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1、MPA 是公共管理硕士(Master of Public Administration) 专业学位的英文简称, 是以公共管理学科及其他相关学科为基础的研究生教育项目, 其目的是为政府部门及非政府公共机构培养高层次、应用型专门人才。(立即咨询)
MPA 教育是一种通才教育, 其目标是培养公共事务管理和公共政策研究与分析方面的高级应用型人才, 为政府机关和非营利的非政府公共机构培养具有现代公共管理理论和公共政策素质、掌握先进分析方法及技术、精通一些具体政策领域的专业化管理者、领导者、政策分析人才以及(中高级) 职员。培养对象是政府机关或非政府公共机构有实践经验的在职人员。这种培养目标决定了在培养过程中, 注重实际能力与素质的培养, 教学内容面向社会, 尤其是公共领域中所面临的实际问题。
2、MPP是公共政策硕士(Master of Public Policy)专业学位的英文简称,其培养的方向和目标和MPA基本一致。其课程设置也与MPA相似,主要分为核心课程、选修和专业分支课程以及暑期实习。
The Masters of Public Administration (MPA) degree is the professional degree for students seeking a career in public service or nonprofit management. MPA programs develop the skills and techniques used by managers to implement policies, projects, and programs that resolve important problems within their organization and in society.
Specializations offered by NASPAA programs include areas such as public management, nonprofit management, health care management, international development, urban affairs, human-resource management, state/local government administration, and financial management. .
The Masters of Public Policy (MPP) degree is the professional degree for analyzing, evaluating, and solving all aspects of policy. As analysts and managers, MPP graduates work with quantitative and qualitative data to develop, assess, and evaluate alternative approaches to current and emerging issues.
Specializations offered by NASPAA programs include analysis in a myriad of public policy areas, including: environmental, education, health, social, economic development, international, and urban policy.
MPA Courses: Coursework for MPA candidates typically includes required core courses and a concentration or specialization. Core courses often include introduction to public administration, budgeting/finance, managerial economics, political and legal processes, quantitative methods, and ethics.
MPP Courses: Coursework for MPP candidates typically includes required core courses and a concentration or specialization. Core courses often include introduction to public policy, statistics and data analysis, public finance, micro/macro economics, policy analysis methods, quantitative methods, and ethics.
What's the difference?
MPA and MPP programs have blended and converged as complements to one another, with courses and specializations often overlapping. Some schools combine the degrees and name them differently. For example, schools may offer a master's degree in public management and policy. Others may offer a master's degree in public affairs (MPAff). Check individual programs as they are all different.
In general, MPA programs place more emphasis on management and implementation techniques, while MPP programs emphasize policy research and evaluation. For example, a course on analyzing policy methods would be more popular among MPP students, while a course in managerial economics may pertain more to MPA students. Be sure to check each school to find the program fit for you.
Both programs usually take 2 years to complete full time, and most schools offer a part-time option as well. In addition, many schools provide evening classes for students who already have a job or may be pursuing one. Also, it is important to note that every school is different in what it provides and specializes in. One school may focus on nonprofit management, another may be well-known for its program in state/local administration, and others may be famous for specific policy topics.
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