


2017/06/13 17:41:34 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:245 移动端


Competition between the Graduate Management AdMissions Test (GMAT) and the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) is bound to intensifywith the GRE revised General Test poised to launch on August 1. According toETS, creator and administrator of the exam, another 100 business schools havejumped on the GRE bandwagon in the past few months, swelling the number ofM.B.A. programs accepting this alternative test to more than 600.


  But how can you determine which test youshould take? The GMAT, long considered the gold standard for the specificacademic skills needed in graduate business school, is more expensive andoffered in fewer locations worldwide. Prospective grad students of the Arts andsciences have typically submitted GRE scores, and ETS believes applicantsdeciding between business school and other graduate programs will appreciatehaving one less test to study—and pay—for. Many elite schools say they hope todiversify their APplicant pool by accepting the GRE as an alternative in theadmissions process. Another favorable aspect for business schools: it creates amore competitive enrollment rate; the number of available spots stays the samebut the volume of applications goes up.



  Dan Gonzales, managing director ofManhattan GRE, tells M.B.A. Podcaster that in terms ofcontent, the GRE verbal is much more focused on vocabulary and vocabularyrecall whereas the GMAT is more focused on grammar, Logic, and reasoningskills. However, your background in math may play a bigger role in yourdecision of which test to take. Math in the GRE is more focused on quick numbersense, Gonzales says, while the GMAT is all about the classic word problem andhaving a systematic approach for solving this type of problem.


  ETS confirms that the revised test stillrequires basic math skills such as arithmetic, algebra, Geometry, and data analysis; however, it will focus more on questions involving data interpretationand real-life scenarios. It's worth noting that both exams were Designed fornative English speakers, so foreign applicants might find the GMAT's verbalcomponent easier than the GRE—particularly where vocabulary and writing skillsare concerned.


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