

文书点评:美国军队的牙科兵团(U.S. Army Dental Corps)

2017/06/15 18:58:12 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:87 移动端
Not just anyone can say he has put braces on ferrets or studied the skeletal characteristics of unclaimed human bodies. But these were just of few of my varied and extraordinary dental school experiences. Looking back on that chapter of my life, I can say with confidence that I took advantage of every opportunity to learn about the dental field. I didn t mind extracting ferret teeth until the early hours of the morning. In fact, I relished the chance to get my feet wet working with prominent dental professionals. Now, as I look forward to the United States Army s orthodontic residency program, I hope I will encounter more of these exciting research opportunities.

Over the past few years, I have had the chance to evaluate and participate in several dental specialties through my preclinical labs, classes, and patient experiences. Orthodontics is the one specialty that I have learned to love. In fact, I first became intrigued by orthodontics years bore dental school, when I was living in Saudi Arabia. My family and I would hop a flight once a month from Daharan to Riyadh to visit the military orthodontist. I was amazed by the profound change in my appearance and the correction of the malocclusion. Later on in my life, an orthodontist friend inspired me to pursue a career in dentistry. I was thrilled to hear that the military would be allowing HPSP students to apply for specialty training. When I looked at the number of slots available for orthodontic training, however, I knew the competition would be fierce. Since that time, I have worked as hard as possible throughout dental school to prepare myself for the rigors and demands of the U.S. Army Dental Corps.

Recently, I was invited to participate in a research project studying the fects of a biocompatible synthetic membrane placed on root surfaces of extracted teeth from live ferrets. We spent many a night performing root canals, extracting teeth, and placing orthodontics on reimplanted teeth. Indeed, we smelled like ferrets for days afterward. Later, we examined these samples at certain time intervals using SEMO microscopes for root resorption and anklyosis. We hope that the results of this study will help us prevent a human patient from losing a transplanted or avulsed tooth due to external resorption.

In yet another research project, I studied the prevalence rates of root surface caries and other dental characteristics in a unique sample. At the Hammon-Todd collection at the Cleveland Natural History Museum, an exhibit that houses approximately 3000 skulls and medical records from unclaimed bodies of the early twentieth century, I caught a glimpse of the past and examined the dental health of another era. Later on, I had the privilege of traveling to Chicago to the IADR conference, where I presented my research.

As a proud officer of the U.S. Army, I look forward to a military career as an orthodontist, and I am fully aware of the commitment required of selected applicants. It would be my privilege to serve the Army for a minimum of seven years, not including the two years of training and the one year bore specialty training. I grew up in a military family: my father was an officer in the Air Force for 21 years. Consequently, I understand military life and the opportunities it provides. I am certain that I will bring an enthusiastic attitude to this program -- and I won t think twice about putting braces on a few more ferrets.








不是每个人都可以很透彻的研究人体内部的骨骼特征,然而我却在牙科学院学习时积累了难得的经验. 回顾我这一生, 我可以很有信心地说,我利用每一个机会去了解牙科领域的知识,事实上,我也一直专注于我的工作,成为牙科领域的专家。现在,我期待加入美国军队的矫正牙医医师项目,希望我会挑战更多的令人兴奋的研究机会.

过去的几年里,我一直找机会我在实验室,班级和与病人在一起的时候来评估自己,并且参加牙科专业领域的研究.正牙学是一个让我学会了去热爱的专业.其实,我早在上牙科学习之前就对正牙学产生兴趣了,那时我还住在沙特阿拉伯.我和家人每月都会从daharan飞到Riyadh去慰问那里的军事正牙医生. 我为自己外表及咬合不正发生的巨大变化感到非常惊讶.接下来,我的一个当正牙医生的朋友一直鼓励我投身于牙医事业.当我知道HPSP学生必须申请参加专业培训时,我有些害怕.当我看到正牙学训练只有那么几个名额位置后,我知道竞争会是多么的激烈. 从那时起, 我就尽可能在牙科学院的学习中严格要求自己,为能满足进入美国军事牙科兵团努力做着准备.

最近, 我应邀参加一个研究项目,学习生物相容性合成膜放在牙根表面的影响,我们花了很多夜晚来做个实验,进行牙根导管,拔牙,在重新植的牙上使用畸齿矫正术.随后,我们用SEMO显微镜按时间区间检查这些标本看牙根是再吸收及坚固.我们希望这项研究的结果将有助于防止人体从病人丧失或移植脱位因外在骨吸收.

在另一项研究项目里, 我用了一个特殊标本研究了牙根龋齿的患病率和其他牙齿特征.在克利夫兰自然历史博物馆,Hammon-Todd收藏, 占据大约3000头骨,还有20世纪初大量无名尸的医疗报告,从这些报告里,我瞥见了过去那个时代牙齿健康及检查的情况.后来,我有幸前往芝加哥参加IADR会议,在那里,我发表了研究讲座.

作为一个值得骄傲的主任美国陆军,我期待着把矫正牙医作为我军旅生涯一生的事业, 我完全清楚符合要求申请人承担的义务.对我来说,很荣幸地为部队服务有至少七年的时间, 不包括两年的培训和专业培训前的一年. 我从小在一个军人家庭长大:我父亲是一名美国空军的军官,工作了21年. 因此,我了解军旅生活及其所带来的机会,我确信我将会带着我的热情及积极的态度去学习这个课程.

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