您所在的位置: 首页> 新闻列表> 2017年英国留学:皇家沃福汉普顿高中奖学金申请
The Royal Wolverhampton School Founded 1850
Affordable Excellence
Scholarships Available
Up to 7 full &aposA&apos Level Scholarships available for high academic achievers
Other levels of scholarships may be available dependent upon performance
Being offered by a British Independent Boarding School for 2011
The Royal Wolverhampton School, a forward-thinking Independent co-educational boarding school, is offering seven high academic achieving students from anywhere in the world full Scholarships for their two-year ‘A’ level course of study. The Scholarships will commence from September 2011. Additional scholarships of a lower order may be offered dependent upon performance.
Potential candidates will sit a scholarship examination, invigilated by staff of the British Council, in one of their local offices throughout the world. The seven most gifted scholars will be offered full tuition and boarding, including all meals, medical attention and nursing in the school’s medical centre, laundry, text books, stationery and compulsory teaching materials. Parents will need to arrange flights to and from the UK for the major School holidays, the School remains open for the half term and Easter holiday breaks and these costs will be payable by the parents. Parents will also be liable for their child’s public examination fees and personal items of expenditure. A deposit of 1,000 is required to secure the Scholarship once it is offered – the deposit is rundable when their child leaves the Royal Wolverhampton School.
The Royal Wolverhampton School is situated in the Heart of England, in 25 acres of land comprising a brand new swimming pool complex; floodlit all-weather astro-turf sports pitch; tennis courts; modern sixth form centre, recently re-furbished science and computer laboratories and modern classrooms. Our boarding facilities have recently received an outstanding OFSTED report for its pastoral care and facilities for boarders. The report described the School as providing “wide-ranging individualised care” with “an atmosphere of purposul direction.”
The school is a wonderful combination of traditional values with a modern outlook, with a mixture of children from all around the world and from many different backgrounds. Each child is seen as an individual whose abilities are nurtured, to ensure they maximise their potential, through small classes and specialist tuition.
School leavers regularly gain entry to top Universities throughout the world including; Cambridge, Oxford, Imperial, LSE, Warwick, York, Hong Kong, Toronto, Tokyo, Bristol, and Birmingham.
For further information about the Scholarship awards, please contact:
Mrs Megan Orton, Registrar, The Royal Wolverhampton School.
Email: mo@royal.wolverhampton.sch.uk
Tel: +44 (0)902 349109
Fax: +44 (0)1902 349119
Website: www.theroyalschool.co.uk
附:英国皇家沃福汉普顿中学详细介绍 Royal Wolverhampton
School创建于1850年,是一所男女共权制私立寄宿学校。伊丽莎白女王陛下及其母亲是该校的赞助人。皇家沃福汉普顿学校招收年龄在7岁至20岁之间的寄宿生。该校创造一种愉快惬意的环境,使学生得以充分地培养生活、学习等各方面的能力。每名学生均有自己的学习辅导员。Royal Wolverhampton School有幼儿、小学及中学部,拥有20多年教导海外学生经验。
of Wigh、Norfolk、London、Oxford及Euro Disney等地探访参观。
★临近机场: Birmingham
Standard Fee
Full Boarders £7420.00
The Royal Wolverhampton School Founded 1850
Affordable Excellence
Scholarships Available
Up to 7 full &aposA&apos Level Scholarships available for high academic achievers
Other levels of scholarships may be available dependent upon performance
Being offered by a British Independent Boarding School for 2011
The Royal Wolverhampton School, a forward-thinking Independent co-educational boarding school, is offering seven high academic achieving students from anywhere in the world full Scholarships for their two-year ‘A’ level course of study. The Scholarships will commence from September 2011. Additional scholarships of a lower order may be offered dependent upon performance.
Potential candidates will sit a scholarship examination, invigilated by staff of the British Council, in one of their local offices throughout the world. The seven most gifted scholars will be offered full tuition and boarding, including all meals, medical attention and nursing in the school’s medical centre, laundry, text books, stationery and compulsory teaching materials. Parents will need to arrange flights to and from the UK for the major School holidays, the School remains open for the half term and Easter holiday breaks and these costs will be payable by the parents. Parents will also be liable for their child’s public examination fees and personal items of expenditure. A deposit of 1,000 is required to secure the Scholarship once it is offered – the deposit is rundable when their child leaves the Royal Wolverhampton School.
The Royal Wolverhampton School is situated in the Heart of England, in 25 acres of land comprising a brand new swimming pool complex; floodlit all-weather astro-turf sports pitch; tennis courts; modern sixth form centre, recently re-furbished science and computer laboratories and modern classrooms. Our boarding facilities have recently received an outstanding OFSTED report for its pastoral care and facilities for boarders. The report described the School as providing “wide-ranging individualised care” with “an atmosphere of purposul direction.”
The school is a wonderful combination of traditional values with a modern outlook, with a mixture of children from all around the world and from many different backgrounds. Each child is seen as an individual whose abilities are nurtured, to ensure they maximise their potential, through small classes and specialist tuition.
School leavers regularly gain entry to top Universities throughout the world including; Cambridge, Oxford, Imperial, LSE, Warwick, York, Hong Kong, Toronto, Tokyo, Bristol, and Birmingham.
For further information about the Scholarship awards, please contact:
Mrs Megan Orton, Registrar, The Royal Wolverhampton School.
Email: mo@royal.wolverhampton.sch.uk
Tel: +44 (0)902 349109
Fax: +44 (0)1902 349119
Website: www.theroyalschool.co.uk
附:英国皇家沃福汉普顿中学详细介绍 Royal Wolverhampton
School创建于1850年,是一所男女共权制私立寄宿学校。伊丽莎白女王陛下及其母亲是该校的赞助人。皇家沃福汉普顿学校招收年龄在7岁至20岁之间的寄宿生。该校创造一种愉快惬意的环境,使学生得以充分地培养生活、学习等各方面的能力。每名学生均有自己的学习辅导员。Royal Wolverhampton School有幼儿、小学及中学部,拥有20多年教导海外学生经验。
阅读全文Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲