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Mathematics & Statistics
Georgetown University, through its Department of Mathematics and Statistics, offers a unique masters degree in mathematics and statistics. The program culminates in an M.S. degree in Mathematics and Statistics.
The goal of this program is to prepare individuals for professional careers in areas which make use of mathematical and statistical techniques. Special emphasis will be given to those mathematical areas which blend applied mathematics with statistics or probability. Some typical areas are stochastic processes, financial mathematics, computational sciences, biostatistics and data mining. Individuals who complete the program will be able to pursue careers, especially in the Washington DC metro area, which are related to exciting fields such as dense, financial planning and homeland security. The program is appropriate both for students who have recently completed degrees with significant mathematical or statistical emphasis and for mid-career professionals who seek professional advancement or a shift in career track.
The Masters Program in Mathematics and Statistics is accessible to anyone who holds an undergraduate degree with the equivalent of a mathematics minor (typically one year of mathematics beyond calculus). The program offers the only professional degree on the eastern seaboard with close integration of mathematics and statistics and broad training.
There are four required core courses covering areas including applied mathematics, numerical methods, probability theory and statistics. Elective courses will treat areas of applied mathematics and statistics such as optimization, partial differential equations, stochastic differential equations, regression methods and biostatistics.
Another unique feature of the program is the use of industrial internships and consulting workshops. These will be arranged through Washington DC metro area industries, government agencies and laboratories, as well as other client departments at Georgetown University.
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Georgetown University is small and places high priority on teaching as well as research. Students will receive close personal attention from departmental faculty. Classes will be offered on Georgetown University’s Main Campus and elsewhere in the metro area. The program accommodates the needs of part-time students who live or work off-campus. Classes meet once per week, typically in the late afternoon or early evening. Many employers offer tuition benits to employees enrolled in a degree program. In addition, tuition payments may be tax-deductible.
Members of the Mathematics and Statistics Department (http://math.georgetown.edu/) and the staff of Georgetown University’s Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (http://grad.georgetown.edu/) will be happy to provide further help and information.
More information about the program will be found in the sections listed below, as well as on the departmental website located at:
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲