

美国大学对gmat 要求

2017/06/08 04:18:48 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:322 移动端
美国商学院申请竞争激烈,尤其是会计、金融,以及金融工程等专业,这些专业都是需要申请人提供gmat成绩的。我们认为如果想要申请到比较好的商学院项目,gmat要达到至少700分以上,如果申请人的gmat分数能够达到750分以上,那么申请则非常有竞争力。下面就来看看美国大学对gmat 要求。


Universtiy GRE gmat
Massachusetts Institute of Technology GRE:1353 gmat:720
Stanford University(CA) GRE:1440 gmat:720
University of California–Berkeley GRE:1353 gmat:707
Georgia Institute of Technology GRE:1353 gmat:720
University of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign GRE:1324 gmat:652
Purdue University–West Lafayette(IN) GRE:1281 gmat:720
University of Michigan–Ann Arbor GRE:1255 gmat:701
Carnegie Mellon University(PA) GRE:1342 gmat:696
University of Southern California(Viterbi) GRE:1353 gmat:720
California Institute of Technology GRE:1353 gmat:720
Cornell University(NY) GRE:1353 gmat:720
Univ. of California–San Diego(Jacobs) GRE:1353 gmat:720
University of Texas–Austin GRE:1353 gmat:720
Texas A&M Univ.–College Station(Look) GRE:1353 gmat:720
Univ of California–Los Angeles(Samueli) GRE:1353 gmat:720
University of Maryland–College Park(Clark) GRE:1353 gmat:720
University of Wisconsin–Madison GRE:1353 gmat:720
Princeton University(NJ) GRE:1353 gmat:720
PennsylvaniaStateUniv–UniversityPark GRE:1353 gmat:720
ColumbiaUniversity(Fu Foundation) (NY) GRE:733 gmat:729
Harvard University(MA) GRE:1280 gmat:743
JohnsHopkinsUniversity(Whiting) (MD) GRE:1306 gmat:749
Northwestern University (McCormick) (IL) GRE:1337 gmat:609
University of California–Santa Barbara GRE:1330 gmat:N/A
University of Washington GRE:1275 gmat:654
OhioStateUniversity GRE:1276 gmat:684
University of Florida GRE:1276 gmat:688
University of Minnesota–Twin Cities GRE:1299 gmat:N/A
Rice University(Brown) (TX) GRE:1292 gmat:742
Duke University(NC) GRE:1316 gmat:702
Virginia Tech GRE:1319 gmat:680
University of Pennsylvania GRE:1301 gmat:689
North Carolina State University GRE:1287 gmat:670
Washington University in St. Louis(Sever) GRE:1270 gmat:580
University of California–Davis GRE:1253 gmat:691
University of Rochester(NY) GRE:1302 gmat:715
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute(NY) GRE:1286 gmat:699
University of Virginia GRE:1291 gmat:731
University of Colorado–Boulder GRE:1313 gmat:742
Yale University(CT) GRE:1352 gmat:774
University of California–Irvine(Samueli) GRE:1255 gmat:688
Boston University GRE:1293 gmat:674
Case Western Reserve University(OH) GRE:1272 gmat:678
Dartmouth College(Thayer) (NH) GRE:1379 gmat:695
Iowa State University GRE:1272 gmat:711
University of Delaware GRE:1264 gmat:720

上文为大家解读的是美国大学对gmat 要求,计划申请美国商学院的同学不妨来了解一下,希望通过上文的解读,能给大家带来一定的帮助。更多有关美国留学选校信息,敬请关注美加百利留学网站!


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