


2017/06/13 20:14:26 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:230 移动端


  Business and Management Personal Statement

  My aim is to study management in two possible fields, events and sport. This is because my career goal is to work as part of a company organising events

  Taking part in a vocational course in the 6th form has enabled me to develop my organisational skills. I planned a Christmas event for younger children, which involved researching various activities and focusing on time management

  I have also been involved in three school productions, which allowed me to develop my confidence and independence. Being part of a cast has let me experience being part of a team and how important my communication skills are

  Playing in a successful netball team at school has taught me self-discipline and the ability to work with a diverse range of people. I am an enthusiastic member of the school netball team having gained an award for my achievement in being a runner up in the Black Prince Cup

  Work experience as a teaching assistant in a lively classroom enabled me to develop a number of important skills. Working along side other members of staff ensured that I was able to listen carully to others and work co-operatively with a variety of people. In addition, at certain times I had to work independently with the children, which allowed me to use my own initiative

  I also spent time in a paediatric school assisting unwell children&aposs redevelopment in many areas some being academic and social skills related

  Working part-time as customer contact representative for HSBC has enabled me to experience what it is like to cope under strict targets and high pressure. My work entails communication with colleagues, and constant interaction with the general public in the day-to-day running of personal and business bank accounts, loans and other banking products

  Having my own Internet facility at home has allowed me to search a range of sources to broaden my knowledge of events management. I intend to continue to use and learn more about the World Wide Web at university

  Attending events such as the cricket World Cup and various concerts has provided me with the opportunity to experience events management on a large scale, from safety to rreshments

  I feel my current experience with event organisations will enable me to achieve success as a student on an events management degree/HND.

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