


2014/07/15 10:54:30 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:645 移动端



  Thank you for your application to study at the University of Edinburgh.

  We thought you might be interested in our upcoming online information sessions, the first of which will take place on Wednesday, 23 July 2014.

  These sessions provide an opportunity for live chat with representatives from our admissions teams regarding the application process.

  There will also be sessions delivered by our central services about the support available to postgraduate students, and a specific session on key steps for new students at Edinburgh.

  In addition to the admissions and student service events, there are also 'subject based' events taking place on a variety of dates, and separate registration may be required for these.


  If you can’t make the sessions on the 23rd July, we will be repeating these on Wednesday 27th August 2014. Booking will be available for this date approximately three weeks in advance via the same webpage.


  英国留学咨询:010-65229780 转 英国部 


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