACURH (a regional subdivision of NACURH) and most recently its honor organization, National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH), was chosen as the 2008 National Chapter of the Year.
The school operates the 200 kW Missouri S T reactor on-campus for educational, training, and research purposes. The Missouri S T reactor is the first nuclear reactor to become operational in Missouri, and first achieved criticality in 1961.
Campus highlights
1、Missouri S T Stonehenge
Missouri S T Stonehenge is a partial reconstruction of the original Stonehenge monument located on Salisbury Plain, west of London. Missouri S T s version of the ancient structure is located on the northwest corner of campus, and was dedicated on June 20, 1984 during the summer solstice. It features a 50 foot (15 m) diameter ring of 30 stones around a horseshoe of five trilithons through which various sightings of sunrise and sunset can be made. About 160 tons of granite were used to construct the monument. The rock was cut by Missouri S T s water jet cutter equipment, which used two waterjets cutting at a pressure of 15,000 pounds of force per square inch (103 MPa), slicing across the surface just like a conventional saw. The cutter moved at a speed of about 10 feet per minute (50 mm/s) and cut between one-quarter and one-half inch (6 and 13 mm) on each pass.
After completion, Missouri S T Stonehenge received an award from the National Society of Professional Engineers for being one of 1985 s Ten Outstanding Engineering Achievements.
2、Millennium Arch
The university worked with artist Edwina Sandys to develop a new way to make deep cuts in granite, and used the method to create the Millennium Arch sculpture, across the campus from Stonehenge. The Arch is a single trilithon with a vague silhouette of a man and a woman on each of its supporting megaliths several meters from the arch (and can be seen in the distance between the two silhouettes in the image to the lt). The monument is located on 10th Street, facing Castleman Hall, in Rolla. The project was developed in the High Pressure Waterjet Laboratory of the Rock Mechanics Explosive Research Center at Missouri S T.
There are two similar but smaller megaliths showing the same silhouette on each side of the sidewalk entrance to the Rock Mechanics Explosive Research Center.
3、Curtis Laws Wilson Library
The Curtis Laws Wilson Library is the main academic library on the campus.
Student engineering projects
There are many activities, clubs, and teams at Missouri S T, but the several engineering design teams frequently take the spotlight.
1、Show-Me Solar Team
The Show-Me Solar Team, formerly known as the Solar House team, designs and builds a house that is completely sustained by energy collected directly from the sun. After the house is built on campus, it is disassembled and transported to Washington D.C. for the Solar Decathlon, a month long competition. The Solar House Team placed 11th overall in 2007.[8] The team took first place in the Energy Balance category at the 2005 competition. At the 2002 competition the team took first place in Rrigeration, second place in Energy Balance and third in Hot Water. In 2002 and 2005, the Missouri S T team took 9th place and 7th overall place respectively.
In the 2007 the Missouri S T team took 20th place in Architecture which contributed significantly to their low placement overall. For the 2009 competition, the Missouri S T team has teamed up with the Architectural Studies program at the University of Missouri.
2、Advanced Aero Vehicle Group
The team constructs a remote controlled airplane for the annual Society of Automotive Engineers Aero Design competition. This year s plane, which had an 8-foot wingspan and weighed only 9.4 pounds, competed in the Aero Design s open class designation at the east competition. The project is of interest mainly to aerospace engineering students, but students from other disciplines are also on the team. In 2005, the group placed third at the east competition and fifth at the west competition.
3、Solar Car
Missouri S T s solar car team has met with much success. Every two years, the team constructs a single-passenger car, its top covered with solar cells, that runs exclusively on solar power. The car s aluminum frame houses lithium ion batteries, which are much lighter than conventional lead-acid batteries. The driver lies on his back to make the car s design more aerodynamic. The car has a joystick instead of a steering wheel to allow the driver to exit the car more quickly and reduce the amount of space necessary for the driver. Every time the car is rebuilt, changes make it lighter and more ficient. The team regularly enters solar car races in the United States and occasionally enters international races. The car claimed first place in Sunrayce 99, first place in the 2000 Formula Sun Grand Prix, fourth place in the Australian World Solar Challenge in 2001, second place in the 2001 American Solar Challenge, and first place in the 2003 American Solar Challenge. The next car will be Solar Miner VI for the 2008 North American Solar Challenge.
4、Formula SAE Car
Missouri S T s Formula SAE team constructs a small formula-style race car every year, suitable for mass production and sale to weekend autocrossers. The team competes in Pontiac, Michigan against more than 100 other teams from universities around the world. The vehicle s cost, sales presentation, engineering design, acceleration, braking, and racing performance all factor in to its final score. The team has placed in the top 20 in eleven of the past fourteen competitions, including second-, third-, fourth-, eighth-, and ninth-place finishes.
5、Concrete Canoe
Missouri S T s Concrete Canoe Team designs and constructs a concrete canoe and races it on a lake in regional and national competitions. The team has participated in concrete canoe competitions since the 1970s. The entire project, including fundraising and construction, is completed by the students. The team took third place in 2004. In 2008 their canoe sank twice.[10]
6、Missouri S T Satellite Project
The Missouri S T Sat team started as an Aerospace enigineering course (AE301 Spacecraft Design) when NASA put out a contest for a 2 year development and build project, that must accomplish its goals in the harsh environment of space. After taking third place, the Team is still perfecting this project and fixing minor errors in the first model. Although there is no real contest any more, the team is still working hard to perfect their twin satellites for their flight in space. UMR Satellite Team website.
7、Human Powered Vehicle
The Missouri S T Human Powered Vehicle Team constructs a man-powered land vehicle every year to compete in the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Human Powered Vehicle Challenge. The vehicle, which looks something like a bobsled with bicycle wheels, must be light, highly ficient and powered only by its single occupant.
8、Robotics Competition Team
The Robotics Team participates annually in the Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition (IGVC). The team builds autonomous vehicles that traverse obstacle courses consisting of lane markers and obstacles. The current vehicles are designed to be omnidirectional so that they can easily drive around obstacles. Typically there are 30-50 students on the team and two faculty advisors. The students handle all design and management aspects of the team but occasionally receive help from technicians to fabricate parts. For more information visit the Robotics Team website.
9、Mine Rescue Team
Missouri S T is home to the only Mine Rescue Team made up entirely of college students. The team competes regularly against professionals in simulated mine disasters. The team placed 12th and 14th in the competition among industry teams at the South Regional Mine Rescue Competition, sponsored by the U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration. The Missouri S T team also had the highest scores on two written exams that were part of the competition.
Notable alumni
Gary Havener of Fort Worth, Texas, graduated in 1962, donated $5 million for construction of the Havener Center, at the time the largest single donation from a private source that the university had ever received.
John Toomey, graduated in 1949, donated $5 million for the construction of the new mechanical and aerospace engineering complex, Toomey Hall. The largest donation for the construction of an academic building in Missouri S T s history.
Greg Fossilman Raymer, 2004 World Series of Poker champion, won $5 million.
Aaron Buerge, who received his Bachelor of Science from UMR in 1997, was the second bachelor to appear on the TV show The Bachelor.
Bruce L. Edwards, served as general editor for the recently published four volume rerence set, C. S. Lewis: Life, Works, and Legacy (Praeger Perspectives, 2007).
Computer Sciences
Steve Sullivan, 2001 Academy Award winner for visual fects; a principal engineer with George Lucas Industrial Light Magic special fects company。
Joe N. Ballard, retired Army General and former commander of the United States Army Corps of Engineers
Dr. Joan Woodard, Executive Vice President and Deputy Laboratories Director for the nuclear weapons program at Sandia National Laboratories
Richard R. Paul, retired Air Force General and commander of Air Force Research Laboratory[24]
Farouk El-Baz, Supervisor of Lunar Science Planning in NASA s Apollo Program
Daniel C. Jackling, discovered the porphyry copper deposit that created the Bingham Canyon Mine and later founded the Utah Copper Company (later bought by Kennecott Copper).
Thomas Akers, retired Air Force Col., a veteran of four space flights, holds bachelor s and master s degrees in mathematics from UMR ( 73 and 75), and is currently a professor at Missouri S T.
Janet Kavandi, whose debut space shuttle flight in June 1999 was the final Mir-shuttle docking, holds a master s degree in chemistry from Missouri S T ( 82).
Sandra Magnus, who became a NASA astronaut in 1996, holds a bachelor s degree in physics ( 86) and a master s degree in electrical engineering ( 90) from Missouri S T.
Gary D. Forsee - former CEO of Sprint; became the 22nd president of the University of Missouri System on February 18, 2008.
Ted Weise, former president of FedEx, one of the first employees of FedEx (formerly Federal Express) when the company started in the early 1970s, and worked his way up to the position of president. He holds a bachelor s degree in electrical engineering from Missouri S T ( 67).
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