

Class Discussions Encouraged

2017/06/08 05:35:23 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:256 移动端

  How much of your overall class time is devoted to discussion as opposed to lectures?

  1.萨拉劳伦斯学院Sarah Lawrence College|Bronxville, NY

  2.本宁顿学院Bennington College|Bennington, VT

  3.万宝路学院Marlboro College|Marlboro, VT

  4.尤金郎学院文科新学校Eugene Lang College The New School for Liberal Arts

  5.西蒙巴德学院Simon’s Rock College of Bard|Great Barrington, MA

  6.绿山学院Green Mountain College|Poultney, VT

  7.Prescott College|Prescott, AZ

  8.里德学院Reed College|Portland, OR

  9.罕布什尔学院Hampshire College|Amherst, MA

  10.斯维特布莱尔学院Sweet Briar College|Sweet Briar, VA

  11.大西洋学院College of the Atlantic|Bar Harbor, ME

  12.科罗拉多学院Colorado College|Colorado Springs, CO

  13.汉诺威学院Hanover College|Hanover, IN

  14巴德学院.Bard College|Annandale-on-Hudson, NY

  15.美国西点军校United States Military Academy|West Point, NY

  16.威斯理安学院Wesleyan College|Macon, GA

  17.古彻学院Goucher College|Baltimore, MD

  18.爱默生学院Emerson College|Boston, MA

  19.斯坦福大学Stanford University|Stanford, CA

  20.石丘学院Stonehill College|Easton, MA


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