


2017/06/13 20:17:42 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:248 移动端


  Computer Animation and Digital SFX personal statement

  The technological advancements in the multimedia world have always fascinated me. Since the very first time I laid my hands on a playstation I have been constantly analysing the quality and realism in the games. When I was younger I would often come out of the cinema very cynical of the film&aposs popularity due to the lack of believable SFX employed. The natural critic in me has driven me to research and expand my knowledge of the digital world, especially with rerence to the quality and believability of digital animation for both movies and gaming. I have discovered much about both the hardware, such as what aids computers to make much more compelling graphics and the software, including the latest programs which provide a vast collection of tools to be used in order to create an artificial world.

  My interest in graphic novels has also shown me multiple ways in which difficult plots can often be portrayed using the simplest of tools, deviating from what would be classed as mainstream. For example, the market is flooded with novels about the holocaust and although this does not lessen the importance of such an event, it does create a very daunting front for readers. One author, Art Spiegelman manages to reinvent the whole topic through his graphic novel Maus. Not only confronting the brutality of the holocaust but also adding very subtle details to his images in order to draw the readers&apos eye and explain some of the more difficult topics in a different light. This book unlike any other, showed me how many topics considered serious, which are usually confronted in a very formal manner, can be portrayed through a medium such as animation and still maintain sensitivity and gravity. Thus maybe teaching a wider audience and possibly changing pre-conceived perceptions.

  Reading graphic novels offers an escape from my somewhat hectic life as does my passion for online gaming. Primarily I play with a group of friends from around the UK, as we are part of a clan. Due to my long term membership and the recent withdrawal of some key and founding members it has been lt to myself to run, update and maintain the clan&aposs website and forums, which had not been updated for months. As a result of me simplifying the online browsing experience and diversifying the amount of games the clan covered, more players have been attracted to the website and new members recruited.

  My employment has enriched my knowledge of how people of my community react towards events and current issues in today&aposs climate. My work at Lindum House care home, offered me a chance to talk to people of a different generation and gain a perspective on life that I would have been unable to grasp otherwise. I also work as a lunchtime supervisor at school and this work has brought about a close interaction with students aged 11 to 16 and their views on the world. Both of these perspectives, I believe, will enable me to bring a wealth of knowledge to my studies in animation, allowing me to project my ideas and work to a wider audience, or even be able to specify my work to a target audience.

  Recently I have quit my local cadet detachment in order to concentrate my forts on studying for re-sits. I had been with the cadets since the age of 15 and quickly rose up to occupy the place of most senior cadet within the detachment. This gave me multiple responsibilities as I co-ordinated the evenings events, from planning lessons to running the N.A.A.F.I. My experiences taught me many things such as punctuality and working as a team.

  Overall I believe my flair for technology, combined with the course you offer, would develop my skills and hopully propel me into a career within the movie industry, working for such companies as double negative or pixar.

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