

2017年【新GRE机经】3月23日东南大学GRE考试V155 Q170完整详细回忆版

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  从开始背单词算起到考试那天,不足一个月,最后V155 Q170,不幸VQVQV, 第三个V难度暴增,跪了。写篇机经回馈社会= =


  Government officials should rely on their own judgmentrather than unquestioningly carry out the will of the people they serve.

  Write a response in which you discuss theextent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain yourreasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting yourposition, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendationwould or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape yourposition.


  The following appeared in a newsletter offering advice to investors.

  "Over 80 percent of the respondents to a recent survey indicated a desire to reduce their intake of foods containing fats and cholesterol, and today low-fat products abound in many food stores. Since many of the food products currently marketed by Old Dairy Industries are high in fat and cholesterol, the company's sales are likely to diminish greatly and their profits will no doubt decrease. We therore advise Old Dairy stockholders to sell their shares and other investors not to purchase stock in this company."


  1.六选二The spacecraft's ht made an unusual ____ way for a meander to ..., under the influence of gravitational of three large bodies.


  2.双空题Folk music remained ____ by reinforcing ethical identities and ...,nonetheless, it ____ in the countryside where it originated.

  blank 1: traditional/vital/... blank2: declined

  3.三空题Ecologists have long thought of managing forests, but a new research revealed that not only is it ___ commercially, it may ___the damage of the forests.

  前面一个空忘记了 blank2 futile/.../... blank3: increase/../..

  4.It has long been ___ that baby love sweetness, because it is commercially ___ that companies produced sweet products because babies 会习惯甜食,难以改变。

  blank1:overlooked/ debated/... blank2:pragmatic

  5.For decades, economists' ideas have been ___ politics, for example, economists peddled their pet theories for academical preeminence and for political appointment, while politicians ___ those theories as solutions of social problems.

  Blank1 :undermined by/exploited to/... blank2: ignored/rejected/promoted


  6.His theory cannot be regarded as ___, although he quoted some esoteric ideas in the theory, he was never ____.

  blank1: arcane/innovative/... blank2


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