


2017/06/15 18:57:19 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:246 移动端
neptune7896在大作中写到: 平均70分的大学成绩,但有较强的工作背景与很好的essay,申请美国top20的MBA有没有希望?......


大多数学校会review低于3.0的GPA (包括Berkerly and UCLA, and Cambridge)然而,据我所知,70/100意味着2.5左右的GPA。这的确会拖你的后腿,因为USNEWS排名把GPA作为一个评估因素。如果学校重视USNEWS排名的话,他们将不愿意招收低GPA的申请者。对于商学院,有时候,排名像股票,他们必须甚至不惜伤害生意来使股价提高。我的意思是放弃优秀的申请者。每个人都知道有些有个性的家伙的本科GPA很烂,这在美国也一样。很多加拿大学校有很严格的GPA控制线。一个朋友告诉我这些商学院不是真正的商学院,他们想成为商学院,但事实上却仍然是一个学术性的学校。美国的二流商学院,他们80%学生的GPA在2.7-3.6之间。对三流学校来讲,大致在 2.5-3.5,这对你来说还有很大的机会。但对于顶级商学院,是3.3-4.0之间(无论如何,这是一个统计值。)


对有些学校,低GPA是致命的,例如,UCLA, Berkely,所以不要在他们身上浪费申请费。但对有些好学校来说,低GPA不那么可怕。并且据我所知,没有什么东西可以来平衡低GPA,就让它晾在那里吧。


试着去告诉AdCom,1、你的学校没有给你选择课程和专业的机会。 或者,你的父母强迫你就读某个专业。除了以上两个解释,其他的都是中国人常用的。但是,尝试着去申请那些不热衷于GPA的学校,这是最重要的。你可以尝试着找一个在B-week里排名很高,但是在USNEWS上排名较低的学校,这种学校必定是不大关心GPA的。对于想要在MBA课程内真正学点实际应用的东西的的人的一个总的原则是,一个在USNEWS排名上较低而在B-week上排名较高的学校很可能是一个理想的学校,因为他们更像是一个商学院而不是一个学术性的学校。把USNEWS排名减去B-week排名,如果结果是负的,多关注它一点。这很像是一个玩笑,不过也许揭示某些事实。如果你想成为一个令人倾羡的博士,那就去斯坦福吧,如果想成为财富的缔造者,就去沃顿。以上是鄙人一些愚见。对了,顺便提一下,不要尝试去伪造材料。

Most schools will review GPA less than 3.0.(excluding Berkerly and UCLA, and Cambridge). However, as far as I know 70/100 means 2.5 more or less. It is really a backoff for you, because in ranking of USNEWS, they evaluate GPAs as one factor. So schools which care for USNEWS ranking are reluctant to recruit low GPAs.

For b-schools, sometimes, a ranking like a stock, they have to make their stocks high even by hurting business. I mean abandon good guys.

Everybody knows that some cool guys got a shit GPA in bachelor, the same in US.

Most Canadian school have a tough line for GPA.

A friend told me that such b-schools are not real b-schools, they want to be a b-school, but actually still an academic school.

For US second tier b-school, the 80% GPA range is about 2.7-3.6

For third tier, it is 2.5-3.5, you know you still have a big chance. But for tops, it is 3.3-4.0

Anyway, this is a statistics of median 80%.

For some schools, low GPA is fatal, for example, UCLA, UCBerkely, so do not waste fees on them.

But for some most good school, low GPA is not that terrible.

And as I know, nothing could balance a lower GPA, just leave it here.

Try to tell AdCom, that 1. you college gave you no opptunity to choose course.

Or, Your parents forced you to enter some one major.

Above two are common explanations Chinese used.

But, try to apply NON-GPA-Loving schools, this is extremely important.

I you found a school ranked higher in B-week, but low in USNEWS, then that school must be a careless one on GPA.

A general rule for whom want really to learn some practical things in MBA

program, ones ranked low in USNEWS but Higher in B-week probably are ideal, cause they are more of a business school rather than an academy.

Use the UWNEWS ranking minus B-week ranks, if result is negative, then forcus on it more, this is more likely to be a joke, but may reveal some facts.

If you want to a an admirable PHD, go to ones like Stanford, if hope to be a money creator, go Warton.


Above is my poor opinions.

Hey, will you apply for next fall, if so, interested in communication more.

Do not forge fake transcripts.

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