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本科阶段开设有航空管理专业(Aviation Management)的美国高校一共39所,其中,在US.NEWS综合排名前200中一共8所大学,今天我就简单介绍一下每所学校的录取要求以及费用等方面的信息。
综合排名52 俄亥俄州立大学哥伦比亚分校The Ohio State University-Columbia
开设在college of engineering,center for aviation studies.每年1,8月开学。国际生需要提交雅思6.5或托福79以上的成绩,需要提交SAT。学费US $26,726 a year。
课程包括: airports; management; aviation law; regulatory affairs; economics; marketing; domestic and international aviation; safety; air transportation analysis; and air transportation systems. Careers for the graduates include operational, professional, and executive positions in business aviation, general aviation, cargo, airports, aviation services, government transportation authorities, air traffic control, and airlines.
综合排名68 普渡大学 Purdue University
开设在 College of Technology, Department of Aviation Technology。每年9月开学。国际生需要提交雅思6.5或托福79以上的成绩。学费US $30,804 a year。
课程包括:accounting, supervision, and economics. Additionally, as part of their degree requirements, all aviation management students take five selective courses from a variety of course offerings in one of two focus areas: airline management or airport management. Students will also complete a capstone course in their selected focus area.
综合排名101 圣路易斯大学 Saint Louis University
开设在 Parks College of Engineering, Aviation and Technology, Department of Aviation Science。每年1,8月开学。国际生需要提交雅思6.5或托福80以上的成绩。学费:US $37,350 a year。
专业介绍:The program provides students with specialized knowledge of the aviation industry and a strong foundation in business administration. Aviation Management is available to students in an on-campus or flexible, online/distance format. Students also have the opportunity to gain actual flight experience and earn a private pilot’s certificate by enrolling in the Flight Science minor. Many internship programs and networking opportunities are available to enrich the educational and professional experiences of the student. Students can join Alpha Eta Rho, an international Collegiate Aviation Fraternity, with an alumni base of more than 45,000 professionals. Independent studies in aviation are offered for individuals wanting to pursue theoretical or experimental research under the direction of a faculty member.
综合排名135 俄亥俄大学 Ohio University
开设在 Russ College of Engineering and Technology, Department of Aviation。每年1,8开学。国际生需要提交雅思6.0或托福71以上的成绩,需要提交SAT。学费:US $19,344 a yea。
课程包括:Fundamentals of Human Communication, Fundamentals of Public Speaking, Principles of Microeconomics, Principles of Macroeconomics, General Psychology, Writing and Rhetoric I, Writing and Reading, Seeing and Knowing the Visual Arts, Techniques of Group Discussion, Principles and Techniques of Interviewing, Communication and Persuasion, Introduction to Literature, Fundamentals of Philosophy, Physical Geography, Meteorology, Introduction to Calculus, Introduction to Physics, Elementary Statistical Reasoning, Introduction to Health and Lifestyle Choices, Consumer Issues in Telecommunication, College Algebra, Survey of Astronomy, Introduction to Information Analysis and Design, Computer Programming I, Introduction to Aviation, Basic Aeronautics, Aviation Laws and Regulations, Aviation Safety, The National Airspace System, Financial Accounting, Managerial Accounting, Law and Society, Human Resource Management, Employee Relations, Management, Organizational Behavior, Law of the Management Process, Managerial Economics, Marketing Principles, Airline Operations Management , Internship in Aviation Operations, General Aviation Operations and Management, Transition to Aviation Industry.
综合排名142 亚利桑那州立大学 Arizona State University at the Polytechnic Campus
开设在College of Technology and Innovation, Department of Technology Management。每年1,5,8开学。国际生需要提交雅思6.0,各单项5.5或托福61以上的成绩。学费:US $23,654。
开设课程:The courses are: AMT 308 Air Transportation, AMT 396 Aviation Professional, AMT 408 National Aviation Policy, AMT 410 Aviation Safety and Human Factors, AMT 442 Aviation Law and Regulations, AMT 491 Aviation Management Capstone.
综合排名142 俄克拉荷马州立大学 Oklahoma state University-Stillwater
开设在College of Education, School of Educational Studies。每年1,8月开学。国际生需要提交雅思6.0或托福61以上的成绩。学费:US $20,776 a year。
专业介绍:This program prepares students for management positions in the aviation/aerospace industry. Employment opportunities include positions with fixed-base operators, air carriers, corporate flight departments, commuter and air taxi operations and a variety of career areas associated with airport operations.
综合排名159 佛罗里达科技学院 Florida Institute of Technology
开设在 College of Aeronautics。国际生需要提交雅思6.5或托福79以上的成绩。学费:US $32,310 a year。
课程包括:The modules are ASC 1000University Experience1, AVS 1201Aviation Meteorology3, AVT 1001Aeronautics 13, COM 1101Composition and Rhetoric3, CSE 1301Introduction to Computer Applications3, MTH 1000Precalculus3, AVS 1101Aviation Chemical Science3, AVT 2201National Airspace System3, COM 1102Writing about Literature3, MTH 1702Applied Calculus3, PSY 1411Introduction to Psychology3, AVS 2101Aviation Physical Science3, BUS 2211Introduction to Financial Accounting3, BUS 2303Macroeconomics3, COM 2224Business and Professional Writing3, HUM 2051Civilization 13, BUS 2212Introduction to Managerial Accounting3, BUS 2304Microeconomics3, BUS 2601Legal and Social Environments of Business3, BUS 2703Statistics for Business3, HUM 2052Civilization 23, AVM 3201Aviation Planning3, BUS 3401Corporate Finance3, BUS 3501 Management Principles3, BUS 3601Marketing Principles3, COM 3070Professional Communication for Executives3, Humanities Elective3.
综合排名200 肯特州立大学 Kent State University
开设在 College of Technology, Aeronautics Division。国际生需要提交托福71以上的成绩。学费:US $17,776 a year。
课程包括:Modules include: US 10097 First Year Colloquium 1, TECH 10001 Information Technology 3, TECH 13580 Engineering Graphics I 3, TECH 20002 Materials and Processes 3, ENG 11011 College Writing I 3, TECH 21021 Survey of Electricity and Electronics 4, ENG 21011 College Writing II 3, TECH 33033 Hydraulics / Pneumatics 3, MATH 11010 Algebra for Calculus 3, TECH 15000 Introduction to Aeronautics 3, MATH 11022 Trigonometry 2, TECH 15740 Elements of Flight Theory 5, MATH 11012 Intuitive Calculus 3, TECH 25250 Elements of Aviation Weather 3, TECH 35340 Airport Management 3, TECH 35341 Air Transportation Systems 3, TECH 35342 Air Traffic Control 3, A and S LER 3, TECH 45130 Physiology and Human Factors 3, TECH 45150 Applied Flight Dynamics I 3, TECH 45250 Aviation Law and Safety 3, TECH 45291 Aerospace Senior Seminar 1, TECH 45791 W Aviation Security and Policy Seminar 3, ECON 22060 Principles of Microeconomics 3, M and IS 24056 Fundamentals of Business Statistics 3, M and IS 24060 Systems Analysis I 3, PHY 13011 College Physics I (w/ Phy 13021 - lab) 3, M and IS 24070 Principles of Systems Development 3, PHY 13012 College Physics II (w/ Phy 13022 - lab) 3, M and IS 24163 Principles of Management 3, M and IS 34032 Data and File Technology 3, M and IS 34045 Small Systems Technology 3, COMM 15000 Introduction to Human Communications 3 M and IS 34053 Data Integration 3, ECON 22061 Principles of Macroeconomics 3 M and IS 34060 Operations Management 3.。
以上是综合排名前200的本科阶段开设有Aviation Management专业的8所学校,除此之外,在介绍一所航空管理专业也非常突出的学校----杜比克大学 .
杜比克大学获得全球最顶尖的航空学校联盟认证组织Aviation Accreditation Board International (AABI) 所认证的57个会员之一;为全美四千多所大学院校中,仅有的32所大学获Council for Higher Education Association (CHEA) 认证之航空管理学位课程。
学校拥有紧邻在美国爱荷华州杜比克机场的飞航基地及航空交通控制塔,并拥有超过22架飞机及6个飞行模拟器, 学校近期更获得美国教育部赞助经费添购全新飞行训练设备 (FTD-Flight Training Device);新的飞行导航设备可让学生在航空课程上获得更先进与专业的航空训练,使其未来在航空业职场上更具竞争力。这样大阵仗的新型设备, 不是每一个学校都可以有的喔!!
学校与美国航空界有密切的合作关系,尤其与American Eagle(美国航空子公司)关系甚笃。优异毕业生有机会获得American Eagle工作机会的优先考虑。
国际生申请需要提交TOEFL 79 / 雅思 6.0。
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲