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  Medicine personal statement

  I have been interested in medicine since childhood. This curiosity began, when at the age of five I saw a video of child birth. I was mesmerized by this miracle of life and by the thought of being involved in something as wonderful throughout my life. My decision to study medicine has been strengthened by my enjoyment and success in both my MYP and IB biology and chemistry courses. I am fascinated by the complexity of the human body and the functions it carries out. The aspects which fascinate me most about medicine are being able to help and care for people whilst understanding the sophisticated processes which happen within the human body. Furthermore medicine would suit me as a person because of the ever developing new scientific discoveries, medicine has reached an endless scope with unlimited possibilities which would fulfil my prospects in life.

  My involvement in a voluntary programme this summer has reinforced my decision to study a degree in medicine. I visited Poland with a group of students to help in a local hospital. My group was assigned to the neurology floor where we cleaned the patients, made their bed and kept them. Although we didn’t do anything particularly medical, I was able to experience a hospital and learn about caring and responsibility. This experience was extremely rewarding for me as it made me grow not only as a person but as a prospective medical student. I also attended a first aid class where I learned the procedures that should be carried out in an emergency.

  Besides my interest in medicine, I have strong interests for music and languages. I have been playing the flute for almost 4 years and I have constantly improved through practice, my progress is obvious in the various concerts I play at throughout the year. I also enjoy learning languages. Spending a year in Germany, in a boarding school when I was 12 years old helped me to learn German from scratch and made me a more independent and outgoing person. I still go to classes to improve my German and prepare myself for various official German exams. Being almost trilingual has also helped me with another hobby, travelling, I love to see different countries throughout the world, and most importantly in order to learn more about different cultures and to meet different people.

  Having participated for three years in Model United Nations has helped me to significantly develop some important skills particularly usul within the medical profession such as speech writing, communicating and team work. In these conferences I have represented countries as varied as Tanzania and the United Arab Emirates. I was an ambassador in one of the conferences which consequently increased my leadership skills. I consider these some my most important qualities, which would be invaluable to any profession particularly medicine, therore I continue to develop these skills even further whenever possible, for example after being elected to become a member of the National Honour Society for which membership is voted by the teachers of my school.

  In order to be a successful doctor, one must be caring, dedicated and inquisitive in this field as well as a whole rounded person. I believe these are some of the qualities I possess and I am certain that by studying medicine I can accomplish my dreams and make a contribution to the society I live in.

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