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杜克大学(以下简称杜大)是美国北卡罗来纳州达勒姆的一所私立男女同校高等学府,1924年詹姆斯 杜克为纪念其父亲华盛顿 杜克而创办。到了现代,杜大成为当今主要的学习中心之一。杜大的医学中心已赢得了世界声誉,许多院系也持续位居美国最佳院系之列。杜大常以其研究成果和学术革新引起社会各界的关注,其教师也常被邀请担任国内外许多学术和专业组织的负责人。


What sorts of things are you looking for in the Statement of Purpose that is part of the Graduate School application? How important is this part of the application?

Within the English department we call the Statement of Purpose the Personal Statement, and it is just that: the place where you can speak in a direct, personal voice about your reasons for wanting to engage in doctoral study in English. The Personal Statement and Writing Sample are by far the most important parts of your application, and the parts you have most control over. While students at some institutions receive intensive coaching in the writing of their Personal Statement, others receive no help at all, so the following tips are offered in an attempt to level the playing field. Even if you are not being coached, do show your Personal Statement to the people who are writing letters for you, and to others whose opinion you value: this is a difficult genre to get just right, and other eyes will be a great help. Having read your statement will also help your recommenders to write better letters.

在英语系,PS就是SoP,它与writing sample构成了申请中最重要的部分。以下是PS的窍门.别人的建议将非常有用。

Pay attention to style and tone. Remember, the Personal Statement is the place to speak in a direct, personal voice. One of the skills that very good writers possess is that of fluently modulating between styles, and this is something we re looking for in your application. Thus, while we might expect complex language and lengthy sentences in your Writing Sample, in your Personal Statement you should strive to describe your interests using shorter sentences and more ordinary language. Avoid lapsing into long, complex sentences loaded with abstractions in your fort to fit everything in. As for tone, it can be easy to veer into what sounds like arrogance or false humility when describing your accomplishments (something we often avoid in polite conversation for just this reason). Try to be as straightforward and authentic as you can as a way to escape this: avoiding the temptation to provide a biography or list (see below) can also be helpful here. Showing your Personal Statement to other readers will help with both these issues.


Keep your audience in mind. Remember that you re speaking to people who are spending their lives in the field where you hope to study. You don t need to justify your interests for this audience in the way you might for friends or family. Instead, try to be as specific and detailed as possible about the things that you love studying and want to pursue further. Convey your enthusiasm as vividly as you can, but don t waste space justifying it.永远记住读者,尽量具体和详细,生动的描述你的热情,但是不要浪费笔墨。

Work for depth and focus, not a biography or a list. It is rarely fective to list all the courses where you ve excelled, to attempt to provide a full intellectual biography, or to provide lengthy lists of theorists or literary writers who interest you. Instead, be selective (see below) and work for depth and focus. We d really like to see you pursue and develop an idea, or a small cluster of related ideas, with all the depth and complexity possible within such a short statement. The rest of your application can do the work of telling us about your accomplishments and recounting your intellectual career thus far. If you feel that the application form doesn t fully represent what you have been doing, then consider submitting a short CV in addition to your other materials, rather than wasting your Personal Statement on this purpose. 要深刻和重点突出,不要写成传记。不要无所不言,把各个奖项列举,应该有所选择。

Choose anecdotes or examples carully. There are several ways to craft a good Personal Statement: you should choose the one that feels best to you, or develop your own variation. Some people begin with a bri anecdote about a pivotal experience in their studies which led to their current interests. Pick a good story if you do this, obviously, and work on making a smooth transition to the in-depth description of your interests themselves. Some people begin with a concept that fascinates them, then follow out the connections to the kinds of reading and thinking they most enjoy. Make sure that this is clear and interesting and seems fully explained to people other than yourself. Some people begin by explaining how they became fascinated with one particular historical field (perhaps through a specific class, perhaps not), then go on to describe which particular topics and/or texts in that field they find especially interesting. Keep the explanation bri and limit your examples, rather than describing every class you ve taken in this area in detail. Whichever method of zeroing in on the your ideas and enthusiasms you may choose, make sure to limit the number of examples or personal experiences and explain their implications fully.


Keep one eye on the future. Talk not just about what you ve already done and thought, but about what you hope to do next. What ideas do you want to pursue further, and how? Any specific ideas you might have about how you might do this at Duke are dinitely worth mentioning : do you want to work with particular faculty members? engage in some specific kind of interdisciplinary work that would be easy to do here? etc.不要谈论你做了什么,还要注意没有做什么,或者打算做什么。

If appropriate, explain possible concerns without being densive. If your GREs or GPA are unusually low, or if your undergraduate record has some unusual aspect, then you might, at your discretion, want to include some bri acknowledgement, and possibly explanation, that could work to allay concerns about your future success that these features of your application might raise. You don t need to dend yourself: people are not machines, and plenty of successful people have blips in their official records. But a bri acknowledgement, usually appearing close to some statement of your future plans and goals, may be usul.

Keep it short. Remember that your audience may be reading more than 200 of these statements. Don t go beyond two pages; and feel free to manipulate font, margins, and spacing in order to achieve this goal, but not to any ridiculous extent: keep your statement easy to read.不要超过两页

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