您所在的位置: 首页> 新闻列表> 美国留学应用数学专业研究报告
应用数学(Applied Math):是应用目的明确的数学理论和方法的总称,研究如何应用数学知识到其他范畴(尤其是科学)的数学分枝,可以说是纯数学的相反。包括微分方程、向量分析、矩阵、傅里叶变换、复变分析、数值方法、概率论、数理统计、运筹学、控制理论、组合数学、信息论等许多数学分支,也包括从各种应用领域中提出的数学问题的研究。计算数学有时也可视为应用数学的一部分。
美国本科段核心课程(core courses):
MATH 119 Geometry for Architects
MATH 120 Business Mathematics I
MATH 121 Business Mathematics II
MATH 122 Introduction to Calculus
MATH 123 Applied Mathematics
MATH 148 Calculus/Precalculus I
MATH 149 Calculus/Precalculus II
MATH 151 Calculus I
MATH 152 Calculus II
MATH 230 Introduction to Discrete Mathematics
MATH 251 Multivariate and Vector Calculus
MATH 252 Introduction to Differential Equations
MATH 300 Perspectives in Analysis
MATH 332 Matrices
MATH 333 Matrix Algebra and Complex Variables
MATH 350 Introduction to Computational Mathematics
MATH 400 Real Analysis
MATH 402 Complex Analysis
MATH 405 Introduction to Iteration and Chaos
MATH 410 Number Theory
MATH 420 Geometry
MATH 425 Statistical Methods
MATH 426 Statistical Tools for Engineers Descriptive statistics and graphs, probability distributions, random sampling, independence, significance tests, design of experiments, regression, time-series analysis, statistical process control, introduction to multivariate analysis. Same as CHE 426. (3-0-3)
Prerequisite: Junior standing.
MATH 430 Applied Algebra
MATH 431 Applied Algebra II
MATH 435 Linear Optimization
MATH 453 Combinatorics
MATH 454 Graph Theory and Applications
MATH 461 Fourier Series and Boundary-Value Problems
MATH 474 Probability and Statistics
MATH 475 Probability
MATH 476 Statistics
MATH 477 Numerical Linear Algebra
MATH 478 Numerical Methods for Differential Equations
MATH 481 Introduction to Stochastic Processes
MATH 483 Design and Analysis of Experiments Review of elementary probability and statistics; analysis of variance for design of experiments; estimation parameters; confidence intervals for various linear combinations of the parameters; selection of sample sizes; various plots of residuals; block designs; Latin Squares; one, two and 2k factorial designs; nested and cross factor designs; regression; nonparametric techniques. (3-0-3)
Prerequisites: MATH 476 or MATH 474.
? Sample Syllabus
MATH 485 Introduction to Mathematical Finance This is an introductory course in mathematical finance. Technical difficulty of the subject is kept at a minimum by considering a discrete time framework. Nevertheless, the major ideas and concepts underlying modern mathematical finance and financial engineering will be explained and illustrated. (3-0-3)
Credit may not be granted for MATH 485 and MATH 548.
Prerequisite: MATH 475 or equivalent.
? Sample Syllabus
MATH 486 Mathematical Modeling I The primary goal of this course is to provide students the power of using the principles and methods of mathematical modeling for studies of complex systems ain science and engineering. The students will be introduced to the basic notions of the level abstractions, and on how to work on real problems at different levels. The emphasis throughout is on the synergy between the rigorous mathematical approaches, accurate choice of scientific approximation, engineering estimates, and data analysis. A broad range of physical phenomena, engineering applications as well as biological systems will be considered. The use of methods of applied analysis, theoretical physics, probability and statistics will be described. (3-0-3) (C)
Credit may not be granted for both MATH 486 and MATH 522.
Prerequisites: MATH 461 and MATH 475 (or equivalents).
? Sample Syllabus
MATH 487 Mathematical Modeling II The formulation of mathematical models, solution of mathematical equations, interpretation of results. Selected topics from queuing theory and financial derivatives. (3-0-3) (C)
MATH 488 Ordinary Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems
MATH 489 Partial Differential Equations First-order equations, characteristics. Classification of second-order equations. Laplace's equation; potential theory. Green's function, maximum principles. The wave equation: characteristics, general solution. The heat equation: use of integral transforms. (3-0-3)
Prerequisite: MATH 461.
? Sample Syllabus
MATH 491 Reading and Research
(Credit: Variable) (C)
美国硕士段核心课程(core courses)
MATH 500 Applied Analysis I
MATH 501 Applied Analysis II
MATH 512 Partial Differential Equations
MATH 515 Ordinary Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems
MATH 519 Complex Analysis
MATH 522 Mathematical Modeling
MATH 525 Statistical Models and Methods
MATH 530 Algebra
MATH 532 Linear Algebra
MATH 535 Optimization I
MATH 540 Probability
MATH 542 Stochastic Processes
MATH 543 Stochastic Analysis
MATH 544 Stochastic Dynamics
MATH 545 Stochastic Partial Differential Equations
MATH 546 Introduction to Time Series
MATH 548 Mathematical Finance I: Discrete Time
MATH 550 Topology
MATH 553 Discrete Applied Mathematics I
MATH 554 Discrete Applied Mathematics II
MATH 555 Tensor Analysis
MATH 556 Metric Spaces
MATH 557 Probabilistic Methods in Combinatorics
MATH 563 Statistics
MATH 564 Applied Statistics
MATH 565 Monte Carlo Methods in Finance
MATH 566 Multivariate Analysis
MATH 567 Advanced Design of Experiments
MATH 568 Topics in Statistics
MATH 569 Statistical Learning
MATH 577 Computational Mathematics I
MATH 578 Computational Mathematics II
MATH 579 Complexity of Numerical Problems
MATH 581 Theory of Finite Elements
MATH 582 Mathematical Finance II: Continuous Time
MATH 586 Theory and Practice of Fixed Income Modelling
MATH 587 Theory and practice of modeling risk and credit derivatives
MATH 589 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
MATH 590 Meshfree Methods
MATH 591 Research & Thesis M.S. DegreePermission of Instructor
MATH 593 Seminar in Applied Mathematics
MATH 594 Special Projects (Credit: Variable)
MATH 595 Geometry for Teachers 18 semester hours of an undergraduate mathematics major completed, certification as a mathematics teacher or approval of the instructor. The course is focused on fundamental ideas and methods related to Euclidean and Non-Eu
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲