

2017年英国管理学专业MSc Management Project

2017/06/13 19:24:00 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:722 移动端

  英国管理学科学(management science)专业,MSc Management ,课程目标是具有一定的人文社会科学和自然科学基本理论知识,掌握现代经济与管理科学的基本理论与方法;掌握现代数学、计算科学等科学技术知识和某一方面的工程技术知识;能够运用运筹学、统计学、计算科学等科学技术知识和某一方面的工程技术知识;能够运用运筹学、统计学、组织行为学、可持续发展战略理论等知识来从事管理理论研究及应用;能够运用数学、经济学、管理科学等知识建立模型,并能运用计算技术分析研究管理问题;具有阅读本专业外文书刊的能力,一定的听的能力,初步的写和说的能力;具有灵活适用的公关交际技能;熟练的语言文字处理技能和计算机操作技能。

  英国管理学MSc Management一直就是中国学生申请的一个热门专业,而英国管理学MSc Management 专业主要专业课程一般都可以分为几个模块:数学、计算机、经济与管理,当然每个英国大学管理学MSc Management专业课程的具体设置是有着很多细节不同,下面就以ULC伦敦大学学院今年开设的管理学专业MSc Management Project课程说明及设置为例:

MSc Management Project

At UCL, academic excellence is imperative but it is not just about what happens inside the lecture theatres. MSc Management students work for organisations during their studies and we believe this makes them stand out from the rest.As part of their degree, MSc Management students carry out a project that involves an analysis and development of solutions to an issue identified by a client company. For example, students may design a new fund for an investment firm or help an entrepreneur to bring a fashion product to the market. The project gives students an opportunity to get real-life experience and apply some of their learning to practice.

Project can include:

  • Analysis of customer needs and product portfolios
  • Appraisal of business models and revenue plans
  • Development and feasibility of new product ideas
  • Organisation of work including team structures
  • Operational issues
  • Risk analysis

Why Choose MSc Management

Are you ambitious? Do you have a ‘can-do’ attitude?
Employers tell us that they look for people who aim high and will only be encouraged by challenges.

Are you keen to know more about business and management?

MSc in Management is designed to produce graduates with the knowledge and contacts to pursue a career in management.

Do you want support in developing your career?

Regular career workshops and one-to-one advice ensures that every graduating student is able to advance their career plans.

Who is this Course Designed For

Organisations need people who can motivate others and develop strategies in a dynamic and competitive environment. MSc in Management is designed to equip ambitious students with the knowledge and skills to work for leading organisations in the world. It provides a strong theoretical and practical foundation for understanding the drivers of today’s organisations.

Most students have a background in engineering, economics or social sciences, and they wish to pursue a career in one of the following industries:

  • Finance and banking
  • Management consultancy
  • Consumer products
  • Energy


We offer two routes on MSc Management:

  • Route A is designed for those students who have not studied business and management previously.
  • Route B is targeted at candidates who already have an undergraduate degree in business and management (e.g. Accounting and Finance).

Route B has a degree of flexibility in order to enable students to focus on those disciplines they have not studied at undergraduate level. Candidates are automatically directed on a route based on their application and prior studies.

Route A:

Term 1 Term 2
Accounting Markets and Customers
Finance Decision and Risk Analysis
Business Economics Strategy
Organisational Behaviour Careers II
Careers I One of the following:
Topical Issues in Finance
Leadership and Ethics
Creativity and Critical Thinking
Project Management
Operations and Technology Management
Innovation Management

Route B:

Term 1 Term 2
Strategic Management Markets and Customers
Corporate Finance Decision and Risk Analysis
Influence and Negotiation Skills Careers II
Careers I One of the following:
One of the following: Pathway 1 Finance
Business Economics Corporate Finance II
Accounting Topical Issues in Finance
Organisational Behaviour Pathway 2 Leadership
Leadership and Ethics
Creativity and Critical Thinking
Pathway 3 Technology Management
Project Management
Operations and Technology Management


MSc Management is based on four key themes:

Management from outside in

  • Analysis of business economics, global competition and markets provides an understanding and tools for analysing demand and customers in a constantly changing world.

Management from inside out

  • Focus on organisational behaviour and strategy gives students the skills to analyse and contribute to organisations that are successful in responding to customer needs and motivating their own people.

Analytical and business skills

  • Study of decision-making, accounting and finance provide students with knowledge and skills that are essential for running organisations in an fective and ficient way.

Leadership and professional development

  • Training in leadership and communication, together with workshops on professional development, enable students to develop knowledge and the skillsrequired to take up leadership roles.

Consultancy project

Instead of a dissertation, MSc Management students carry out a consultancy project in a small team. Many students have enjoyed the consulting project more than any other part of their MSc Management degree.

The project involves a period of consultancy work carried out by a team of students for a client company. For example, students may be asked to design a new fund for an investment firm or help an entrepreneur to bring a new energy drink to the market.

Most clients are small enterprises, meaning that students get direct access to company owners and gain a holistic understanding of how businesses are run. Consultancy teams may include students from London Business School via the HELO project. http://www.ucl.ac.uk/advances/students/support/helo).

Business Skills Masterclasses

In addition to academic subjects, students attend a series of interactive workshops on communication and presentation skills. The workshops concern skills that are seen as essential by employers:

Presentation Skills
Public speaking is an essential skill valued by employers. In this workshop, students prepare and make bri presentations which are filmed and discussed in small groups.

Effective Communication
Some people come across as charismatic, engaging and persuasive. This interactive workshop is designed to enhance verbal and non-verbal communication skills through a focus on listening, speaking and body language.

Time Management
The MSc Management degree involves a busy workload. This workshop focuses on the fective use of time including prioritisation and scheduling of work. It also covers typical causes of time-waste and how to deal with them.

Academic and Business Writing
Starting your email with ‘hi folks’ may mean that you never receive a reply. This workshop covers the core principles of business and professional writing.

Course Dates

One Year Full-time: Monday 24th September 2012 - 30th September 2013

Also available for part time study

Part Time Study Programme:

The course is also available for part-time study over two years. Part-time students are expected to attend lectures twice or three times a week. Lectures usually take place either in the morning (10:00 - 13:00) or afternoon (14:00 - 17:00). There are no evening or weekend lectures.

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